The Only Hope For Me Is You

iTunes Drabbles - Challenge - [03 SHINee Mix]

The Only Hope For Me Is You – My Chemical Romance – 04:33
Onew/Key (Onew-centric) | 121 Words

Jinki turns around, the chill remnants of a familiar touch sliding across his arm and he in his breath. A sweet scent fills his lungs and he tries to chase it, but his legs won’t work for him and he finds himself crawling along freezing ice. He sees a face he knows well and he tries to attach a name to the perfect features, but they keep slipping away and he feels his body freezing, getting stuck in the icy cage of his mind.

He’s falling and the icy coldness swallows him up, a hand reaching for him and then he’s awake, sweaty and gasping. His stomach constricting as he touches his face. Who are you? On his trembling lips.



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oconje #1
Chapter 12: Amazing writing!!! Cant wait to read more. Takes a lot o skills to convey so much in so little words.
Chapter 3: //spits out drink//

omfg I suddenly saw a name of my old love return...Cinema Bizarre. Oh long time ago.