The Girl Who Launched A Thousand Notes






  Chapter 01


In the beginning, there was spring


 The fresh scent of spring surrounded the prestigious Yonsei University. With its arousing cherry blossoms almost flooding the concrete pathway, Hazel Jung could not believe that she is now a college student and reaching freedom (from her strict parents) is halfway there. She took out her Polaroid and began snapping pictures as remembrance of this beautiful spring morning.

As she took another photo, a familiar tall boy with long blonde hair posing for the cam. Much to her surprise it was her high school best friend whom she spent her spring nights with him talking on the phone, Shin Taeho or better known as Teo (she still prefers Taeho though).

“G’morning Haejel!” he greeted her first in English with a small British accent.

“Yah! I told you to cut your hair!” she lightly punched his chest. “And when did you start learning English? I never taught you any-“

Teo cut her off, “I have other friends you know. And by the way, he’s British. Didn’t you notice the exotic accent?”

She answered with a simple and straight no. The tall male pouted his lips and automatically Hazel punched him again.

“What did I say about your aegyo?”

“You hate it and it makes you go blech.” Teo started making vomit noises which made her chuckle.

“Good boy!” Hazel then patted his head as if he was a puppy.

“Oh, wanna hang out after school? I’ve got band practice later.”

“Sure-“ then she realized something, “Wait. You’re in a band?”

“Not just a band, an awesome band! We have a name too for your information.” He cleared his throat like he was gonna say something important. “Lunafly is the name and music is our game! We don't ask for fame, making music is our aim!"

The young girl laughed aloud and slapped her knees repeatedly. Teo stared at her like Why are you laughing? Are you retarded? “Oh my god, you’re still the lame Shin Taeho I know.” Teo sighed. He thought Lunafly is a great name, very poetic in fact.

"I’ll just pick you up when your classes are over. You are taking Business Management, right?”
“Yeah. I’ll text you. See you later.” Hazel waved goodbye to him and he waved back. Once he’s out of his sight, a wide grin appeared on Teo’s face.

Ah... my muse never changes.


Meanwhile at the other side of Yonsei University, Kim Moonchul aka Moon lifted his legs to the table and continued to drabble lyrics on his notebook. How he wish that he could write songs faster like his band mates. Sooyoon gets his inspiration from the fans, James gets his from experiences. Think. Think. Think. And then it hit him like that lightning bolt that hit Ben Franklin.

He needs a muse.

But where can I find the perfect muse? GPS is not an option this time.

He scrambled his feet and began to search on the hallways. Moon looked at every girl there, scanning them as if he’s a robot. Most blushed at him; he is a popular among the female population of Yonsei. Moonl is a quite a perfectionist and only wants the best.

After twenty minutes of searching, he sat down on a bench by the garden. The rocker almost gave up until he saw her snapping pictures of the colorful flowers. His eyes widened on how she seems to outshine the flowers despite her simple clothing composed of denim jeans, a plain sweater and rubber shoes.

Thank You Lord for giving me this beauty! Halleluiah!

Moonl first fixed his face and hair (mostly hair), then slowly approached her, giving off this cool aura. Yet, she didn’t notice him get near her and continued to take pictures. He resolved to tap her shoulder.
“Sorry to disturb you pretty miss, but may I introduce myself?” he said with a smirk. And without a sound from Hazel, he continued. “I’m Kim Moon from the Music department and Royal Pirates’ guitarist. You do know my band pretty miss?”
Hazel shook her head, confused and curious at the same time. Who the hell are you and why are you talking to me? “Haven’t heard of it.”

“You’re missing out great music pretty miss! Ah, would you like to continue calling you pretty miss or perhaps you have a lovelier name than that?”

“Call me Hazel.” She slightly blushed. No one has ever called her pretty, not even Teo.

“Oh, an English name. Were you born in America or something?”

“I lived in SoCal (South California) for 8 years.”

“No way! I used to live in SoCal too.”

The conversation continued till the bell rang and Hazel ran off to her next class. Moon couldn’t believe at how wonderful fate is. A Cali girl with a face of an angel as his muse. He pinched himself whether he was dreaming or not, luckily it isn’t. He happily skipped to the cafeteria to get himself a celebratory cheeseburger.

To: Weird Taeho
From: Hazelnut

Yo! Classes are over! I’m free until my curfew. Get your here!

To: Haejelneot
From: TaeGyo

Where are you exactly?! Yeah I know, I know.

To: Weird Taeho
From: Hazelnut
At the entrance. Forgot to tell you. HOHOHO

Teo then jogged with his long hair bouncing on his back from the school’s soccer field to the main entrance. He immediately saw her. It’s not hard to spot her honestly. Who wears a plain green sweater and skinny jeans on the first day? Only a boring person would wear that according to him.

It’s exactly 4:49 PM and her curfew is 7 PM, if I’m not mistaken.

“Hey there. You ready to go?” He said with that idiotic smile which Hazel thinks is cute (secretly).But before she could say yes, and ran like the wind.
What is up with this guy? Too much sugar again? Aish. I scratched my shoes. Hazel stopped for a second and took her hand back.
“Yah! Why are we running? Are we late?”

“No, I just want to show you something before practice.”

“You totally owe me new kicks.” She showed him the scratch on her K-Swiss rubber shoes.

Teo nodded and promised to buy her pumps. He knows how she despises those feet killers.


“Hey guys! Sorry I’m late.” Moon plopped down on the sofa with his guitar in his arms.

"It’s alright, Sooyoon is still setting up his drums.” James pointed at the maknae who posed like the “FUUUU” meme.

“Poor guy. Anyways, I’ve got great news.” The other men began guessing from a new gig to a new In-N-Out branch nearby to a guitar.

“No, no and no.” Moon facepalmed. “One word: Muse.”

“You got a new album?” Sooyoon asked. Moon facepalmed.

“No, a real muse as in a girl.”

“Oh. New target?“

"Maybe. Most likely. Yes. I don't know. She's too pretty and fragile for me."

  I present thee the crappiest first chapter ever! My mind isn't fuctioning right today. Last night, I had this brilliant first chapter in mind but didn't write it down nor typed. My mistake. By the way, thanks to my first 4 subs! :)
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Chapter 1: Interesting :) I love this story.
I hope you will continue this lovely story :)
Take your time.
MusicalHysteria #2
Chapter 1: This sounds really good. (: I love Moonchul and there aren't really any fics with him. Please continue with your story and write more chapters (at your own pace of course)! <3
PattyPatata #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
Seems interesting! Keep writing author-nim!! would you mind checking out my fanfic? Sorry for advertising :D
exocarrotexo #5
Update please authornimmm, :D