First Glance

Notorious Gang Leader

          "Hurry up, you idiot! Or we are going to be late!" Sooyoung, Taemin's mother yelled.

          "Sheesh, she's so impatient! What, a guy can't look good for his first day of school? She knows how long i take to get ready!" Taemin ran down the stairs, muttering to himself. It was his first day of school, after migrating from Paris to South Korea. He still hated how his parents forced him to leave the bright lights of Paris for Seoul. Now, he has to adapt to a totally new environment, and leave behind all of his friends, and his boyfriend (well, ex now.) , Heechul.They agreeded that a long distance relationship wouldn't work out for them, so they broke it off. Although Taemin would admit this to no one, he's still feeling a little hurt over the break-up.

          Arriving at school, Taemin went in search for the office, to settle some administrative work. Soon after, he was shown to his new classroom. His new class was a typical high school class, noisy, rowdy, with the typical stereotypes of jocks, cheerleaders and nerds, etc. He was asked to introduce himself. "Hello. I'm Taemin, and I've recently just migrated from Paris." The teacher welcomed him, and pointed for him to seat at the only available seat in the classroom. Beside a dorky looking guy, and a guy who seems to look really good in pink. He groaned inwardly, and trudged his way to his seat. Throughout the entire time, he kept to himself, trying to endure the stares he was receiving. No one spoke to him , till lunch hour. 

          "Hello! I'm Jonghyun! It's really great to have a new classmate. How's your day so far?" The dorky looking guy introduced himself.

         "Oh, it has been great! Thanks! If great being that you know you're being discussed by people around you, then, yes. It has definitely been great." Taemin said sarcastically.  

          Wow, he's really obnoxious. I guess claims about people from Paris being aggorant is true, then. Jonghyun thought. But he persevered. He really wanted Taemin to feel welcomed. He introduced the guy wearing pink to be Key, the diva of the school, and told him several things about stuffs going around school. 

          Taemin made sounds of acknowledgement, "mm"-ing and "ah-ing" at whatever Jonghyun was saying. I guess if I am going to be here for at least another 2 years, I better make the best of it then. He finally allowed himself to open up to Jonghyun, and managed to make himself a new friend that day. After school, as he stepped out of the classroom, he heard music blasting loudly from the hall. Music that was suitable for popping. His favourite kind of music. He followed the music, and walk smack into a huge crowd watching a dance battle. 2 guys, about 2 years or older, were battling each other and it looked like the pink-key guy was one of them. 

          Damn, he's a good dancer. Taemin was fighting the impulse to just step into the circle and start dancing too. Dance was his passion, his life. Suddenly, he was shoved to the side and he stumbled, fighting for balance as a group of gangster-ish looking guys walked pass him. The crowd parted, leaving a pathway for the group as if they were afraid of them. But Taemin didn't know any better, and smacked the one who had shoved him aside on the arm, and demanded an apology. Taemin immediately regretted that action. The guy was taller than Taemin, and larger in the physical sense than Taemin. He bared his teeth at Taemin, and the latter flinched inwardly. The guy was getting ready to punch him, lifting his fist when another guy, stopped him, asking him to stop. 

         Taemin glanced up and saw a guy who was handsome, as handsome as Lucifer himself. The wicked glint in his eyes only added to his handsomeness. But his smile. Ohgod. It made Taemin's knees go weak. When he heard his voice, Taemin melted. "Stop it, Ryeowook. Let it go. " The handsome-as-sin guy said. The crowd had gone silent, watching the commotion.

         "But he ing smacked me!" Ryeowook complained.

        "Fine! Let's have a dance battle to settle it. " Taemin blurted out without thinking.

        "The loser kneels o the floor and begs the winer for forgiveness, AND. Is the winner's dog for the entire school term." Handsome Guy said. 

         Before Taemin could agree, he was pulled aside by Jonghyun, with a " S'cuse me gentlemen, can you let me talk to my friend for just a second? " And was dragged to a corner. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING! Don't you know who that group of people was?!" Obviously seeing Taemin's ignorance, Jonghyun rambled on, " They are the most notorious gang in the school, and their leader, Onew, though i gotta admit ,is y as hell, but he's the worst of the pack! What are you doing having a dance battle with them? Ryeowook's a pretty average dancer, but if Onew takes his place, you're a goner. That guy's a god! " 

         "Look, I can take care of myself. Just wait and see. " With that, Taemin strutted off, giving Jonghyun no time to answer. 

         "So you're back. We thought you were chicken and ran off." Ryeowook said with malice. 

         " Not a chance. I agree to the terms. Now let's this dance battle started." Taemin said with absolute confidence.

         "Wait. I'm taking Ryeowook's place in the challenge. I'm dancing against you. Why? Cause I pretty like the terms that I've came up with, and I want YOU to be my lackey at my beck and call for the term."  Onew's heart-melting voice came from behind him.

        Ryeowook looked like he wanted to argue, but when Onew shot a glare towards Ryeowook, there was no objection. Oh damn, I'm screwed. But if I back out now, I'll seem like a cowardly loser. . Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? Yes, my dancing is good. But. WHAT THE HELL MAN. Thanks for that vote of confidence, Jonghyun.

         "Bring it on. I'll go first." Taemin said with fake-confidence, meeting Onew's challenging gaze with his own.


End of Chapter1. I hope you've liked the beginning, please comment and subscribe!  <:

I'll post chapter 2 up by Saturday.

Do look forward to chapter 2! 


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Omo... :(<br />
Its okay. Its your decision. <br />
Please feel better soon.<br />
You probably won't see this but please do
Lunnsix #2
get well soon! i don't know if you are going to read this comment but thank you for writing this story! <br />
I hope you will write more, i really liked this story.
Uhm...Taemin, that warm fuzzy feeling you get when Onew is around is called LOVE...<br />