Class One

‘I Never Really Was Much of a Dancer Anyway’

            The glossy shine of the paper stapled to the pole on the street corner caught his eye like fish to a hook. Quickly, Kim Jongwoon shoved past a few people walking next to him on the street and went to get a closer look at the poster.

            ‘Modern Dance Class, 7 pm at the studio on the corner of 16th and 1st, Saturday April 14th. ₩15,000 entry fee, each class is free after that.’

            His curiosity burned and he quickly took a picture of the sign to remember all of the details. He thought, ‘April 14th is. Is. today?’ He glanced down at his watch to see if it was too late to get home, change, and get to the studio. He had forty-five minutes, no car and his house was10 minutes away by foot. He turned around and started sprinting to his house, each leap got bigger and bigger. By the time he reached home, his face was dripping with sweat and he could feel his heart beat in his throat. Yep, he was defiantly fit for a dance class. He had always been dangerously curious.

            Swiftly, he hopped into some shorts, sneakers, and a tee shirt, and bolted out of the door. There was a 25-minute jog to the dance studio and he wanted to be there early so he could impress the instructor. If he started running at that exact money, he would’ve gotten there about five minutes early. This time, his strides where even longer than before, instead of a settle breeze as he passed by it was more of an abrupt wind.

            ‘Okay, one more block’, he had to keep reminding himself that he couldn’t be late, otherwise he may of just settled into a leisurely stroll. Finally he arrived at the dance studio about three minutes early and quickly ran upstairs into the studio. Never had Yesung felt to awkward about something new. He saw awards hanging on the walls boxed in shiny frames, displaying all of the awards won by the studio. There was an older, very skinny woman sitting behind the desk flipping through a magazine.

            “Hello?” Yesung was instantly regretting his decision on coming to the studio, “ I’m here for the umm, for the class that was advertised on the poster down on the street corner.

            This woman hardly looked up at him and gestured him to open the door sitting adjacent to the door. Timidly, Yesung walked towards the door, feeling as if when he opened it, he would be sort of a different person. For some reason, he felt as if when he started something like this, it wouldn’t be like the other things his curiosity led him to. Painting class was easy and warm and inviting, the same with the choir he decided to join that one time and the community play he got the small role in. He took a very deep breath and opened up the door.

            It was a large room with an extremely glossy wooden floor. There was one wall that wasn’t a wall; it was an extremely large mirror. Just the room intimated the boy so much that he felt as if he could just melt into the corner. The people in the room where the scariest part. They where all dark, golden tan and had muscular arms and legs, granted, a few of them looked like Yesung, obviously the people that had seen the flyer and are the new, slightly less awkward, attendees.

            Yesung, being caught up in all of the new experiences of the room, didn’t realize that one of the muscular guys from before walked in front of the class.

            ‘Okay how many of you have had experience in dance?’ Nearly everyone raised his or her hands, except for Yesung and some other guy on the other corner of the room. Yesung strained his neck trying to look at the other inexperienced man. He looked about the same age as Yesung. He had very straight and flat reddish- brown colored hair that fell right under his eyebrows.

            “That’s good!” The instructor commented on the class. “So we can start on something a little bit more challenging.”

            So as expected, the class made Yesung struggle. There where intricate leg and arm movements that left him questioning his ability to move. Thirty minutes into the class Yesung looked back at the other young man who hadn’t had any experience. He was doing each move with intense precision. It as almost as if he had been doing this forever. Oh no.

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*giggles* Yesung is such a fail dancer. ^^ I love him to death, though. X) I'm excited for him and Kyu to finally talk to each other. ^^
intrap #2
Chapter 1: Ah! Really! I can feel yesung's awkwardness when he's the only one that can't move on his foot!:D