Same Sky, Different Time

My Future Boyfriend

Theme Song:Same Sky,Different Time QIHM's OST                                        25th day of March Year 2093                                                                            Android Prince Jupiter's POV                                                                                                                           Today is the 25th day Of March Year 2093.Today is the day that father died. "Father, I really miss you." I told father's grave.Then I remember me and and Ziren's moment with our beloved father since mother died when she was giving birth to us.                              Flashback                                                                                                                                                               "Jupiter!!!" Father called me. "Yes Father?" A 10 year old Jupiter asked his father. "Son! I would like to give this necklace and this phone." Father told me as he gave me the phone and necklace he was holdin'. "What is this for Father???" I ask him. Since you are also an android like me.When I'm 14 years old, My father, your grandpa told me that before the year 2043 we are not androids. Because we are humans.And humans are people that are weaker than us. They can't clearly see things when it's dark.Unlike us, There are devices in our body that helps us see things in the dark.And, We have self destruction device in our body that we can use incase we need it. But humans didn't have. But like humans, we have a heart and brain. Like humans we have a body like them even do we have many devices inside our body. But like humans, we have a human's body.We have a feeling too and we also feel hungry. And the turn on button of our self destruction device is in the left side of our heart.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  End of Father's Story                                                                                                  Cmon Son Let's go and meet Ziren in the construction site okay. Yes Father. Ziren! Where are you? We are about to meet you.My beloved daughter.Father told Ziren. I just have a little tour here Father so don't worry okay. Ziren told father.Cmon! Let's just have a group  hug.Then we have a group hug.In the construction Site,Miss! Stay away from that construction truck! Father told the android. AND Brrrrangg!!!! The construction truck fall. And father saved the android and his son. Father! Father! Wake up! Don't leave us. I told father. Father! Don't do this to us. Father! Father wake up. Ziren told father. And then the doctor came.  I'm sorry but we cannot fix the Mr. Kim's body anymore since many parts of it already break. The doctor said. No! No ! nO yOU can fix it. Pls. pls.I begged the doctor. I'm really sorry Jupiter and Ziren.The doctor said.                                                                                                                                              End of Flashback                                                                                            Aish! Wae? Am I crying?? Why didn't I feel it??? I talk to myself. Yah! JupiSLAVE!!! Crying again Huh??? You better smile or else I will tickle you. Then you might urinate here. Ziyeon jokingly told me. Yah! Why does your always popping out from somewhere. But don't worry Mam! Because I will never cry now. Since I'm with the best Mam.The prettiest one.Right Mam Ziyeonnnn~~~ I told her.In a sweet voice. Well she won in our staring contest Something that we always do ever since father died. She is the one that makes me happy and forget that father and mother were already gone. Hahahahahahahah Why on earth are you saying greasy things like that? What do you want?? I know that when you want something you are being like that. Ziyeon told me. Well she is 100% right. I'm like that when I need something from her. Your Love!!! Ziyeonie~~~~ I told her again ina sweet voice.Yah! Kim Prince Jupiter.!! Stop it. She told me. Ziyeon is getting mad. If you didn't know you are becaming more pretty when your getting mad. I told her. Psh. Can you pls.stop?? I'm really getting angry. Ziyeon told me in a serious angry face. Ok Ok Fine You win again Maam!! Cmon Maam Let's just go eat I'm hungry You know even do we were androids we still feel hungry. I explained it to her.Then I pulled her hand. Psh. I don't care. But wait your running too fast. She answered me while we were running. Cmon! don't talk anymore. I told her.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  25th day of March Year 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yah! Jiyeon Wake up! Soyeon wake me up. Psh. Why so noisy?? Unnie Please let me sleep.5 minutes only. No! Jiyeon Wake up. Manager Taeyeon is here.And she will gonna say something very important to us.Psh. Aish! Ok Ok Fine. You  won again Unnie. Just wait I will just take a bath. I told her. After taking a bath. In the Living Room, Yes! Taeyeon unnie?? What is that important thing to say? I asked her. Ok so Soyeon, Qri, Boram and Ahreum you will be in the Kbs2 Idol's show for three months with Infinite's Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Sungyeol.And then Hyomin and Eunjung you will be in running man with Infinite's Hoya and Woohyun for 3 months. Since youand Infinite have your comeback already. And you Jiyeon, you will have a meeting with KKS, Me, the Ceo of Woolim ent., Infinite's L, KBS2 CEO and the producer of Queen In hyun's man. Taeyeon unnie told us.Mwoh? But why? And what is that??? The one that you said after KBS2? I asked Taeyeon unnie. Aish! This Pabo! I said Queen In Hyun's Man. That will be your new show. And I will just explain the other details to you after the meeting that will start on 9:00 a.m Wait it's 7:00 already so change your clothes already. Then you two Hyomin and Eunjung Pack your things already okay. But wait.Why always with Infnite??? Does Woolim and CCM have a collaboration together??? I ask Taeyeon unnie because I am really curious. I also don't know because they didn't tell me too. And they also said that all of your questions will be answered in the meeting that me and t-ara will have too after you pack all your things so be fast in packing your clothes. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sorry for the late update guys. My class already started and I need to focus on my study. By the way, How is the first chapter??? It is still boring right??? Well I'm so sorry. Pls. wait for the next chapter okay. 

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Jinith23 #1
Based on the drama right? I don't watch that drama so I don't have any clue who they are, but I'll read your story so keep updating & hwaiting