Healing Physically and Emotionally

Love and Depression [Rockabyebaby Contest Entry]


"Joon...Joon...Joon you have to wake up."


"Joon, wake up." Someone gently shook me and I gradually saw Seungho's face.

"What happened?"

"You came home and passed out, Mir was scared stiff. Looks like Kikwang gave you a run for your money, huh?" he smiled gently.

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"Here, Thunder made you his famous soup." I sat up as Seungho slowly held out the bowl of soup toward my direction.

"Tell him thanks for me. Oh, and make sure Mir knows his hyung is fine." I said, grabbing the bowl.

"Sure thing."

"I'm sorry about everything, hyung, but thanks for all your help through this." I said.

"Ah, it's okay. I'm suppose to take care of my dongsaengs, right?"

I nodded. "It just seems as if I've put you through so much trouble, especially with the whole break up thing. Do you think I should have handled it better?" I asked.

"Many people handle it different ways. I can't say if you were right or wrong, only you can."

"Thanks, hyung, but um..where is Hyosung?" I asked, eating some of my soup.

"She's talking with the guys. I could get her if you want."

"No, it's okay I'll talk to her later. I'm just gonna get some more sleep." I said.

"Okay." Hyung left the room, leaving me alone with my soup. When I was full, I set it on the nightstand and looked up at the ceiling. In truth, I wasn't sleepy at all. I just didn't want to disrupt everyone.

After a few minutes, someone came through the door. I didn't move until I felt them sit on the bed and look me in the eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Hyosung asked innocently.

"Better." I said, sitting up. "How's your arm?"

"Okay." She lifted the sleeve of her shirt and revealed the bandages on her arm.

"Does it hurt?"

She shook her head. "How's your lip?"

I gave her a weird look. "What do you mean?"

"When you came in, you had a busted lip." She leaned over and gently touched my bottom lip. I winced in pain and Hyosung instantly moved her hand away.

"I'll be right back." She quickly ran out of the room and came back with the first aid kit. She set it down and grabbed a cloth, putting medicine on it.

"It might sting a little." she said.

Hyosung held my cheek and started to gently dab on the medicine.



Everything was silent and I started to feel a bit awkward until Hyosung said something.

"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry. When you left, I thought that you would rather continue doing what you do now instead of being with me. I thought you had everything and I was just getting in the way of your dreams." she said.

"You were my everything, Hyosung." She blushed, removing the cloth from my lip and rearranging the first aid kit.

"Yah, why are you going to ignore me?!" I grabbed the kit and put it on the floor. She was surprised, but I wasn't going to give up. I grabbed her hands and looked her in the eyes.

"I love you, Hyosung. If you don't want to go directly into being a 'couple' I understand, but I'll be waiting." I whispered. I kissed her forehead and pulled her into a hug.

"I-I love you too, Joon." She hugged me even tighter and stared to cry into my shoulder.

"It's okay, we can start over. Like I promised before, I won't leave you again. In fact, on our next concert you're going to come with me." I smiled.

We pulled away from our hug and I wiped away the tears that stained her cheeks.

"Promise?" she asked, sticking out her pinky.

"Promise." I chuckled. We both intertwined our pinkies and smiled. Before I knew what happened, Hyosung lips were on mine. There was desire and passion, but somehow it still felt innocent. This may sound corny, but butterflies were forming in my stomach once again and my hand involuntarily moved to her cheek. I felt fuzzy inside, but Hyosung could do that to a person.

It was over as quickly as it began, but our lips were inches apart. Her breathing tickled my lips as I managed to say,

"I take it you're ready?"

She giggled and I gave her a small peck on the lips.

"C'mon, the guys might think something if we stay in here too long."

I grabbed her hand and when we got to the door I stopped.

"From now, on I'll be your prince and you will be my lovely princess." I said, tapping her nose. "After you, my lady." I smiled.

"Thank you, my handsome prince." she giggled.

Hyosung, you are my princess and I will always be your prince.


I'm sorry if it was a bad ending. T^T I felt as if I should end it here.




AND SILENT READERS <----- yes you too! ><

Thank you for supporting my story and look for more in the future! :D

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:') It's great you know .. the ending is a lil bit O_o ?<br />
But yeah .. I love it <3
waaaaah~ that was so cute! and it was Hyosung-Joon! ajdsfnoa;ldfnewiufncerrodf. omgomgomg, yeah, that was cute, I loved it so much! :3 I wish there was more, but meh.
Interesting read<br />
Good Luck with the contest!
deeRealious #4
im happy to read something like this especially because im definitely for hyosung and joon couple! =)
@sharona626<br />
Thank you unnie! :D
Amazing job, dongsaeng. Your writing has really improved :D
wow its really good<br />
i am so conflicted when reading this<br />
i love both kikwang and joon <br />
its so difficult for me to read about them fighting and read what an kikwang is <br />
but i really loved the story great job!!!!!
@Kachuun<br />
Thanks for commenting!