---Verse 1 ;)

♥ His Personal Maid ♥


[P1] ----- Verse 1
~* I shouldn't love you but i want to~ i just can't turn away , I shouldn't see you but i can't move~ I can't look away and i don't know how about to be fine when i'm not... Cause i don't know how to make a feeling stop~~
"Ten minutes more .... ugh" i covered my ears using my pillows.
~* Just so you know , this feelings taking control of me and i can't help it . I won't sit around , i can't let him win now... Thought you should know i tried my best to let go of you but i don't want to ~
"UWAAAAAAAAAAAAA" i was about to throw my alarm clock but i remembered how much it costs .-. Well , I even didn't bought it. I just won it on some market around here.
I lazily did my daily routine and was about to go to school. I went out of my apartme---
"Yah!Chaelin , When will you buy your rents?!You are already not paying for 3 months!" psh. I have to deal with this landlady again -___-
"Naeyo" i bowed. "I'll pay as soon as i get my allowance from my parents , Byeeee See you later!" then i ran fast leaving that landlady there.
"Chaeeeliiin! COMEBACK HERE!!" i continued running. , until i finally reach my school. Emeerghaaash. Good thing that i'm not late for the Flag Ceremony yet. I went to my class line.
Aisssh =___= Well actually , I don't have my parents here... They are already dead. Yup , dead. I'm now a working student. I work at my auntie's shop and that .-. But it's different.... my mom and dad died in a different way....
-after class-
I reach my apartment about 5:30 pm............and............
"Oh my g-dragon.WHERE ARE MY STUFFS?!" i was shocked when i opened my apartment door and saw nothing. Huhuhuhu T^T Err' ghad  u______u Those criminals took my things!!! I should report them!! ;u;
"Ey , Chaelin" i turned around seeing our landlady. I immediately went to her and poked her repeatedly.
"Kyaaaa ;u; Someone stole my things and stuffs!!" i reported.
"I know.You didn't saw it?It's outside"
"Good----Wait.WHAT?! Don't tell m----" 
"You didn't pay your rent for 3 months already -________- What do you expect?" she left  .________.
☆  ☆  ☆  =☆  ☆  ☆  =☆  ☆  ☆  
I'm dancing on the rain , I'm dancing on the rain. LOL. JOKE. I'm just walking and walking all over this whole place , finding a house. It's getting late already .
Free stays during weekdays.
50,000 won every month plus other month bonuses.
Adress: 123 I don't know Street .
Contact Number: +0123456789
Woah. How lucky i am today?!! 50,000 won every month?! Plus free stays during weekdays?! OMF. But....i'll be a PERSONAL ASSISTANT? 

.________. Hell yes , I'm done with the 1st chapter xD Is it okay? Or just okay? Or .... yeah just okay?! XD l mao~  I hope that you all appreciated the very first chapter of this story :)
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