B.A.P(1) Unbreakable

Quotes from kpop idol and songs

“Though you fall down hundreds of times, keep getting up.

We’ll never break down”

-B.A.P. Unbreakable



To: People who feel like giving up. Don’t. Tell yourself even if you fall down, you’ll stand up again. Tell yourself everything wll be worth it in the end. Continue to pursue your dreams and one day you’ll reach it.



Picture credits to: Owner


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b2st_b2uty4evr #1
Chapter 11: I really love Junhyung's quote 'I really hate two faced people, it's hard to choose who to slap first' Aww..Junhyungie *_*
minchanhun #2
Chapter 16: tbh,there's this one of my closest bff but now....she broke our friendship.
Chapter 66: I love this song T_T
Chapter 59: I love that one its so true i love it so much
Chapter 5: idk if I should smile or be... lol oppaaa~ ;--;
Chapter 43: awww... *cries*
Chapter 44: Aww~ I love this one
im tearing up right now haha T_T
Chapter 53: -sighs-Alone again...
minchanhun #9
Chapter 52: yup i agree w/ this