Why life hates me? (pout)

Kingka's Love Attack

Eunyoung P.O.V

Urgh! How I hate my alarm clock? Answer: too much!!!. But then I headed to take a shower then I take a look at my uniform and screamed for the first time in my life. Then hyung rush to my bedroom 

Hyung: What happened? What's the problem?

Eunyoung: This! *showing the uniform*

Hyung: Oh! It's the new uniform? Cool! I like it! 

Eiunyoung: I'm saying this is the problem *showing skirt*

Hyung: What's the problem? It's clean

Eunyoung: Aish!! Still don't get it! Hello?!

Hyung: It's only a skirt 

Eunyoung: Niet!(No!) It's a S-K-I-R-T

Hyung: No need to repeat I'm not deaf and that isn't a problem.

Eunyoung: You known me for years and that's always my problem. Ugh! I hate girly stuff!

(A/N: Eunyoung is a tomboy that's why she reacts like she want to kill the sewer that made that uniform)

Hyung: Yeah! I know but you have to use it is obligatory 

Eunyoung: Ugh! Fine!!! But don't laugh (ice glare)

Hyung : Don't worry. So I change into my uniform and headed downstairs where hyung and unnie were (A/N: Eunyoung is a tomboy but she still call her sister unnie)

Unnie saw me and smile sincerely but hyung starts ROFL. Then unnie glared at him he stops laughing for a minute and starts laughing again  even if he's my hyung I couldn't control myself and smacked his head.

Eunhyuk: Aish! Why do you smacked my head? I'm your oppa

Eunyoung: Because you won't stop laughing at me *groan*

Eunhyuk: Sorry it's because of your image right now

Eunyoung: Ara!( I know!) Because It's my first time using a skirt and I don't like it.

Eunhyuk: Ok We know how are you feeling

Me: No! Not you Unnie maybe but you hyung don't. ugh! I hate skirts *screams*

Hyung: Ok Geez I'm gonna turn deaf If you continue screaming

Taeyeon: Ok don't bother Taeyeon arasso?

So we ate with Taengoo unnie and hyukkie hyung and headed to school.

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whiteprincess23 #1
yay! I have 4 subscribers but comment if you want I won't say a word n.n
whiteprincess23 #2
comment if you want! :)