Happy Birthday Heenim

Happy Birthday Heenim (Teukchul Ver.)

Heechul sat, the book he was reading in his lap, fingers curled over the page waiting to turn it.

His reading glasses where slowly slipping down his nose, perched on the bridge, as he snuggled into his pillows and blankets, his desk lamp creating a soft glow on his side of the room.

He paused in his reading, and glanced at the clock. It was nearly midnight.

He sighed through his nose. He was thirty one in exactly two hours and forty minutes.

Not that Heechul was paying much attention to that, if normal circumstances the annoyance of ageing would be weighing heavily on his mind, but no, Heechul had another problem to think about.

Leeteuk still hadn't come to bed.

Heechul sighed in vague irritation.

Damn that man. 

Working too hard as usual, he wasn't even the leader at the moment, yet he still had to make sure Eunhyuk was handling the job fine and everything was perfectly in order for the members.

The damn man was on leave from military for the week, he should be resting, letting his boyfriend pamper him, and pampering said diva boyfriend, not working into the night.

Heechul set down his book, and crawled out of bed.

His bed was ever so lonely without his lover of nearly twelve years, and he was getting cold with the angel leader next to him.

Padding down the hallway, Heechul reached the study, a room he had designed for Leeteuk personally, knowing he didn't like to be idle.

Their small apartment was quiet, save for the scratching of pen to paper as Leeteuk made arrangements for member's to appear on different variety shows, selected their days off, and went over their tour schedules.

Heechul sighed by the open door, the orange light from the lamp spilling onto the carpet outside the room.

Slowly Heechul made his way to his slightly older lover, and his arms draped around his shoulders, soft lips finding their place at Leeteuk's neck.

Leeteuk stopped his movements, letting out a soft sight at the touch.

"It's late." Heechul whispered. "What are you doing Teukie-ah?"

"I couldn't sleep. So I thought I'd go over some -"

"Ssshh not you don't Mister Overworker," Heechul murmured. "You're coming to bed to keep me warm, understand?"

"Chul-ah, I really should get this done..."

"Eunhyuk can take care of it, he's a good worker he'll sort it out, it's your break time you're supposed to be resting." Heechul said pressing his warm cheek against Leeteuk's cold one.

Leeteuk sighed contently, eyes fluttering slightly. "I know, but -"

"No buts Jungsu, come to bed. It's my birthday in a few hours, so I get to make you do what I want you to, and no arguing you need rest," Heechul murmured smirking softly.

"It's your birthday, I should be telling you to sit down while I do everything," Leeteuk smiled.

Heechul released his lover and smiled softly. "Yeah, well you can do that tomorrow, right now all I want is you next to me, holding me. I love it when you hold me Jungsu,"

Leeteuk smiled lovingly at the other male before standing up from the desk and pulled Heechul close to him.

Heechul rested his head on Leeteuk's shoulder, content in his warm embrace.

The radio Leeteuk had on in a low volume began to play one of Heechul's favourite songs, and the two slowly swayed to the music.

Heechul's eyes were closed and he breathed in Leeteuk's scent deeply. Vanilla and ginger.

It was slowly becoming one of Heechul's favourite smells.

"What does the Kitten want to do for his birthday tomorrow?" Leeteuk murmured.

"I don't know." Heechul replied softly. "Anything with you."

Leeteuk smiled, gently Heechul's freshly cut dark hair.

He loved moments like this, when Heechul was Heechul, not Super Junior's diva, not the comical MC or the aggressive performer, just Kim Heechul.

A soft-hearted, happy, cuddly kitten. 

There were many sides to Heechul that Leeteuk loved, and this was probably his favourite.

Heechul would chide him for working too hard, he knew how much strain it put on him.

He was so caring and loving, and so many people didn't see that about him that it hurt Leeteuk to think anyone in the world could hate Kim Heechul.

Even some of the other members had trouble dealing with his eccentric ways.

They just didn't understand him like Leeteuk did, no one could make Heechul do what Leeteuk did.

Heechul gave a small yawn.

"Tired kitten?" Leeteuk asked.

"Nae." Heechul murmured.

"Well go snuggle into bed, I'll be along in a minute, I just have to finish this," Leeteuk said releasing Heechul.


"I promise I won't be longer than five minutes."

A long stare was given, and a sigh was heaved, accompanied by a great sagging of broad shoulders.

"Fine." Heechul mumbled, trundling out of the room in his ovesized t-shirt and fluffy pink pants.

Back in bed, Heechul counted the seconds, growing irritated and angry when it was five minutes to midnight.

Leeteuk finally switched off the lights and entered the bedroom, but Heechul had turned his back to the angel, angry and withdrawn as he got into bed.

"Heechul-ah don't be too mad at me please," Leeteuk pleaded.

"Why shouldn't I?" Heechul muttered.

"Because. I want to give you your birthday present." Leeteuk said.

"What has that got to do with any--" Heechul said sat up, words cut off by the object in Leeteuk's hands. "Oh Jungsu..."

"It's what I've been working on all night, I wanted it to be perfect, so it took a while." Leeteuk smiled.

Heechul hesitantly took the book from Leeteuk and set it in his lap.

Opening the book he found it was a home-made photo album.

On the first page was a photo of them both the day they met, and inscription scribbled underneath it.

When we met, I thought you were odd, but funny. I had no idea how intricate you were, or how much I'd grow to love everything about you.

Heechul flipped the page to a photo of them the first time they shared dinner.

You got angry when I ate a portion of your noodles, I didn't understand why but I bought you white chocolate so you'd stop being mad at me.

On the next page was a photo of them after their very first perfomance, they were hugging and crying for their success on stage.

You worked so hard on stage that night, you were glowing with pride when fans screamed your name from the crowd. I was so proud of you Heechul.

The next page held a selca of the two of them after their first award.

I'd never seen you so happy before, even if I didn't recognise my admiration as love back then, I was so happy when you pulled me into a hug and congratulated me.

The next page was a photo of them on their first secret date.

I was so nervous that night, even more nervous than when I'd asked you out, even though you laughed and agreed. I hope I didn't make any mistakes, but you smiled the entire time, so I must have done alright.

The next photo was their first kiss, courtesy of Kyuhyun and an iphone.

There weren't fireworks like in the books, or butterflies like the movies, but to me that kiss meant everything, it was so perfect, just like you.

The next photo was of Leeteuk holding a sobbing Heechul, it had been taken the day after Hangeng left the company.

You were so sad, so broken when he left us, I couldn't bare to see you so upset. It killed me. You let me hold you when you cried and begged me to stay with you, I will stay Heechul, I will stay forever if you let me.

The next photo was taken mischievously by Heechul, it was right after they first made love, the photo showed only their nakes torsos and Leeteuk pressing his lips to Heechul's smirking face.

Do I need to explain what that night was to me? It was heaven. Being with you like that made my life complete, you were so perfect, so beautiful, I knew I'd never want another, there's only you Heechul.

The very last photo, was of Heechul smiling gently at the camera, rugged up on the couch, a sleeping Leeteuk in his arms.

I want to be with you forever Kim Heechul, I love you. I hope we can be forever. Your angel in love, Jungsu.

Heechul turned watery eyes to the smiling Leeteuk.

"Oh Jungsu...it's beautiful..." he murmured.

Normally he wasn't one for such sweet sentimental things, but Leeteuk's gift brought emotions bubbling to the surface.

"I hoped you'd like it," Leeteuk smiled.

"I love it. It's perfect, just like my perfect boyfriend." Heechul beamed.

He tugged Leeteuk closer, taking the man into his arms. "My soulmate." he whispered.

Leeteuk shivered at the whisper. "Forever?"

"Until the end of time." 

Heechul tightened his grip on Leeteuk.

"I love you Heechul."

"I love you too Jungsu. There'll never be another now I've found you."

Leeteuk smiled and pulled back to look Heechul in the eyes, as their clock chimed the hour.

It was midnight.

"Happy Birthday Heenim." Leeteuk whispered, leaning in and capturing the male's lips in his.

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Chapter 1: This is so sweet!!!!
Chapter 1: Eeeee so fluffy~ that was really sweet of Leeteuk <3
Chapter 1: xo xo sweet!!
i would melt~~
Chapter 1: omona that absolutly sweet story. Daebak author-shi
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwww this is reallyyyy sweettttttt.. I want to see the photobook!! Lol great job :D
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaa /melts/ 太完美〜 ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆