Day 14

2PM 30 Days Challenge

2PM song I never get tired of...I never get tired of all their songs. 

I could listen to all their albums on repeat if I could.  LOL  Isn't it obvious us HOTTEST can never get tired of any song that 2PM has produced.  LOVE THEM!!!!


Sorry it was kind a later than usual.  I was busy this morning and some of you out there might be midnight already SORRY! >.< 

At this moment it's like 5PM in Hawaii.  

See you guys tomorrow!



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Acgoo1999 #1
Chapter 19: Omg! Channie looks really like a girl here with his long hair! Lol!
Chapter 31: congratulation on finishing this i loved it so much.
off to your other challenges.
rion_01 #3
Chapter 27: Haha, if it was me, I'd choose Jun.K. I somehow have good feelings about clubbing skills. *runs away*
lol Junho has the least air time among the guests but I enjoyed every moments he had in the episode. Ouh, did somebody notice how close he was with Hyojoo? Omg, they're so cute^^. Anyway, I wish the editors won't take him too much of his parts on the next episode.
Nichkhunieee #4
Chapter 27: Yeahhh it was all about han hyo joo and jang woo sung! It's like he wasn't even there! The rubrics cube part was just cute:D hahhahhah the way he complained and everything!
Chapter 27: i love this!!!
i might do one.
its so cool your live in Hawaii
i kept calm with the overload of 2PM, thanking for all these pics.
Chapter 23: Ö_Ö xDDD

Oh my, I've choosen the same American cover *kekeke~

Seems like we have the same taste in music *pokes* xD
Nichkhunieee #7
Chapter 22: Chansung's shirt had lace at the bottom right? When he was fighting with the wrestler dudeee: D I can't wait for the next ep with junho
I came on here to ask if I could use this and do the challenge myself (I'll credit you of course) and then i went through all the chapters and I found out youre from Hawaii! :D whoop whoop I'm a Hawaii HOTTEST too! ^^
Chapter 16: Oh wow *-*
Reading/seeing this chapter right before going to sleep?
Damn...I bet I will have a great dream~ kekeke~
Nichkhunieee #10
Chapter 14: I soooooo want to learn A.D.T.O.Y and heartbeat!Did you see the one where jaesuk and jong kook danced it on family outing? It was hilarious: P