Hanging out with Minhyuk pt.1

Was it wrong to love you.....

"well lets get to class" they linked arms and skipped to class


it was after school now and they were heading to the mall.

"yah!! i was going to get that!!!"haneul yelled 

"to bad i got it first" she stuck her tounge at her and haneul pouted 

"aww fine ill leave it lets go to another store"

" ohhh this store is nice has cute dresses maybe ill get one to impress minhyuk" haneul said

"ohh no not if i find an even better one"

"fine! lets just see then"

they got a bunch of dresses and went to the changing room and tried them on

"aha!! i got a perfect one! are you ready haneul?"

"yea okay im ready mine is perfect!"

"okay lets both step out at the same time okay" 


"okay and now!"

(haneuls dress)


(hyo jins dress)

*gasp* they both did 

"whaaa you look so pretty!!" they said at the same time

"lets go pay!" hyo jin said then they left to a coffee shop

'Buzzzz' haneuls phone rang

"ohh its minhyuk" hyo jin took the phone away


"yoboseyo?" hyo jin answerd

"uhhh.... haneul?" he asked

"no this is hyo jin shes in the bathroom would you like to leave a messege minhyuk?"

"umm i was just wondering if she wanted to hang out later can you tell her that" 

"uh yea i guess... wait minhyuk are you free tomorrow?"

"im not sure... why?"

"ohh well i was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow... me and you.. maybe?"

"umm i dont even know who this is?"

"ohh sorry this is hyo jin"

"hyo jin??"

"umm yea how did you not recognize me?" she said with a sad tone

"ohh no sorry its just we havent talked since the last time with gikwang so..."

"ohh well......i miss you so i wanted to hang out with you"

"y..you m..miss me??"

"yeah... well i got to go ill give the message to haneul okay and if you dont have anything to do tomorrow call me. bye~"

"why did you do that!!?" haneul yelled

"well he wants to hang out with you later.."

"ohhh really! let me text him where!" 

"okay well hyo jin i gotta go im gonna hang out with him at his house ohh and why dont we start it today since im going to hang out with him today inseat of waiting until tomorrow"

"sure i guess... well good luck haneul! remember act like yourself"

"yeah yeah bye hyo jin!" and with that she was gone


(minhyuk's house)

"hey minhyuk!"

"ahh haneul! come in come in"

"so what do you want to do hyukie"


"yea its your nick name i gave you cause im tired of just saying minhyuk"

"umm okay.... well i was just wondering since im still a little hurt my body still hurts.... can you make me dinner? please?"

"WHAT!??? make you dinner?? is that all you wanted to hang out with me for!!!?"

"Ani!! we can watch a movie after or something?"

"Aish! arraso"

"thank you!!" 

*alright haneul so far so good ive acted normal now to make him dinner ughh okay ahh yes then i can feed him maybe i can stay the night..?* she thought

~2 hours later~


"aish took you long enough im starving!" 

"well sorry i wanted to make it good! here open up" she said as she fed him

"wow its good!!" 

"thank you!" 

"anyways ive been wanting to ask you why does hyo jin want to hang out with me all of a sudden?"

"ohh.... umm i dont know a girl cant hang out with a guy?"

"no its just she never asked to hang out with me before.... you think i should?" 

"well if you want..." she kept feeding him

"yah! wait!! let me swallow first!!"

"sorry! so what movie are we going to watch?"

"umm go pick one out from my dvds while i call hyo jin"

"arraso" she went to choose one 

*hmmm ohh a scary one so i can hold on to him if i get scared!! godd thinking haneul* she thought to herself

"ohh hey hyo jin! um about tomorrow.. im not doing anything so yea ill hang out with you"

"ohh really!!?? okay ill see you tomorrow... umm movies?"

"ohh yea sure movies it is"

"okay bye minhyukie"

"what? minhu..." she hung up before he got to ask her

"YES i got a movie!"

"what movie??"

"umm its the grudge?"

"ohh okay that ones pretty scary are you sure?"

"i already put in whatever!"

~2 hour later~ 

"umm haneul..... its over you can let go of me now" she was hugging his waist and her face burried in his chest

"ohh its over...? that was scary!!!! i dont think i can sleep tonight!! minhyuk why did you let me watch that!!??"

"YOU CHOSE IT!!!!! sleep with your umma tonight"

"NO!!! can i stay here i dont wanna go out in the dark please"

"well alright then ill go bring you a pillow and blanket"

"NOO!!! dont leave me alone just stay you will be my pillow and blanket yeah?"

"ughh fine!! its 11:35pm we have school tomorrow go to sleep ill make sure the grudge doesnt get you by the legs"

"YAH thats not funny" she said and picked up her legs

"goodnight" he looked at her and she was already fast asleep still hugging his waist 

he got in a more comfortable position and she was still hugging him then he looked at her and smiled 

*your so cute when you sleeping* and he moved her hair from her face and put his arm around her to keep her warm and then closed his eyes












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aegyo-kid #1
Chapter 11: Aww thanks for the update. Hyojin is so kind. She's willin to let haneul spend some time with minhyuk unlike haneul who was planning to shove her out. Why do i feel like hyojin will be blamed for what the queenkas will do -__-
aegyo-kid #2
Chapter 10: Re-read this. Currently 4:25 am in our country haha . Update soon author-nim. I wanna know who will end up with minhyuk!!!! And why did dae blush? Does he like hyojin. Same goes for ljoe and haneul haha ok update soon^^
Chapter 9: Omg I love it
Chapter 8: Okay I will wait hope you do well
Chapter 7: Love it it was awesome
Chapter 6: Please update soon ~ I like your story ! :)
Chapter 6: love it funny tyhe grudge
Chapter 5: it was awesome please update soon
Chapter 4: It was awesome but I kinda don't understand not to be rude I love your story update more please love it
Chapter 3: love it it was awesome update soon i am your biggest fan