
"Wu Yifan, I Love You"

Yixing was someone Kris needed desperately. He had come to depend on him so much that the mere thought of the younger boy no longer being a part of his life scared him senseless.

On the other hand he just as desperately needed to keep their relationship private. To let anyone else come that close to him – to let them see the most vulnerable part of himself was something he just couldn’t do. Kris simply wasn’t able to expose his heart and soul like that to anyone but Yixing.

Thus he’d limit himself to simple touches and affectionate gazes in public. The other members had also quickly learnt not to ask questions about him and Yixing the same way they avoided the subject of Kris' family matters. They understood Kris need to keep this under wraps in front of others and so did Yixing. The brunette would smile his dimpled smile, hold onto his arm and say something teasing and witty and wait until they were alone – away from prying eyes and curious ears.

Kris would cling to Yixing during the night, hold the smaller boy as close to his body as he physically could without hurting him. They didn’t talk much, they would just lay there, legs tangled together, Yixing snuggled into Kris chest and Kris with his long arms caged around his boyfriend and breathing in the scent of his hair.

Sometimes, when his feelings overwhelmed him, Kris would just let himself cry into Yixing’s hair and rock them back and forth. It was during those times he had the hardest time believing that this beautiful creature, this angel, actually loved him and wanted to be with him. But at the same time it was only then he felt like he understood it perfectly – when he had his face hidden in Yixing’s soft hair, tears streaming down his cheeks and Yixing would press his head into the crook of the taller boys neck and whisper;

Wu Yifan I love you,” over and over again until they both fell asleep.



Tada! So this is the result of me getting an idea in the middle of the night, kinda, and just having to write it down. I know it's not really the same quality as my other fics - I realized that some words are repeated quite alot when I read through it - but I didn't want to edit it because I felt like it would lose some of the raw emotional value I feel like it has now. Thus this is compleately unedided :)

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Chapter 1: This was so beautiful and so well written. I'm crying right now xd thanks for writing this ♡
ilabya42 #2
Chapter 1: As sweet as lollipop;3
exo_baozi #4
Chapter 1: listening to kiss the rain by yiruma while reading this isn't exactly helping my feels ^^" I love it!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: the each words you wrote makes me crying
Chapter 1: the each words you wrote makes me crying
Chapter 1: It's beautiful, I love it :)
KrayLovers #8
<3 this is so sweet <3
I really love this fic
Can I translate it into Vietnamese?
Chapter 1: Awwwww this is very sweet<3