I love you. I love you. I love you.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

"Don't talk to me." Hyesung was angry. He was sitting on his couch with a bag of chips on his lap while staring at the TV screen in front of him. Eric was standing in the hallway, feeling completely ignored.
"I'm really sorry. I was just really busy." Eric's excuse was weak. He knew that himself. But he still hoped that Hyesung would have the heart to forgive him.
"Too busy to even send a single email? What the hell, Eric!" Hyesung was now looking at Eric with fury in his eyes. He wasn't really feeling mad at Eric though; although that's what he wanted to feel. Instead, he was angry at himself. He was angry at the fact that despite Eric leaving for America to study for a year and never contacted Hyesung even once, he was still happy that Eric was back. He still wanted to feel Eric's warm hug. He still loved him more than anything.
"Please, I missed you so much. You have no idea-"
"Don't tell me what I don't know, Eric. There are a lot of things I don't know because you never even bothered to say a single word. I don't even care. Just leave." Hyesung cut him off as he looked back at his TV. Hyesung noticed that Eric still had his luggage in his hand, laptop bag slung over his shoulder, with a neck pillow comfortably wrapped around his neck.
"I don't wanna leave, Hyesungie. I wanna stay here with you." Eric was feeling heartbroken. He knew it was his fault, but he missed Hyesung just as much. He wanted to fly right back to Korea after landing in the US just because he felt too far away from his little prince. "I wanted to see your face every minute of every day. I wanted to hear your voice so badly. I'd pray every single night that you'd appear in my dreams just so that I'd have the motivation to keep going." At this point, Eric wanted to cry. And so did Hyesung. Eric was slowly walking towards the couch, careful not to scare Hyesung away. "Whenever I'd wake up, I wanted to feel your hair around my fingers as you'd mumble a 'good morning' against my chest." Eric sat down beside Hyesung as Hyesung was now looking away from Eric trying to hide his face. "I wanted to hear you nag, repeatedly telling me to get up or else I'd be late for class." Eric felt a tear stream down his own cheek. He was never really the crying type, but seeing Hyesung cover his face and hear the obvious sniffles muffled by his hands, Eric felt like crying, too. "I wanted to know how your day went or if anybody pissed you off so that I could punch them for you." Eric reluctantly put his hand on Hyesung's shoulder, afraid that Hyesung might flinch. Fortunately, he didn't. Hyesung enjoyed the comfort of Eric's hand on his shoulder. But he was so overwhelmed that he still couldn't stop crying. "The study program was originally two years but I pushed myself to finish everything in one year just so that I could see you again." Hyesung gave in and turned around to hug his boyfriend.
"How could you do this to me." Hyesung mumbled against Eric's chest as he tried to inhale that familiar scent and feel his strong arms finally wrapped around him once again. "This will never happen again, you inconsiderate fool."
Eric just laughed at the statement, happy that his cute boyfriend was back in his arms.

After the two had kissed and made up, Eric pulled his luggage towards Hyesung's room and disappeared behind the door. Hyesung just sat down in front of the TV and waited for Eric to come out, thinking that the taller man would just look for a more comfortable set of clothes to change in. The show he was watching, to be honest, was never really interesting to begin with. So he decided to snoop around in his boyfriend's laptop lying on the coffee table. When he opened the laptop, he was greeted with a list of drafted emails with the title "Dear Hyesungie". There were hundreds of them in the folder. Hyesung decided to open one just to find out that Eric had written an email addressed to Hyesung almost everyday.
"Dear Hyesungie, I hope you’re doing well in school. It's quite difficult adjusting in this school but that's nothing compared to the difficulty of trying to cope with the fact that you're so far away from me. I miss you so much. I wish I could send you this email, but if I do, I feel like I would just fly right back to your side; I might not be able to stop myself. I'll study really hard, don't worry. I'll be back there in no time. I hope you're eating well. Don't forget to drink water before you sleep for your throat. Don't feel lonely because I'm always thinking of you. I love you. I love you. I love you!!"
Hyesung read one of the emails and felt like crying again. He felt like a little girl but he didn't really care. He decided to send all of the drafted emails to himself and visit Eric in his room.

How could he have not guessed? Eric had fallen asleep. He was still wearing his shoes and the blanket carelessly pulled over him was askew. "Jetlag must've hit you hard, huh?" Hyesung whispered as he removed Eric's shoes and fixed his blanket. He joined Eric under the sheets and wrapped an arm around his waist before whispering, "Thank you, Eric. I love you. I love you. I love you." and sealed it with a kiss.

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귀엽다! ♥♥♥♥좋아!
MizzPeel0007 #2
Chapter 1: Oh so glad that I decided to read this fanfic, it was very nicely written, enjoyed reading it.
hyuu_hikari #3
Chapter 1: waiii~ kyeoptaaa >/////< but i think the pace is too fast, somehow i want to see eric trying very hard to win hyesung's heart back like nowaki in junjou egoist >///< but i still love the fluffy chapter here<3
Chapter 1: OMG!!! U watched Junjou Romantica too?! XD i love this part, from Junjou Egoist, Hiroki was really stubborn n hard to please, yet he really wants for Nowaki to comeback to him... Wkwkwk, u use email in this scene, well, given the now era, of course letter will be weird... Hehehe... Thnx for the fluffy chapter... ^^
Chapter 1: So cute! ^^ Loved it! <3
hyuu_hikari #6
i think i know the junjou egoist episode, is it the one when nowaki pursue medical study in US? Anyway, i'm waiting for the next chapter~ Fighting!!^_^
ljisme #7
can't wait to read your new story~~~
Fighting! ^^ I still have lots to go in my summer holiday.
Seriously, I love your stories. They are so cute and happy and fluff. But most of all they are romantic. :) hwaiting!