Count on me

Timeless Melody

Cho Hee

We’re in the restaurant eating our dinner. ‘’There is a festival nearby how about we go and see that? There will also be fireworks,’’ Yoo He Yi says excitedly. I agree on it and the rest as well. I look at Kai who has left his food untouched and he’s busy with his phone. He looks up at me, but I avoid his expression.

After we’ve finished our food we head out to the festival. Su Hwa is dressed in a tight dress with sandals and has her arm linked in Kai’s. I can’t stand the sight anymore and shift my attention towards Myung Soo. He has his arm around me and holds me close. ‘’Can you win a bear for me?’’ I ask innocently and he grins at my cuteness. We split off from the group and enjoy the games they’re offering. Kai comes over as well with Su Hwa trailing behind him.
‘’How about a match?’’ Kai asks with his boyish grin. Myung Soo agrees and the both start the competition.
I sigh at the two who are acting like 10 year old kids. Su Hwa stands next to me.
My body stiffens just feeling her presence. ‘’You know what I’m going to do tonight?’’ I don’t look her way and also don’t go in on the conversation. ‘’I’ll invite Kai to my room…or maybe I’ll just sneak into his.’’ I close my eyes for a split second and take a deep breath. Kai comes over with his prize and gives it to Su Hwa. ‘’Ah, you’re so sweet, Kai’’, she says with her annoying voice and I just look the other way. Kai notices my expression and asks: ‘’Are you okay?’’

I glare at him and leave towards Myung Soo’s side. How can he ask me if I’m okay when he acts like this? However Su Hwa’s words spin in my head without getting tired.

When we arrive at the resort I want to walk to my room, but see Su Hwa whisper into Kai’s ear.
Just when I want to walk over to the two Myung Soo approaches me. ‘’Want to do something together?’’
‘’I’m really tired. I’ll go up and sleep’’, I say apologetically, but still manage to give him a gentle kiss on his cheek. He turns his head to reach for my lips and hold us like that for a few minutes. I feel my face flush and when he releases me I feel Kai’s eyes piercing mine. Kai begins to walk towards me, but I avoid him and wish everyone goodnight.

I go up to my room quickly.
After showering and changing into my pajamas I still think back about what Su Hwa said. I grab my jacket and open my door. At that moment I see Kai’s face right in front of me. We both look at each other in surprise, but he quickly grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. He locks his gaze with mine. ‘’Why. Are. You. Avoiding. Me…And why are you walking over to that guy’s side all the time!’’

‘’You started it first’’, I say stubbornly. He sighs. ‘’I had some things going on in my mind, but you were clearly acting as if I didn’t exist!’’

‘’Because you invited Su Hwa…’’ I say my expression hard. ‘’I had to come with you, otherwise I won’t be able to look out for you,’’ he says while holding my gaze and his grip tightens. ‘’Don’t worry she won’t come in between you and Myung Soo.’’

Seriously that’s not the reason… But what is my reason then? I bite my under lip trying to understand.
‘’Just don’t avoid me’’, he says for the last time and turns around ready to leave. I gasp and without thinking I block his way. He looks up at me with a frown. ‘’You can’t go’’, I say blankly. I remember Su Hwa words and I just can’t leave Kai alone. ‘’Cho Hee, I want to sleep’’, he sighs.
‘’Sleep with who?’’ I blurt out without thinking. ‘’What?!’’ Kai looks at me puzzled. ‘’Do you like Su Hwa?’’ I ask directly. His eyes get wide and he just shakes his head. ‘’Of course not.’’

‘’Then don’t go’’, I say persistently. He sees my glare and holds his hands up in defeat laughing softly. ‘’If you wanted me to stay with you, you just need to ask.’’ He takes off his jacket and falls on my bed. ‘’You coming? Or I’ll fall asleep without you.’’ I smile at his usual self and jump next to him. Too bad for you Su Hwa, Kai is mine!

After a few silent minutes I bring up the other subject. ‘What was on your mind that caused you to act cold to me?’
‘Nothing’, he says after a while. ‘Since when are we keeping secrets from each other?’ I ask softly.
He sighs. ‘I don’t know, you tell me.’ I turn on the light beside my bed and look at him with a puzzled expression. His eyes turn clouded. ‘I don’t understand what you’re trying to do. It seems like…you still have feelings for him.’ Hearing these words from his mouth makes me uncomfortable. ‘Well I’m happy I look so convincing. Otherwise my plan won’t work, would it?’

He smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. ‘You’re willing to use your body for revenge?’

I can’t bring out any word when he says that. It’s true that I let him touch me and kiss me. He puts his hands on both sides of my face and looks into my eyes. ‘I’m worried that you will fall in love with him again.’
I’m pretty sure that won’t be the case, because…
‘I’ll be fine.’
‘Not when he is so intimate with you.’
‘I’ll make sure he won’t be able to kiss and touch me anymore…’
‘He’ll suspect something. But to make sure you won’t develop feelings…’
He pulls my head closer and I feel his plumps lips against mine. He holds us like this for a few seconds and my heart is at top speed.
He pulls back and locks his gaze with mine, while I can see his eyes hiding something. ‘You can distract yourself with me. Be close with me physically so you won’t desire him.’
‘Wha-‘, my mouth hangs open hearing him. ‘Kai, seriously stop fooling around!’

‘I’m serious.’

I look at him and can’t find a trace of humor.
‘You don’t have to feel bad or anything. I need to protect you and if you still want revenge I need to protect you in this way.’

‘Kai…’ I can’t think clearly right now. Everything took a different direction than I could possibly imagine.

‘I’m the only one you can trust. You can always count on me, but...’

I look up at him questioningly.

He throws his arms around me and pulls me down on the bed. ‘I’m tired! Seriously women…always talk about such serious things at weird times.’

He gives a kiss on my forehead and closes his eyes. ‘Goodnight, little trouble maker.’

I grin since he has returned to his usual self. ‘Goodnight, ert.’

Finally my heart has calmed down. Was I the only one who felt it or is Kai good at hiding? What is he thinking?

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Chapter 29: just when you think that you figured it out, something else gets thrown in the storyline, great, begin by square one with guessing. Goodwork authornim!!
Blackjack27 #2
Chapter 28: Kai...omfg I can't even explain what I want to say about the entire situation...
Chapter 27: I hope he wont hurt her like myungsoo and taemin did and stick with her to the end
Chapter 27: Serious kai is just too sweet, I think she's going to plan something
Chapter 27: Nawwwwws! Kai is so cute! Pls update soon! :D
I'm curious who she'll chose in the end