

Kyuhyun pov


Finally gotten my exam result slips. Looking at the slip of paper on my hand, I didn't do well but I did enter the high stream. I looked at my teacher who just smiled and said 'you did good'. Knowing it was lies, I just smiled, packed my bag and leave the classroom. I placed the slip inside my bag incase it doesn't went missing.


My friends chat with me while we walked home, discussing about which school they would want to enter. I was lost in thoughts, still affected by my results. I didn't even wave goodbye to my friends when they went to a different route. Soon, I was infront of my house, entering it with a small greeting that I'm home.


My older sister greeted me when I reached home, asking me how I have done. I just gave her a small smile, wanting her to stop speaking to me as I went to my parents' room. With every step I take, it was getting harder to move my legs. I then reached infront of my parents' door, knocking it before entering.


My mom was laying on the bed, smiling at me and asked 'how was the results'. I can't smile at all to her. Knowing if I gave her my results, she would look devastated by my results.


Not having any chances left, I took out my slip and gave her. I watched her expression changes drastically. Her smile went into a frown and she stared at the slip as if thinking that the results can change into a better one. I waited for a few minutes till she started opening .


"I didn't know that it would be as pathetic as this. I actually expected much more better results than this. Why didn't you do any better? You always play that useless game of yours. See what it had done to your results." She said coldly.


My heart pierced with every word she said. She didn't know how much I worked on the exam. She didn't even notice how I didn't even eat just to study with all my might. I thought she would accept the results but then she cornered me with much more painful words.


I couldn't even open my mouth to reason out since it would all sound like pathetic excuses. I waited with my heart being stabbed till she stopped talking. She just placed the slip on the bed and turned her back on me.


I quietly took the slip and went inside my room, making sure to lock it and then cried my heart out at how pathetic I really am. I could even opened the door till it's dawn. With every tears, I shed, I poured my feelings out.


My mom was looking at which school that was available for me. I couldn't speak to her at all after I went out of my room. I just layed on the sofa, watching the television. Recalling all of my memories, wanting to turn back time.


All the tests and exams I did, I wasn't even sure why I did it with hard work. I could only did it with hard work only to please my parents. Other than that, there were no more reasons. And knowing that my final exam didn't please my parents, it just makes me feel useless.


I then erased the thoughts out of my mind. What has already been passed has been passed. I couldn't turn back the time. I just bear with this painful feeling inside of me like everytime I always did.




Soon, it was December holidays. My friends wanted to go out together since it may be the last time we would see each other cause of the different schools.


We went ice skating and played in the park. I tried to erase my mother's dissappointed expression on my mind as I tried to have fun with my friends.


Then, as soon as it came, I enter my new school in which new memories would be made there. I prayed that there would be no more problems affecting me. I enter the big school and I saw many students inside. 


I then suddenly saw my friend inside. I took a sigh of relief since I would not need to make that much friends in this new school. Seeing my classmates, I just smiled at them as I sat on a chair.


The principal welcomed all the students warmly during the start of the day. I listened to her talks as I played with my bracelet. Soon, we had to enter our classroom and started knowing the new faces.


I wasn't good in making any friends but my friend made friends so easily. I then started knowing the names slowly and slowly. During break, we sat together and talk about how our results were. I then started getting reminded of my mother's painful words that I didn't know that tears were welling in my eyes.


Feeling a drop touching my hand, I quickly wiped away my tears as if I wasn't crying in the first place. I then smiled and talk to them.


I just noticed that my friend, Minho, had made friends with a classmate name Ryeowook whereas someone introduce himself to me. He was called Jonghyun. I smiled to him and also introduces myself.


I stick with three of them during the whole school hours. We were quickly close after school and we have our contact numbers exchanged.


I went home with Minho since his house is near mine. I reached home and lay in my bed, smiling that there was no problem at the start of the first school. Knowing that I should cover more of my personality, I tried to be a different person from the start of tomorrow.





First chapter~! Changmin will be coming in the next chapter and the real problems will begins. Please comment~

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Chapter 1: Changkyu<3
Chapter 1: Interesting (:
Chapter 1: Wow poor kyunnie....
GreenApple97 #4
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