Comme Des-Ah !

Jealous of Comme Des-ah !

He knew how ridiculous he was being. Jealous of a little puppy. A little puppy whom he bought and paid for with the express intention to distract Key from his burning anger which he knew was waiting for him the moment he travelled back from one of his shootings. It hadn't been his fault that his stay in Thailand had to be extended for another week and that he had no way to contact Key to inform him of the change of plans.

As it was, on the day of his supposed return, Key was waiting outside the SM bulding where he, Choi Minho, had promised he would be, only to find out four hours later that there were no going back to Korea opening any time soon. He heard the abuse Diva's bandmates ( and some other people of SM ) suffered afterwards had some crying and facing therapy from a Doctor.

So Minho did what any boyfriend would do when they had a diva nagging hot tempered partner who had recently been stood up, he bought a puppy. A cute brown irish water puppy ( I guess he is one :s ) who was now the face of his boyfriend in affection.

"You're so cute, aren't you CommeDes-Ah." Key said, laughing at the ticklish feeling.

He's cute? He had done the same thing two days ago but all he got was a glare.

When he bought the puppy to the dorm, he was only praying for the slight chance that it would work and he wouldn't have to face the full force of the diva's wrath. However it worked, and it worked too well. He only had to glimpse at Key through his soaked fringe to see the face shrouded in anger before he the puppy to the beautiful blonde's surprised face, begging for forgiveness. Key had brought the puppy to his arms and all it took was a few shivers from the cold and the sad puppy eyes and the blonde melted.

He had cuddled the creature like it was his own baby, speaking to it in the voice only reserved for puppies and babies. He dried it with the towel meant for Minho and left the black haired rapper soaking in his own wet clothes. The next few days, Key was besotted with the puppy showing off to Taemin, Onew, Jonghyun...the hole SM Crew ,his cheeks rosy from happiness. Minho was happy for him but he was far from forgiven though, the blonde took great pleasure in ignoring him in favour of the puppy. Sometimes he spoke ill of Minho to the puppy and pretended not to notice that his boyfriend was in the same room with him.

"You're a good puppy, aren't you. Always waiting for me after rehearsal. Did you miss me?" The puppy lapped up the attention and praise from Key, the exact thing the frog-boy himself was banned from. Minho sat at the corner of the room, fuming. CommeDes wagged his tail happily, his tongue hanging out, obviously trying to carter more praises and kisses. Greedy puppy.

Minho was glad though, Key was on the way of forgiving him at least. He hadn't thrown what had happened to Minho's face anymore which was a good sign.

"You wouldn't make me wait hours in the cold for you, would you?"

He had spoke too early.

"Love you," Key cooed. That was the last straw. Key never cooed at Minho that way.

Minho abruptly sat up and went to walk out the room before slamming the door dramatically.

"Where are you going?" The black haired man turned, his hand on the knob.

"Why? Are you going to wait up for me?" He bit out a little too harshly. Key flinched and his face flushed guiltily before he turned back to CommeDes.

"Don't worry. I'll teach you manners." Minho gave a cry of frustration before storming out.

Never noticing the guilty pair of eyes staring at the door.

Key grumbled,  as he walked down the hallway leading to the dancing room.

He swung open the door, surprised momentarily by the Taemin's presence before making his way over to the window.


"Yes?" Minho replied.

"Waht's the matter ? If we were in Harry Potter there could have been dark clouds over your head.Like Ron in the "Half Blood Prince", or was it snow? " Minho was amused, that kid had strange references. He 'waved' his hands at "the dark clouds" in agitation and it 'dissipated'.The Magnae smiled at his action.

"I passed by fx's dorm." Taemin nodded, needing no explanation.

Trying to distract himself from his angry thoughts, he practiced the dance for their new japanese song coming out by the end of the summer ( i don't know the exact date ^^ sorry ). Unlike Taemin, who practiced two hours before, The rapper seemed more exausted than the magnae. Minho didn't notice how he had been holding his breath.

"I'm surprised to see you here today, Minho. I was informed by Manager-hyung that you were given a day off. Is there something the matter?"

Minho looked up at Taemin, unsure if it was wise to moan about Key to the blonde's 'son'. Especially about something as insignificant as a puppy. But he knew that Taemin had always been kind and fair and wouldn't judge him as long as he spoke the truth.

"It's CommeDes."

"The puppy? He's so cute! Umma is going to let me play with him."

"Yes! The puppy. Kibum! And that baby talk! Did he just do a complete personality makeover from nowhere? And that name CommeDes-Ah! Why is he so obsessed with naming all his pets that? " Minho ranted in exasperation, "And just this afternoon. I wuv you, CommeDes-Ah." Mimicking Key's actions to some random innocent object.

"That's a plant, hyung." Minho blushed sheepishly before regaining his composure.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is his obsession with the name, you'd think his former boyfriend or lover was called that." It was minute but Minho saw Taemin stiffen for a fraction of a second.

"Taemin?" He asked, his voice dangerously low. "Did Kibum dated a guy called Comme-Des previously ?" Taemin was caught and he knew he couldn't lie to his hyung when faced with such a direct question.

"I'm sorry, Minho. But if I remembered correctly that was the name of a guy he dated before SHINee debut as he told me."

Minho's eyes widened, "Before me?"

"Yes, he was a boy Umma's age. They were pretty close he told me. There were talks that they were going to get together when Key turned 30 or so."

Minho felt his quill snapped in his hand.

"Is that so?"

Taemin nodded slightly, wishing for the sweet naive Minho that wouldn't have seen him falter. The magnae had a distinctive feeling that he wouldn't want to be in his friend's ( key ) shoes right now. Minho's eyes darkened and he could feel the jealous rage coming from the flamming charisma.

Please forgive me, Key-hyung.

If we were in Harry Potter, Minho would be surounded by fire...

The night came, Key was already prepared for sleep when Minho entered their bedroom. Neither of them saying anything as they slipped under the covers, their backs to each other. The silence was unnerving. And almost at once they both turned to face each other.

"Minho, I.."

"Wait, Kibum. I need to know something." The blonde nodded and allowed Minho to continue.

"Before SHINee..." Minho started, unable to continue. The blonde noticed his discomfort and reached out to take the others hand, squeezing it slightly. Minho sought out his eyes in the dark. "Were you with anybody? Maybe someone called CommeDes."

Key was startled.

"No, you were my first." The blonde inched closer to minho's side of the bed.

"Are you sure?" Key grinned cheekily.

"Yes, I am. I think I'd know if I had anyone else before you, Keroro." Minho breathed a sigh of relief, so Taemin must have remembered it wrongly. He laid a hand on Key's hip and rubbed his thumb.



"CommeDes missed his father today." The flush that rapidly spread on the blonde's face could light up the dark room. He chuckled and pulled Key closer to him, tucking his head under his chin. His arms coiled around him. That was as good as an 'I'm sorry' from Key.

"I missed him too." He kissed the fair head and they both went to sleep.

The next morning, Taemin entered the study where Onew was overseeing the song composed by Jonghyun.

Minho looked up when he heard the door to study open. Smiling, he waved a hello to his friends.

"Taetae! Onew-hyung and Jjong-hyung!"

"Hyung, you seem much more happier today." Taemin exclaimed.

"Yes, of course. Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?" Taemin inclined his head, remembering their conversation yesterday.

"Of course, hyung. You were quite distracted the day before." Minho grinned nervously, just realising it.

"Well, I talked to Key yesterday. He cleared it up, he promised me that there weren't any others before me. And nobody named CommeDes either." He said before continuing his work, humming along happily.

"CommeDes" the lead singer asked, an eyebrow quirked in confusion as his ears picked up their conversation.

"It is Key-umma's puppy, I had mistaken the name for one of Key's former cats." Taemin answered for Minho.

Jonghyun snorted, "Leonard. The time when he was in america."

Taemin blinked, "Ah yes, that's the name I was thinking of. I must have forgotten." Minho's head shot up.


"Your memory must be getting bad, Minnie. It was you, wasn't it. Who promised the man that he would find himself killed at your hands if he ever  played with your umma's feelings."

Minho gulped, nobody wanted to find themselves killed by the sweet but yet DANGEROUSELY VIOLENT Taemin. Since when does he know Key anyway ? Didn't they meet when they were trainnies ? 

"Just like the way you were with HyunWoo, Jonghyun-hyung? I remember how he couldn't leave the safety of his own house lest the ground went and swallowed him up."

Minho felt his mouth go dry.

"I'm not sure what you are speaking of, Minnie."

"euh.." Minho started.

Both the heads of Key's close friends snapped back to him. Taemin's smiled at him eerily while Jonghyun's eyes spoke of eternal retributionand as for Onew, he wached them while eating some KFC food. That whole situation was indeed entertaining. The rapper's body froze, a tingle of fear went up his spine.

"No-nothing." And he returned back to his work with renewed vigor.

Key turned when he heard the door to his room open. He was already in his pyjamas, waiting up for Minho.

"Frog! Where were you! You better have not been in a secret date with Yuri ! Or else, I'm going to destroy her." Minho rolled his eyes Oh God he thought.

"You know I'll never do that."

The blonde narrowed his eyes at his boyfriend. Noticing nothing amiss, he slowly returned his attention back to the mirror and continued brushing his hair.

"I'm not the one with secrets..." He mumbled under his breath.

"What? Don't mumble Keroro. You should know better. Anyway since you've been missing today, I had to tuck Yoogeun to sleep alone. And he was asking for you. If you don't start paying attention to him, he will think that we're neglecting him for CommeDes."

"Erm. Yeah." Minho said, rubbing the back of his head, duly chastised. In an attempt to avoid asking Key what he really wanted to know, he had inadvertently avoided Yoogeun as well. "I'll make it up to him tomorrow."

Key accepted it with a nod. "As appas we should love our children equally. And make sure that they know it."

Minho muffled a laugh with his hand, hoping that he will not incur Keys wrath. Ever since they've gotten together, Key had become surprisingly cute without knowing it. He walked up to the blonde from behind and wrapped his arms around him. He took a deep breath. The scent of vanilla calming him.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me that you dated  someone other than me?"

He could feel Key tensed up before he relaxed his shoulders.

"Are we on this subject again?" Key turned in Minho's arms to face him. He placed his hands on top of Minhoi's arms that were wrapped around him. "There was no one else. Ever."

"Leonard from america ?" Minho blurted out. the diva's face scrunched his face before realisation dawned on him.

"Leonard was only a close friend, he was the one I was comfortable with when I was in america. Nothing more." Key paused before continuing. There were whispers of us being more than that because of how close we were. It was in america after all and they don't act like mere friends do here. We were just that. Rumours. I thought you knew better than to listen to gossip, frog."

Minho's body slumped over Key's, resting his head on his diva's shoulder.


"Are you calling me a liar ?!" Key pushed Minho forcefully away before crossing his arms over his chest.

"No no no! Of course not!" He tried to calm the blonde down by rubbing his arms. "I was just being silly. Let's get back to bed." He held out his hand for Key to take which the blonde did gratefully.

It wasn't long before they put out the lights and went to bed. But even with Key's answer, Minho still felt something was not sitting right with him. He tossed and turned repeatedly.

"Minho." The small growl in Key's voice should have been warning enough for the black haired boy.


"If you don't stop turning, I will kick you out of this bed."

"I'm sorry. But it's Leonard." Key groaned and Minho was prepared to be kicked out of the bed.

"What is it?" Key asked instead. Minho stared at the back of his boyfriends's head, unsure if he was angry at him or not, he scooted closer till his chest was to Key's back and reached over to clasp Key's hand in his.

"What happened to him?" There was silence as Key tried to recall what happened to his friend.

"I'm not really sure. Last I heard, he was leaving Los Angeles to get married in Florida. But I never got any invitations or letters from him after he just upped and left with no word of where he was going." Key's voice had taken a sad tone and Minho squeezed the blonde's hand.

"Maybe he just got busy building a family." Hair invaded his vision as Key nodded slowly. After a few moments, he could feel Key's breathing evening out, he must have been really tired.

"I still don't get it, Bummie. If he hadn't mentioned anything then how did you know he left to get married?Wrer you in America that time?"

"Hmmm," The blonde's voice slightly slurred from weariness," I think Taemin told me. He's a distant family member of Tae's family. A cousin of his got married to Leonard's older sister."


"Minho?" Key nudged him, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, everything is...everything's fine."

"Ok then, go to sleep. In the morning, we will have to plan a picnic with Yoogeun and CommeDes. We don't want the whole SM staff to think we're neglecting our children."

"A picnic sounds good. Goodnight, Key."

A few minutes later.


It showed how tired the diva was that he hadn't had the energy to get angry with his boyfriend.


"You know I love you right?"

Even through the dark, Minho could see Key's ears flushed red.

"Of-of course you do! I'm your boyfriend! You're supposed to love me.What a stupid thing to ask. " Key said, trying to hide his embarrassment as he burrowed back to Minho's chest.

"And I would never do anything to intentionally hurt you."

"Oh My God,yes I do ! just go back to sleep."

"That's good. So do you think you could tell Jjong and Taemin ?"




Et voilà !

I wrote it with my sister, hopr you like it ;) 

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mzjonghyun #1
Chapter 1: hahahah poor Minho I love jong and tae in here
kawaling #2
Chapter 1: I think the name Comme des comes from one of Key's favourite brand names: Comme des Garçons! At least that's what I heard!
uwaaah cant wait for this <33