Business meeting

Bigger on the inside

An ordinary girl. Who works in an ordinary cafe. Wiping down tables as she gets ready to end her shift.

"Oi, Jones!" The girl looks up at the mention of her last name, its one of her coworkers, "Do me a favor will ya? I was supposed to close up tonight but i've got an important meeting that i simply cannot miss! Do you think you could close up for me?"


"Oh, please!" He leaned in to whisper, "she's really hot."

The girl heaved a defeated sigh, "All right, fine."

The man leaped at her and kissed her on the cheek, "thank you, Jonesies! You. Are. A. LIFESAVER! I won't forget this!" And with that the man ran out of the door.

'I'm sure you won't forget all the other times i covered for you either' she sighed and went back to cleaning her table 'one day' she thought with determination 'people will stop taking advantage of me.'

Thirty minutes later she was ready to lock up when a man in a business suit walked in.

"Sorry, we're closed." The man just continued to stand there, too stiff, she thought, stiffer than a person should be, "on second thought, i could get you a cup of tea. You look like you've had a long day."

He moved his head in one swift motion to stare at her. His eyes...they were so cold. Cold and frightening.

"Where is The Doctor?" His voice was also cold, stiff, and frightening.

"You-You need a doctor?"

"Where is The Doctor?" Too mechanical. Too mechanical for a human voice.

"The hospital is less than a mile from here on edgemoor street."

"Where is The Doctor?!"

"I don't understand! I told you where you could find a doctor now just leave!...please."

"You will tell me where The Doctor is!"

"I don't have to tell you anything! Especially when i don't understand what on earth you're talking about and definitely not when my shop is CLOSED!"

"You will tell me where The Doctor is or you will be eliminated!"


Suddenly the business man's mouth dropped in an unnatural way and a silver tube with a glowing read center shot out of the middle of it, pointing straight at Jones who was frozen in her place.


Suddenly there was an unnatural whirring sound filling the air and the business man started to spark and smoke until it slumped over.

"Nobody is going to get eliminated today."

The girl looked wide eyed behind the smoking figure of the business man, the source of the new voice. There was another man pointing an unidentified object at the business man. Only this man was the opposite of a business man.

"Run!" The stranger said.

"What? But..." naturally, she was flustered. This was a lot to take in in under five minutes, "Did you kill it? I-Is it dead?"

"No, just stunned it and its currently repairing its system as we speak and on top of that there's an entire mini army of business men heading to this exact location to answer it's distress call so i suggest that we both listen to my previous advice and RUN!" Without another word the extraordinary stranger took the ordinary girls hand and they began to run.

Never had the girl loved running so much. She could feel an adrenaline such as she has never felt before pulsing through her veins. The strangers hand fit perfectly in hers, like pieces of a puzzle finally put together. The hand....of a complete stranger....

"Wait a minute!" She skidded to a stop and the stranger almost fell over.

"What are you doing?!"

"Who are you?!"

"Are we really going to do this now?! Did i not mention a mini army of homicidal robots heading our way?!"

"I just put my life in the hand of a complete stranger and this has been the weirdest five minutes of my entire life I think i deserve some answers! So who are you?"

"I am who was, i am who i am, and i am who i will always be."

"And who exactly is that?"


The stranger turned and started walking at fast pace in the direction they were running. The girl, however, stood in daze for several seconds before snapping out of it.

"And what sort of answer is that?" She jogged to catch up with him.

"Well, you asked me who i was. What sort of answer were you expecting?"

"I don't know. Maybe a NAME?!"

"If you wanted to know my name than you should've asked for my name. Ask someone who they are and there are hundreds of answers they could give you but asking for a name is specific and to the point."

"Alright then, what's your name?"

"The Doctor."

"The Doctor?"

"Yup. The Doctor."

"But...Doctor who?"

"I told you! It's just 'The Doctor'"

"But it cant just be 'The Doctor'."

"First, you dont like the way i answer your questions then you think i'm lying about my name. Tell me, is it very hard for you to make friends?"

"Why was that business man robot thing looking for you?"

"Because whoever made them isn't very happy with me. What's your name?"

"Clandestine Jones."

"Well, Clandestine Jones." The Doctor stopped and turned around to face Clandestine, "i need you to listen to me because I'm about to give you a choice and the decision you make may very well change your life."

Clandestine swallowed and nodded. They had stopped at a crosswalk of an intersection

"You have two options. You can either run down this street and get as far away from me as you can. You'll be safe. The Business Men are after me, not you, you can go on living your life or..." he held out his hand and got a certain gleam in his eyes, "you can come with me."

Clandestine bit her lip and contemplated and looked towards the way she could run. "You can go on living your life." The Doctor had said. To anyone else that might've been tempting. But what did she have that was worth running back to? Working at the cafe everyday and night, being used to cover people's shifts so they could go to parties, being stuck in a rut that was near impossible to get out of.

She looked back to the doctor, looked into his deep brown eyes, she had no idea what was waiting for her if she kept running with him. But what she did know is that she, Clandestine Jones, the girl who has never taken a risk, she loved the idea of not knowing what to expect and she also knew that she missed the feeling of her hand in his.

She reached out and firmly grabbed his hand, "i wouldn't miss this for the world."

He smiled at her but there was a sadness behind it, a seemingly ancient sorrow that she couldn't name.

Suddenly people were screaming and the streets were in chaos. The business men were closing in on them, firing the weapons that came out of their mouths.

"Run!" The Doctor screamed and they took off running, hand in hand.

And, of course, this was only the beginning of their run.




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i'm waitin for this ;u;