
Sleeping Monsters

Jiyong stirs in bed, trying to release himself from the cocoon of sheets and duvets that he unconsciously got trapped in. Normally, he’d sleep like dead until morning and find nothing uncomfortable in being wrapped so tightly in nice smelling hotel bedding, but tonight something seems different. He scrunches his nose and lets the calming after-concert slumber leave him, so that he will be able to properly assess this somehow unusual situation. He slowly opens one eye, which occurs to be not such an easy task. Jiyong reminds himself that he hasn’t removed his make-up properly as he collapsed on the bed in his hotel room immediately after leaving the after party. The pure white cushions are probably no longer so white.


The first thing Jiyong sees, despite his slightly blurred vision, is a red suit hanging on the door of a closet which faces the bed. He frowns and first thing that comes to his mind is a query of why he has taken the suit from the Vitamin Water CF with him to Jakarta. It takes milliseconds for him to realise that the suit actually isn’t his. The next thing he discovers is the reason why he feels a change tonight.


Seunghyun Hyung.


Memories from the concert flood his mind and fill his stomach with butterflies. It felt too great to be with his hyung alone on stage after such a long time. It was almost like GD&TOP days that he misses so much when Seunghyun doesn’t give a sign of being alive. Jiyong sometimes wonders if they still live on the same planet and if Seunghyun hasn’t moved to Mars or somewhere, where he doesn’t have access to his phone. One message a day would be nice; Jiyong doesn’t ask for much.


But June is a good month, Jiyong decides. First there was Japan - hyung came out of his Martian cave and didn’t run to his space shuttle the moment the second concert finished. No, he stayed with Jiyong and they shared some precious moments which Jiyong felt lack of since the end of their Alive Tour. Seunghyun seemed to want to make it up to Jiyong and even asked if he could be his guest in Jakarta. Dreams sometimes do come true.


With the second eye opened, Jiyong looks around the room, which is dimly lit, and concludes that it is what caused his uncomfortable sleep. He needs complete darkness to rest properly. The source of light is a single lamp standing on a table in the corner. At the table sits his hyung, apparently reading a book with his black rimmed glasses on.


Jiyong blinks a few times, now fully aware that they should be sharing not only the hotel room, but also the king sized bed that is occupied only by himself. Seunghyun’s side is cold, but the pillow is gone. The leader quickly realises that he has claimed not only the duvets, but also both of the pillows.


“Oh Lord, hyung, I’m sorry!” he speaks in a voice that is a bit rusty after all the screaming and singing, but the poor sleeping as well.


Seunghyun, however, doesn’t hear him, or pretends not to. It’s not his style to throw a tantrum, but Jiyong knows how important a good sleep is to his hyung. He bites his lower lip and reaches for his iPhone hidden, as always, under the pillow. The bright light blinds him, but he manages to see ‘New interactions’ Twitter notification (VIPs have literally gone crazy with asking him for a selca with Seunghyun) as well as a few unread messages - might be his manager asking why he left the party so early. Jiyong is definitely not in the mood to read all of it right now and decides to ignore the messages and notifications, but there is one thing that scares him to death when he sees it. The digital clock says it’s 4:37 a.m. and his hyung is still not asleep.


Jiyong jumps out of the bed in an instant, miraculously avoiding the meeting of his face and the floor. He has forgotten about the sheets still wrapped around his legs. Fortunately, his sprained ankle doesn’t hurt when he stands up, so nothing prevents him from running to his hyung, who still ignores him completely. When he approaches Seunghyun from behind, he finally finds out why the older has been refraining from noticing him. Seunghyun has his red earphones plugged in, he has been listening to music the whole time! Jiyong internally sighs in relief. There’s a chance hyung isn’t that mad.


Without rush he reaches for Seunghyun’s ears to touch the big lobes gently, not to scare the other man. Seunghyun’s shoulders jump up at the unexpected contact, but he quickly regains his composure and tilts his head back to rest it on Jiyong’s chest. Jiyong’s heart skips a beat at the cuteness of this action.


“Ji, you’re awake,” Seunghyun states, looking at the younger man through his spectacles.


Jiyong somehow always finds his hyung incredibly hot when he wears a pair of glasses, especially those with thick black frames. He can swear he felt his legs turn into jelly when he saw Seunghyun backstage before they entered the stage for Knock Out. His y hyung in a red suit, thin tie and black rimmed glasses - a sight one could die for.


Jiyong smiles and removes his hyung’s earphones, only to put one of them into his own ear. Seunghyun has been listening to some classical music; Jiyong reminds himself that he always does when they travel by plane and he struggles to stay awake. The leader puts the earphones aside, Seunghyun keeps watching him carefully.


“I’m sorry I took over the bed,” Jiyong says and cups Seunghyun’s face in his hands. “I was so exhausted that I forgot we share a room.”


Seunghyun smiles at that. “That’s okay. I was watching you sleep, but your peaceful expression made me sleepier than ever. You know how I hate drifting off in a chair, it gives me a headache for the whole day.”


The younger man nods. “But you could have tried falling asleep next to me… There was still a lot of place.”


“Oh, believe me, I tried,” Seunghyun chuckles. “But you kept kicking me and it’s somehow hard to fall asleep without a pillow or duvet. I decided not to risk being killed by you during an attempt to get any of them back.”


“I would never kill you,” Jiyong pouts and Seunghyun laughs deeply.


“You wouldn’t even know, you sleep like a stone that likes crushing others.”


“I don’t.”


“Yes, you do,” Seunghyun’s kitten lips form a smirk and Jiyong wants to kiss them so badly, but right now is not a good moment. He has to fight for the last word.


“I know better, okay?” His final argument is so weak that Seunghyun literally shakes in amusement.


“Okay, okay. My baby girl is right.”


“I’m not a baby girl!” Jiyong retorts, hearing this nickname again. Where the hell did Seunghyun find it? Jiyong sometimes is almost certain that his hyung knows the password to his Twitter account and reads all these mentions tweeted by his followers.


“But you behave like one,” Seunghyun teases him with a smirk and Jiyong can’t stand it anymore, so he leans down and kisses him passionately. His own lips are at their most sensitive straight after waking up, so he experiences even the softest touch on a whole new level. Kissing with Seunghyun is as addictive as the air he needs to breathe, so Jiyong almost cries in displeasure when Seunghyun suddenly slips out of his grip, disconnecting their mouths at the same time. He does it only to change the uncomfortable position and pull Jiyong into his lap. They continue their make out session until both of them are out of oxygen and Jiyong has to rest his head on Seunghyun’s shoulder.


Seunghyun caresses the younger man’s chubby cheek with the back of his palm and hums a low melody that Jiyong quickly recognises as their own ‘Baby Goodnight’. His heart grows bigger in his chest as it is filled with all the affection Seunghyun transfers to him in those simple, yet meaningful gestures.


“The first thing we do after our arrival to Seoul is go to Yang, demanding GD&TOP vol. 2,” Jiyong murmurs against Seunghyun’s throat, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “And a year long world tour to that. I won’t let you go back to Mars that easily, Hyunnie. I want to travel with you here on Earth, share a room and a bed with you every night, and perform with you on stage, because that’s the best thing ever. But mostly, I just want you to be near, to embrace and kiss me like that.”


“Whatever you wish, Ji,” Seunghyun whispers back and with his thumb rubs the remains of Jiyong’s eyeliner from under his eye. “I am your man, remember.”


“Believe me, I never forget.”




Happy birthday chewytabi Unnie!! <3 ^ _ ^



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joinmymisery #1
Chapter 1: So cute and fluffy I'm squealing
mikadosm #2
Chapter 1: So fluffy and cute! Thanks for writing!
nvks23 #3


Soooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!

I love fluffy GTOP
Chapter 1: alskakdjsjfs >__< This was so beautifully cute and lovely and and and I'm just dying here from way too many feels ♥
cooworld #6
Chapter 1: onnie .. can i translate it to thai version ?
i will show that it is my translation from you ,fill the credit name of you

please,consideration my request ^_^
Alishaaye #7
Chapter 1: Oh, I loved this so much!!
anime_fushigi #8
Chapter 1: oh! this was so precious!! it was really sweet to see these two being mushy with each other :) (also brb im crying forever for GD&TOP vol2)
jorfun #9
Chapter 1: Thanks for making a story about everyday life. I'm tired of stories where they first acknowledge their feelings. That's long over. Now they are in the middle of their love story trying to make it work. I can't wait for GD&TOP v2!
verine #10
Chapter 1: Love this <333
I like this mostly bcs this fic has 'updated' topic (their moment in Jakarta) since personally I'm tired with gtop fics where the author keep using similar or old theme again and again. I also like how you put all of their recent moments as their background story. You write the fic beautifully, not too cheesy but also not 'dramatic'. Both of them still act like men who love each other.

Thanks for sharing <33