Certified Matchmaker [Two-Shot]

Certified Matchmaker [Two-Shot]

Kibum tapped his fingers lightly on the wooden desk that had so many writings had been carved on over the years.

"Jinsung and Chohee forever"

" this stupid history class."

"CLASS OF '12"

"Get me outta this hellhole."

Everything you can think of.

Kibum tapped, looking deadly at the blackboard, and perked up when the teacher said those magic words that could make anyone happy.

"Alright class, you may pack up now. Remember that your term project is due two weeks from now. I expect it done, typed, neat, no stains or whatever, and on time!" Mrs. Jung stated.

Kibum hastily stuffed his unopened book into his bag and slipped his un-uncapped pen into the pen slot. The pen still had full ink - it had never been opened. Kibum dashed straight to the door once the bell gave its famous chime.

Kibum raced down the hallway and ran to the locker place where he and Jonghyun had agreed to go to after class. Whoever got there first treated ice cream.

Kibum skidded through the lockers and stopped right when he saw the marked location where Jonghyun had marked the other day. He smirked when he saw that Jonghyun had still not arrived.

Kibum tapped his foot, waiting for the five foot six boy to arrive. When he saw the said boy running towards him in a huffed manner, he almost laughed.

"Ice cream!" Kibum squealed happily. Jonghyun gasped for breath before he could even talk.

"You! It's....not fa..ir. You're...taller..than me...."Jonghyun said in between breaths.

"Then wear higher shoes. Not that it matters, 'cause it's artificial right?" Key smirked.

"I hate you."

"But I love ice cream!" Kibum said back. "Someone's treating. And it's not me!" 

Jonghyun groaned, but a bet was a bet, and to make up for his shortness, he had to man up.

"Fine. Let's get going."

Kibum suddenly frowned. "Wait hold on." He stared at his watch. He had totally forgotten about it.

"Jjong, I can't go today. Treat me some other time okay?!" Kibum yelled as he retreated, waving from his back to a confused and disappointed Jonghyun.

"'Key - oppa, Jinsung and I are still doing extremely well. You're the best, oppa! From, Chohee.'" Kibum read one of the new messages he had gotten. 'Ha, those two are still going on? I'm almighty afterall,' he thought smugly. Kibum scrolled through some of his other messages, and was curious when he landed on one with the name "tinydinosrmanly". Kibum laughed so hard he thought the banana milk he was drinking would unattractively shoot out of his nose.

"'Key, what are you supposed to do when you're in love with your best friend? From, Dino.'" Kibum read the subject line out loud, having another laughing fit. Was this guy for real? Dino? Ha! Kibum drank the rest of the milk before reading anymore, scared it would really shoot out of his nostrils. He couldn't afford that happening.

Kibum went back to the message.

 "Im having a big, big problem. I actually think Im in luv wif my bez frien. When ur in luv with ur bez friend wot would u do? I cant rly tell it to him , yes, a guy, and i dont even noe if hes gay too. I wanna tell him but evry time i try to he leavs. Juz today, he rushed home wen we were supposed to go sumwere we promised. he juz ran home and left! but i really wanna tell him so wot do i do? and i don know if he likes short ppl. im only 5'6''. plz hlp me."

Kibum had a feeling that if he were still drinking the banana milk. His face was a deep crimson red after reading it, and he reread it just to make sure.

This. This was clearly, and most positively written by none other than Jonghyun. He'd always been curious at the way the boy typed. And he was clearly indicating he liked Kibum.

Jonghyun liked Kibum? He had certainly never noticed. Or maybe he did, and ignored it. He had, once, wondered if their friendship was something more actually. All those touches, and those looks they've given each other before...

What was Kibum to do? Kibum didn't know what he felt for the shorter older boy, but, his heart had actually been racing ever since he had realized. Did that mean he liked Jonghyun too? He was confused.

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Interesting o u o - beard-
Gahhh cliffhanger D:< Lol, this really caught my eye. I love it so far :3 Update soon, and hwaiting!
waaaah! this is really good! update soon
SignedAnon #4
woot jongkey! update soon!!!
Wow. Interesting plot. Kekeke. Update soon! I'm looking forward to chapter 1!
OOOH. update update. Btw, his best friend is a girl? Or one of the SHINee boys? keke.
SignedAnon #7
sounds interesting. update soon!