Last day of sign up schedule

Duets' Fanfic Contest

Hey guys! I'm here to announce that last day of sign-up will be on August 17, 12PM KST! :D

Thank you to everyone who has signed up! I hope a lot more awesome authors will engage in this contest before the deadline comes! X)

I'll continue to update this story post for further announcements. Good luck to everyone!

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Chapter 1: i have a question! if i write a fic for a different "challenge," can i still submit it as an entry for this contest?
Chapter 2: I sent my fic yesterday!:D Just wanted to know if you got it!^^
Chapter 1: OMG. for name, were we supposed to put the name of the fic? i...put my own name


i signed up on 7/19 but i just wanted to confirm if you got that email :D my username is screamingmidget and the category was fluff
Chapter 1: Do we have to write a new one? Or otherwise can we send a one we have already written?
Chapter 1: HAI i just signed up for it UHM so do we write it out on aff like with a poster/background and everything? :D
Chapter 1: whoaaa this looks so cool :D!!! i wanna join!!!!