Hey Say 7 Chat


yIchigoPrince signs in

yIchigoPrince: Is 7 online?

MrYutti signs in.

MrYutti: Yuto here!

BabyChii signs in.

BabyChii: Yuri here!

InglishGentleman signs in

InglishGentleman: Keito here

yIchigoPrince: Did my darling Keitty miss me?

InglishGentleman: Why would I miss a jerk like you?

yIchigoPrince:  Because you love me.

BabyChii: Since when did you two become loveydovey?

MrYutti: Somebody's jealous.

BabyChii: No I'm not.

yIchigoPrince: Oh come Chii. You're still my princess.

InglishGentleman: If he's your princes, then what am I?

yIchigoPrince: My pet.

InglishGentleman: NANI!!!!!!!



A/N: hahaha! Yama-chan is a serious . Poor Keito. All he is to Yama-chan is a pet.

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Dr4g0n0m #1
Chapter 1: Lol funny, just make it a little more readable by adding spaces and seperating each sentence with "enter"