Chapter 1 : After The Fire

Like A Dream

            "Ahh~ feels nice to be in a hot tub after long day of school, doesn't it?" You looked at your hands.
"Man..I'm getting all wrinkly! I was just in here for a few seconds. . . . .Hmmm that's strange. Why is the water scolding hot all of the sudden?!"

*glass shatters*  You look around.
"Who's there?! What's going on?" You try getting out of the hot tub, but something forceful was keeping you in.
"Wha..what is this...what's going on! Why can't I get out!? DAD?? DAD!!"

Your eyes quickly opened as you breathe heavily with sweats all over.
"Was that just a dream? How crazy.  . ." You wipe your sweat off then realize that it was burning hot in your room.

"Honey!!  Are you there?!? Are you okay?!?" The door burst open with flames.
"Dad?!!? What's going on? Dad?!" you screamed
He rushes over with a blanket over his head. "Don't panic, don't worry, we'll get out of here. Just be calm and follow me, okay!??!"
You didn't say anything and got under your dad's arm and followed him. You eyes started to sting with the smoke.  As you guys got to the top of the stairs, it started to crumble.
"Dad? What are we going to do?"
"Just go first okay honey? Run forward and don't look back okay!?"
"What about you?"
"Don't worry! I'll be right behind you, Go!!" He pushed you down. You quickly ran down the stairs as it started to fall into pieces behind you. You turned around to look for your dad and see him fall along with the stairs.
"DAD!! DAD!" Tears started to cover your eyes. You try to run towards him but something was holding you back.
"Miss you shouldn't. He's gone. Hurry and get out, this place is going to crash!" The firefighter screamed and pulled you out the door.

As you got out your mom rushes towards you and hugged you tight. Your house  started to collapse.
"Honey, are you okay? Are you okay?"
"'s..he's.." Before you could say anything else, tears started to rush down your cheeks and you started to cry.
"You don't have to say it...I know.And ...I'm sorry." She said as she started to let out tears too.



            It's been 2 weeks since that incident. Everything happened so suddenly, and I lost everything I loved in just a few minutes. Everyone keeps asking if I'm okay.  .well what do you think? How would you feel if you lost your house and dad? *sigh* I just want to get out of here. Why are we here anyways? You looked around.
In front of you was a big glass coffee desk with a bunch of fashion magazine on top.  On your left was a glass door where you could see other employers working on the other side. And on the right was the secretary. She was writing something in her book then looked up as she caught you staring at her.  You turned away quickly.
"Do you want something to drink?"
" I'm fine, thanks."
Well..that was awkward. What's my mom doing in's been awfully long. Then suddenly the secretary phone started to ring.
"Hello?" she answered. "Yes sir, I'll tell her to come in right now."
Her? Is that me?
"Mr.Xiah said you can come in now" she said as she pointed to the door.
You walked towards the door staring at the doorknob, when it suddenly opens. You look up and saw your mom.
"Mom, are you done?"
"Honey, come in, there's something we need to talk about."
"Something you need to talk about...?"
"Come on in, come in!" Mr. Xiah said with a big smile.  "Sit sit sit, don't be shy"
You looked at your mom in confusion and sat down slowly.
"What's going on" you asked.
"Well, honey. It's great news. Mr. Xiah has offered us to stay at his home!"
"What? Why? What's the catch?"
"Hahahaha, she's a bright one isn't she?" Mr.Xiah said with a big smile. "You don't have to worry! There's no catch at all. You see, your dad and I were close friends."
"Friends? I've never heard that before. I don't think he even mentioned you"
"Honey, don't be rude!" She scolded.
"Don't worry it's right for her to be cautious." Mr. Xiah said with a smirk. "Why don't I tell you what happened in the past and you'll understand why I'm offering you this." He sat in his comfy spinning chair with all his fingers intertwining in front of his face.
"It was a long time ago, when your dad and I was in middle school. You see, I wasn't this nice like I am now. I was actually a bully and your dad, well, was my target. He was rich and scrawny, while I was poor and needed the money. I didn't actually hurt him in any way! But the other guys that I hung out with took it too far and the next day, we heard that he had decided to move school. It was also the same day when I had also gotten into big trouble. Apparently this other kid that I picked on at the PC room had a gangster as a brother and made him go after me. I ran into the ally way, it was 3 against one. They started to beat me up badly; I really thought I was going to die. It was then I heard your dad voice. "Stop!" He said. "Don't do this to him!"  He begged. Did he even know who I was? I wondered. If he knew I was the one who bullied him, would he still be this brave? But then he screamed. "Junsu! Are you okay?" I was shocked. He knew who I was, and still tried to save me..Why? "Just leave...GO!" I screamed at him. "You should listen to your friend" They started to gang up on him.
 "Run!! This is no of your business!" I shouted. But he didn't go. He said that wasn't right to leave someone injured. He got beaten up because of me and he even paid them to stop.
 Even after all that...He took care of my injury and stayed with me till I was better. For the first time in my life, I felt  like I had someone there for me. That it wasn't just only me in my pathetic life. That night, we talked. I told him I was sorry for what I've done and that it was just because I needed the money. He smiled at me and said it was okay. I woke up the next day and he was gone. When I looked in my jacket pocket, there was a note, with some money.  The note said that I should stop being who I am, and start finding better ways to earn money. He listed a bunch of job openings for me at the bottom. I was touched. It was then I wanted to change myself. I wanted to be more like him. But when I went to school the next day, he had already moved. I never saw him again till a week ago. I saw on the news. I felt horrible that such a nice guy like him had faced such a horrible death. I saw that he had a family; a beautiful wife and a loving daughter but also with no money. I wanted to do something for you guys, for him. So please, would you accept this offer?"
You looked at him in shock.
"Your mom and I have already talked about it; she was just like you and didn't want to accept it. But we came to the conclusion that you can stay till you guys earn enough money to get your own house. So, what do say? Can you please help me clear my guilt that I have till this day?"
They both looked at you.
"Well, I guess if it's only till we earn enough money. . ."
"That's great!" He said in excitement as he clapped his hands.
Your mom hugged you and whispered, "Thanks for going through with this, I'll work hard to earn enough money for the both of us"
"Don't thank me, I'll also worked hard for the both of us" We both smiled at each other.

"Now, lets go to your new house, shall we?" Mr.Xiah said.
"Lets!" You and your mom shouted.


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