Puppy (part 1)

Days With Him


Gongchan stared at the three guys in the living room.
He jumped behind the couch and glared at them.
"When is Jinnie hyung coming home?" Gongchan asked.
Sandeul smiled. "He's still at school so later."
Gongchan frowned.
When Jinyoung told him that he would be gone for a little while today, Gongchan asked why. He then learned about school and how Jinyoung went there to learn about complicated things and that he couldn't go to school with him.
Jinyoung had a class he couldn't miss or make up online so he had left Gongchan in the care of his friends.
"I don't like school. It doesn't sound fun and I don't get to see Jinnie hyung..."
After inwardly cooing at the boy, Sandeul walked over to the couch and peeked over the back. "Gongchan... You remember me right?"
The boy tilted his head.
"You're... Sanduck?" Gongchan asked.
Soft snickers could be heard. Sandeul facepalmed before turning back to the boy and smiling. "No no Gonchan. My name is SanDEUL. Deul, not duck."
Gongchan nodded. Then he lifted his arms. "Carry."
Sandeul laughed before leaning down and picking the teenager up and carrying him. He was surprisingly not as heavy as expected and was very warm. He walked back over to the other two boys who looked slightly bored.
"I want the funny stuff in the colorful box and milk!" Gongchan exclaimed.
Baro raised an eyebrow.
"Why would he want a box of crayons and milk?"
Sandeul rolled his eyes as CNU laughed at his slightly odd friend. "I think he means cereal."
"Ooh that makes more sense." Baro said to himself as he nodded.
Gongchan looked at the two boys he didn't know the names of and burried his head in Sandeul's shirt. He mumbled something and Sandeul heard it.
"Hmm? What was that Gongchan?"
He lifted his head from Sandeul's shirt and looked up at him while pointing at Baro and CNU. "Strangers. Jinnie hyung said not to talk to strangers."
CNU laughed again and walked over to Gongchan, crouching down to be at his eye level. "Sorry about that Gongchan. Please call me CNU. And that," he pointed to Baro, "is Baro. We're both friends with Jinyoung like Sandeul."
Gongchan nodded.
"So... can I have cereal now?"
"What should we do?" Sandeul asked as he Gongchan's hair.
Gongchan was taking a nap with his head on Sandeul's lap and there were still around two hours until Jinyoung came home. The three babysitters were bored out of their mind because Jinyoung told them the TV was off limits like his lab and laptop. And now that the boy they were supposed to watch was sleeping, the three guys had nothing to do.
"I wanna go outside." Baro whined.
CNU got an idea.
"How about after Gongchan wakes up, we take him to the park down the street? I think he needs some fresh air and nature in his life."
Sandeul and Baro looked at each other before shrugging and nodding in agreement.
Well what could go wrong?
"What's a park?" Gongchan asked as Sandeul buttoned up his coat.
As soon as he woke up from his nap, Sandeul dragged him upstairs to change his clothes and told him they were going to the park.
Now that he was dressed in some of Jinyoung's clothes, he ran around the room, excited about wearing clothes that smelled like Jinyoung while still wondering what a park was. Sandeul laughed and grabbed Gongchan's wrist, dragging him out of Jinyoung's bedroom to the living room.
He made Gongchan sit on the couch and pulled out some socks from his pocket.
Gongchan watched as Sandeul slid one of them on his foot. His mouth fell open.
"My foot is gone!" he exclaimed.
Sandeul laughed and patted the teen's head. "No it isn't Gongchannie. Your foot is just inside the sock." he reassured.
Gongchan tilted his head.
"So...the sock ate my foot?"
CNU chuckled from the chair he was sitting in while Sandeul sighed and put on the other sock.
Baro suddenly came in the room with two boxes in his hand. "Okay so I called Jinyoung and he said there were two pairs of unused shoes Gongchan could wear in the closet." He walked over to Gongchan. "So Gongchan, which one do you wanna use?" Baro asked as he took off the lid to both boxes.
Gongchan looked back and forth between the shoes.
He thought hard and grabbed the box containing pink and blue shoes. "I want these ones!" he said excitedly, not even knowing what they were for.
The older three laughed at Gongchan's excitement and Sandeul gently grabbed the shoes from him. Gongchan stared in wonder as Sandeul slid them over the socks and tightened the laces before tying them into a bow.
Gongchan slowly stood up and began walking around.
The shoes felt strange and he tried to kick them off but got frustrated when they were still there. "Do I gotta wear them?" he whined.
CNU smiled. "You have to wear them if you want to go outside."
Gongchan pouted before slowly nodding. He grabbed Sandeul's outstretched hand and let himself be pulled outside. His eyes widened as he looked at the world around him. Everything was so pretty and full of colors.
He didn't get to look long as Sandeul continued to pull him away from Jinyoung's house.
Baro and CNU walked behind them and Sandeul happily answered all of Gongchan's questions. They contunued walking down the sidewalk and somehow Baro ended up on the other side of Gongchan, leaving CNU by himself in the back.
"So Deulie, nice day right?" he asked with a smile. Sandeul leaned his head back to look at Baro. "Yeah I guess. Really sunny."
They all walked in silence, Gongchan without questions for once, and enjoyed the sound of nature.
"Hey Deulie?"
Sandeul looked at Baro. "Yeah?"
"We haven't been alone for some time now. How about we do something later on tonight?" he asked suggestively.
A blush crossed Sandeul's face before he flicked the younger's head. "Don't say those kinds of things in front of Gongchan you pabo!"
Gongchan looked at the two boys. He had no clue what was going on.
Soon they reached the park and walked around. As soon as they stepped on the grass, Gongchan let out a gasp. This ground was squishier than the other ground he walked on!
The walked around and Gongchan waved to random people who also waved back.
Suddenly something caught his eye.
He ran back to Sandeul and tugged on his sleeve. "Hyung! Hyung! What's that?!"
Sandeul, Baro, and CNU looked over to where the boy was pointing. "Oh that? That's a puppy." CNU answered.
Gongchan smiled.
"I like puppies!"
CNU smiled and explained further. "Puppies are normally kept as pets to keep people company and be their friends. When a puppy gets bigger, it is called a dog."
Nodding in fascination, Gongchan looked around the park, hoping to see more puppies. When he didn't see any, he turned around to ask the other's if he could go look for some, but saw them all in their own little worlds. Deciding that it would be alright if he went off on his own for just a lil bit, Gongchan giggled as he ran away.
He ran for a while before slowing to a walk.
After wandering by himself, something made him freeze.
"How could we have lost him?!" Sandeul yelled as he ran around the park with Baro.
Gongchan had gone missing over an hour ago and Jinyoung would be coming home any minute!
"Don't ask questions! Just find him!!! Jinyoung hyung is gonna have our butts if we don't!!!" Baro yelled back.
CNU suddenly came into view and without talking, they knew he hadn't found Gongchan.
Sandeul began panincing and paced in circles. Baro grabbed his shoulders and shook him to his senses. "Calm down! Maybe he went home? Let's check there first before you freak out, okay?"
After taking a few deep breaths, Sandeul had regained enough of his mentality to nod.
The run back to Jinyoung's house was a stressful one. All the thought and worries that Gongchan wasn't there worried everyone. What if he was kidnapped?! Just the thought alone made Sandeul want to faint.
As soon as Jinyoung's house came into view, the three boys rushed over and practically ripped the front door off its hinges.
They all ran into the living room and froze.
Gongchan looked up and smiled. "Hi hyungs!"
No one spoke.
Baro recovered from shock first and asked the question the other two were thinking. "Umm Gongchan?" he pointed, "What's that?"
Sitting in the living room, with Gongchan, was another boy who looked completely lost.
"I found a puppy!"
Puppy time!
Part one!!!
I wonder if you can~
Have fun guessing my dear subbies.
^    ^
=(O w O)=
I can only make kitties...


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IAmMissTerious #1
Chapter 16: Please update soon I really like this story and I also want to know what will to Yugyeom and the others. This story is so adorable T__T.
Chapter 16: This was so cute ㅠvㅠ i'm here waiting patiently for the next chapter cus im also in senior year of highschool so i can understand how stressed you've handled...Anyways...5tinggg
pashi-pashta #3
Chapter 16: So cute
Bye i wanna cry TT__TT
bamma_watsons #4
Chapter 16: please update soon!!!!!
bamma_watsons #5
Chapter 16: ahhh i need to read more jinchan
starofthenight #6
Okay. I've calmed down and now I just wanna say that if you have any troubles or problems you have in life you should sort them out first before updating. Because I know a writers life is sometimes very difficult, having to deal with your problems in real life and updating constantly. So please take your time to update. Hwaiting!!!!! :D
Chapter 16: OMG YOU'RE BACK!!
*blows hearts*
I cried while reading this chapter -
when Chanie missed his Jinnie-hyung -
and literally sobbed when they finally reunited :"D
Maybe it is not just because Chanie missed his hyung so much,
but also because I missed this story so much :"))
Once again, thanks for updating!
This fic is on the top of my waiting list,
so I'm very happy.
Thank you ❤
rice-mates #8

please update rlly soonnn
Chapter 16: YA ERA HORA!!! T__T EXTRAÑABA ESTE FINC, LO EXTRAÑABA MUCHO!!! espero ahora puedas actualizar mas seguido <3
Chapter 16: Aww how cute! JinChan reunited ^^