My heart is beating

Love Sick

When he came back, only after a few minutes.. He saw minwoo sleeping peacefully.

"What an angel" he whispered and walked silently. He gently rubbed the damp towel on Minwoo's forehead, then slowly doing the same on his whole face. Admiring every corner of that beauty.

"Thanks youngminnie.." Minwoo whispered

 "anything for my baby." He pinched the other's nose lightly "I almost forgot!" youngmin opened the packaging of the medicine "you need to drink this." handing it and a glass of water to minwoo


Continuing down to his arms, he was about to do his chest... but something inside him was battling if he should or should not do that part.

"Minwoo? I'm gonna wipe your chest, is it ok?" he whispered, and Minwoo half-sleeping nodded

Youngmin raised his shirt but got stopped at the middle. Minwoo held his hand and signaled him not to continue. "Ok, but i'm still doing your chest, even with your shirt on" and Minwoo obediently nodded


He tucked him back to bed and kissed his forehead.

"Promise you wouldn't leave me" Minwoo looked intensely at Youngmin's eyes.

"Yes Minwoo, I will not.. Now go back to sleep" he held the other's hand "i promise"

Youngmin was about to stand up, and put the things back to the kitchen, but Minwoo wouldn't let go of his hand.

"You told me you wouldn't leave me?" Minwoo said, with his eyes still closed.


The older just gave up, arguing is not a good choice right now. He could always put it back later... Youngmin had an idea of singing to him, hoping he'll go to sleep with it.

[listen : here~ ]

Words on the tip of my tongue
Words that I want to say only when I see you
That you’re too precious, I’m gonna protect you
Those words that I’ve been holding in

Words that make me happy when I can speak them out
Words that are sweet to just pronounce
That I will be my best
That I want to treat you with my best, those words

Minwoo decided to sing with his lover in the chorus 

I love you, I love you, I love you
Because saying just once or twice isn’t enough
I can’t save it, I can’t hide it
I’m confessing my true heart

Only you only you are everything to me
Even when I look at you, even when I hold you, they’re too much I can’t handle
Every time I speak them out, my heart flutters again
Those words that have never been easy, “I love you”


"i love you" minwoo repeated the last words, emotions wrapped in every word "i love you youngminnnie." he repeated again, trying to sit up straight.

"I love you too Minwoo" Youngmin said in reply "now go to sleep, please?" He was just worried with his love, he knew the guy needed to rest. With the speed of lightning, Minwoo pulled Youngmin's head close to his, he was about to kiss the lips, but rather chose the cheeks. Youngmin's cheeks turned blood red, but it would have been better if he tasted those lips again. 

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Sonixx #1
Congrats ^-^
congrats :D
MedoLedo #3
congrats~ ^^
I want Boyfriend to make a new comeback :(
SeboLove #5
COngrats :)
Congratulations on the random feature! ♡
milkytwilight_ #8
Congratulations~! I miss Boyfriend.