Chapter 1

Chance run in

You're walking in New York at a fast pace with your headphone blaring B.A.P's secret love because you're late for the meet up and you wanted to be able to see all the tables and activities before it’s too late when you nearly get run down by someone

Zelo: ( in cutesy English) I so sorry *added bow*
You: (haven't noticed who it was yet) geez what a day *barely looking) its ok I suppose just please watch where you are going next time huh.. *looks up* oh my Jesus
Zelo:*gives blank stare* I sorry 
you: aren't you Zelo from B.A.P why are you all the way out here
Zelo: *looks relived that you recognized him* please I uhh lost 
you: *blushing hard* are you trying to go to the fan meet up 
Zelo: *stares intently trying to understand* yes yes you know where???
You: Ummm yea I’m on my way there now if you will umm just follow me I.
Zelo: thank you thank gamsahabnida *gives you a hug from the relief he felt after finding help*

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