
Was it wrong to love you.....

"minhyuk you should go..... now." he looked at them with a are-you-serious-look

".......fine" and with that he was gone


(the next day)

"HYO JIN over here!!!" hanuel yelled across the cafeteria

"hey hanuel...." 

"hey whats wrong?"

"its nothing just that my stomach hurts from yesterday..."

"what happned?? where did you go yesterday! i was looking for you?"

"thats why after you left the bathroom hyun jin came in and took me to the back of the school and the rest of the queenkas beat me up and...?

"*gasp* so thats were she went! omg im sorry are you okay!!?"

"yea if it werent for gikwang i would of been even worse then what i am right now"

"wait he went and saved you.....?" she said kinda sad

"yea and daehyun and l.joe were there to. i think they beat them up but gikwang took me to his house and helped me."

"ohh.... well its good your feeling better" she gripped on her water bottle

"im sorry if that made you upset i didnt..."

"no no its fine.... ohhh look gikwang is coming this way!!" hyo jin turned to him

"hey gikwang" hanuel said

"hey... hyo jin how are you feeling" he said while hugging her hanuel just looked away

"umm im fine thanks... you want to sit?"

"naa its okay im sitting over there with daehyun and l.joe ohh they also said that hyun jin and the rest wont bother you anymore"

"really? tell thanks so much!" 

"will do... well see you later" he said and hugged her again then left

"haneul.... haneul?"

"hyo jin.. i dont get it why at the beginning he only talked to me and now he doesnt even look at me for long??" 

"ummm.... i dont know..."



"*sigh* sorry...."

"its okay but are you jealous? look i dont like him that way.... and im sure he doesnt like him he was just worried" which she kinda lied about because she kinda was starting to have feelings for him she just isnt sure yet and she doesnt want to see her best friend upset its best she keeps her feelings to herself and try not to show  it


"yeah! you know just go up to there table and say something to him so you can see that he still talks to you"

"okay! be right back" she got up and went to there table


"Hyun jin! nows our chance shes alone haneul went to talk to them they are destracted! come on!!" 

"owww wait my neck still hurt from yesterday!" they went to hyo jins table and sat next to her

"well hello there hyo jin! just know that i will not leave you alone im not scared of those idiots i will do what ever i want okay!"

"what do you want now...?" hyo jin said getting up 

"like i said before where going to make your life miserable" she said grabbing a strong grip on hyo jins hand so she wouldnt leave 


"hey guys! ohh gikwang how are you!?"

"umm... fine i guess." he said not really interested while eating

"okay gikwang the reason why i came here is because i wanted to know why you stopped talking to me like when we first met now its just hyo jin hyo jin hyo jin"

"thats easy its cause he likes her" daehyun butted in

" do.....? 

"uhhh uhh oh.... uhh no..." he punched daehyun in the arm

"look im sorry i dont know why i was just acting like a stupid player and trying to get you but after ive talked with hyo jin shes changed me im not a player and imm sorry if i led you on...?"

"but you do like her right.."

"i............*gasp* HYO JIN!!!??" he looked at what was happening to her got up quickly and went to her

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" he yelled and grabbed hyun jins hand away she was about to throw food at hyo jin but he stopped her then they ran away

"hyo jin are you okay!!? did they hurt you?"

"im fine im fine just my hand she gripped my hand hard though"  she said while rubbing it 

"ohh... man i thought i told them to stay away!!"

"gikwang its okay... whatever."

haneul came back to them

"ughh forget it! gikwang i already know your answer!" she yelled at him and grabbed her bag and walked off

"what happened...? hyo jin asked

"ummm... i dont know?"

"HANUEL WAIT!!!!" she went after her


"ohh sorry.."

(how daehyun was)

(how l.joe was) 


"hyo jin wait!!?"


"whats wrong?? "


"haneul like i said i dont...... why are you getting so mad?"

"ughhh because hyo jin every guy ive ever liked end up liking you...! why doesnt anyone ever like me?"

"what? thats not true haneul..."

"IT IS!!! gikwang, derrick from last year and justin from the year before!! i just never told you! and i gues they never told you either GOSH OKAY IM JEALOUS!!!"


"yea will you please leave me alone! i need some space" then she turned and walked away

"IM SORRY........" she yelled to her










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aegyo-kid #1
Chapter 11: Aww thanks for the update. Hyojin is so kind. She's willin to let haneul spend some time with minhyuk unlike haneul who was planning to shove her out. Why do i feel like hyojin will be blamed for what the queenkas will do -__-
aegyo-kid #2
Chapter 10: Re-read this. Currently 4:25 am in our country haha . Update soon author-nim. I wanna know who will end up with minhyuk!!!! And why did dae blush? Does he like hyojin. Same goes for ljoe and haneul haha ok update soon^^
Chapter 9: Omg I love it
Chapter 8: Okay I will wait hope you do well
Chapter 7: Love it it was awesome
Chapter 6: Please update soon ~ I like your story ! :)
Chapter 6: love it funny tyhe grudge
Chapter 5: it was awesome please update soon
Chapter 4: It was awesome but I kinda don't understand not to be rude I love your story update more please love it
Chapter 3: love it it was awesome update soon i am your biggest fan