---Chapter 2---

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Black - Narator 

Purple - L // Myungsoo

Blue - Hoya

Orange - You

Red - Tia

Green - Other people.

Violet - MCs

Cyan - Yaho < the dog > 


You looked up and saw Hoya standing right there.

" Hoya.. oppa... Tia... I.. Myungsoo... I.. don't know anymore.. " You said.

" Its okay... Lets go home, okay? " Hoya said, piggybacking you.

Upon reaching your home. You see L at your front door.

" ... May I... style your hair later..? " You asked.

Styling idols hair has been your specialty ( u did it for the infinite members, but not Hoya ) 

" Ehh~ Jongmal?~ Arraso ~ " Hoya said.

As soon as you got ready all the equipment, you started styling Hoya's hair.

( like in http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_md1g9i6slI1rd31abo1_500.gif )

Knocks can be heard on the door.

" Hoya? Are u inside there? " 

" Isn't that... Your manager? " You said as you finish up the last parts of Hoya's hair.

" Mhm , we're have to go to Weekly Idol today, then a concert. Luckily,  you styled my hair, or my manager will kill me. " Hoya said, joking around. 

" Aha ! I'll stay at h- " 

" You're coming with me. " Hoya said, not allowing any no's for an answer.

" arraso... " You said pouting.

You got on Hoya's car and drove to the weekly idol site.There u saw L and Tia...

" Oppa.. I wanna leave no

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