One Shot

Fynn and Himchan One Shot!!


Fynn and Himchan One Shot!!!!!!!!! :3


The theory is that every person is connected to their destined person by a red string. Who controls those red strings? Who sets the strings up? Are we born with the strings, or are we tied to our person later in our lives? All of these questions are often contemplated by some and ignored by others who find the thought ridiculous. Surely such a force is overlooked by someone right?


Indeed, someone does. Such a person does not create the strings. The red string is a force all its own and forms between people when they are ready to find their destined person. The guardian who overlooks the strings, only watches over them and help a little at times when the strings become tangled on their path of becoming shorter and shorter for the two people to meet.


The guardian looked over the strings for all eternity and she did she job as well as she could. She was fair and rewarded those whom were truly deserving. Never once did the power go to her head and corrupt her judgment. She looked after the strings as usual, but one string stood out from the others.


Normally all the strings were a pure red, but this string was a beautiful deep shade of burgundy. Burgundy signifies a strong passion, and without a doubt, the owner of the string held much strong passion in his heart.


The burgundy string belonged to a young man named Fynn. Fynn’s string seemed to appear to be very tangled and intertwined within itself, not to mention it stretched a great deal of length.


The guardian checked to see who Fynn’s string was attached to. Fynn’s string seemed to be attached to someone he already admired and dreamed about constantly, Kim Himchan. Himchan did music and performed with a group called B.A.P. The group was quite famous and Fynn knew he would never be able to meet Himchan, let alone make him his. However, Fynn still loved Himchan with all his heart and always cheered on Himchan.


Normally the guardian is not supposed to become too involved with people’s fate, but she took an interest to Fynn’s story.


Fynn still loved Himchan with his whole being, but recently he started to lose faith in himself. His self-doubt started to make his once beautiful deep burgundy string, fade into a gray color and appear to be tearing in the middle a bit. Such an outcome alarmed the guardian. She did not want the string to break. She would not accept such a sad outcome to occur. She knew she had to do something, even if it angered the other guardians of the universe.


Even though it was somewhat drastic, the guardian took the large length of string and cut much of it away to enable the string to be re-attached with only a very small amount of length left between Fynn and Himchan. That was all she could do, anything more and the other guardians would notice and permanently prevent Fynn from meeting his desired, destined Himchan. The guardian’s decision produced a very peculiar result, however.




It was like any other night. Fynn had returned from work a few hours ago and was simply relaxing on his bed while scrolling through his tumblr posts as usual. His mind had been on Himchan recently for some reason and the posts on tumblr only increased his thoughts of Himchan. How nice it would be if he could just take Himchan Fynn thought.


While distracted by his thoughts, Fynn noticed a faint tapping sound against his window. Being night time, the sound scared him, but Fynn decided to set his laptop aside and investigate the source of the sound anyway.


Fynn opened the window to possibly see what was making the sound, but before he could even react, a large mass came flying towards him and fell on top of Fynn’s body,  knocking him to the ground in the processes.


When Fynn finally regained his senses, he propped himself up on his elbows and peered down to see a man with short black hair had fallen through the window on top of him.


The man was wearing what appeared to be sleep wear and a sleep mask, which blocked his sight.


Wait a minute, Fynn knew those lips, that facial structure, that hair. But wait, it couldn’t be, couldn’t it?


Fynn managed to get himself up and helped the man to his feet as well. The curiosity was tearing Fynn up on the inside, so he ever so carefully, slowly removed the sleeping mask. The eyes that met Fynn’s gaze were indeed Himchan’s and it was indeed Himchan him very self.


Normally Fynn would never believe such an event to be happening and only think it to be a dream, but it felt so real that, he ignored all that his brain was telling him.


Himchan’s deep brown, almost black, eyes stared deeply into Fynn’s light blue-green ones. They stared at each other for what seemed like hours without saying a word. Words were not needed though, Fynn knew what he was feeling was real and all he thought about was the Himchan standing before him. Whether he was only an illusion or not, it didn’t matter, Fynn wanted him and he wanted him now.


 Fynn then gently grabbed Himchan’s shoulders and threw the beautiful trucker princess on top of his bed.


When Himchan opened his eyes, Fynn had already crawled on top of him and was starting into his dark eyes again. Himchan didn’t resist Fynn, however. Himchan almost knew this was meant to happen and gave a look that he wouldn’t resist and wanted Fynn to do with him whatever he pleased.


Their eyes exchanged gazes for a good few minutes before Fynn finally moved in to steal Himchan’s lips away with his own. Fynn seemed very eager to have Himchan, but he didn’t want to hurt him so his movements were very soft and gentle. Their kiss was very gentle and lasted a few minutes. Fynn’s lips finally parted from Himchan’s and they gazed at each other again.


Fynn’s heart was filled with warmth and he was eager to make more of Himchan his own.


Fynn placed one hand on Himchan’s face and moved in to continue their kiss, this time Fynn deepened their kiss.


God, he loved Himchan’s lips, they were so gentle and soft, absolutely perfect and they made Fynn’s heart beat faster to a point he swore it had stopped beating.


 Soon their eyes were exchanging deep gazes once again. Fynn truly loved those eyes of his and he could stare at their beauty for an eternity.


 One thing led to another and soon there were cloths spread about on the floor and thrown over chairs. Fynn continued their kiss on Himchan’s lips, along his neck, down his chest and back to his lips for an even deeper kiss than before.


 It was quite a make-out session, quite gentle unlike others, but very much filled with passion and deep love for the other.


Fynn continued Himchan’s moans and their kissed and love making well into the night until they both fell asleep, wrapped up in each other’s body and warm embrace.


As soon as night had fallen, the sun soon made its presence known and shined its semi-bright rays down on Fynn’s eyes, causing them to flutter open. Fynn soon remembered last night, but couldn’t believe it to be real. Surely it was only another one of his dreams.


Fynn then turned over and saw Himchan’s precious sleeping face, facing him.


 It was real, Himchan was there! In his bed! , in his own bed!  He had done it with Himchan!


 As Fynn was staring, Himchan soon opened his eyes as well and once again, those beautiful dark eyes were gazing at him again.


 Himchan gave a little whining groan and moved closer to snuggle up to Fynn and place his head on Fynn’s chest and his arm around Fynn’s waist. Himchan then closed his eyes to continue his slumber.


 Fynn’s whole entire body felt all warm and fuzzy inside. He simply placed his arms around the cuddly Himchan and held on to him forever, while taking in his scent, his warmth, his everything, his whole being.


 Fynn gently held Himchan closer and closed his eyes as well with the largest grin on his face. Having Himchan in his arms was the best feeling in the world.


They soon fell asleep once again while holding each other in a warm loving embrace that could not be broken.





THE END YAY!!~    



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