The Reading of The Stance


Aexmith woke up particularly early on his 16th birthday, and for good reason too, his father had been a master archer trained by Master Qui Dong. He was famed throughout the land but only as a master hunter for he had no reason to fight as there were no wars, but he occasionally partook in the odd competition for fun, as he made plenty of money supplying for regional butchers, often he would Aexmith on trips and train him a little in the style but not to much so as not to spoil his lessons with Master Qui should he get into archery.

           Aexmith got out of bed and walked into the kitchen where his mother was preparing breakfast, toast, leftover mutton from dinner,eggs and tomato and onion sauce, he ate his breakfast greedily and got dressed in the usual plain brown clothes as was customary for the ceremony. On his way down he accompanied by many envious children who could not attend the 'Barracks of Valour' as it known in the region. As he entered he felt the eyes of Master Qui interupted from his breakfast, inspect his walk as he tried to imitate his fathers movements when he finally made it to Master Dong he felt relieved. He bowed shallow and polite and he said " Good morning Master, I hope I do not intrude on your breakfast to much but I was very eager to get here." There was little pause before Master Dong answered with "Your intrusion makes the choice narrower and your apology even more so, I am accustomed to intrusions as such, as I have had many enthusiastic students so it makes little difference to me, so you are son to Dextra. Hmm, yes it seems he wishes you to be in the same art as him, but he forgets no one walks in here a master, yes, I caught at moments of lapse in your concentration your true style... you're eager but defensive, courageous but humble. I shall train you with the halberd, it is a cheap but efficient weapon that was originally used for attack in which it thrived in but is easily adapted for a great defence... that is my final verdict, so you can go home for a while I finish my breakfast and be back in 15 minutes so you have ample time to tell your friends and family. Good day Aexmith."

            Aexmith tried hard to hide his disapointment, but strangely enough he wasn't as disheartened as he thought he would be not to get into the same school as his father. Sure he had kind of hoped to be in same style as his father but the individual choice felt more fulfilling, so he ran home to tell his mother & father. His father laughed when he heard the news. "I realised when you left I had trained you to walk like his masters of archery so you'd never make the path of the bow but you should leave the school as deadly as I am, but with your weapon, so halberd a cheap weapon, yes, I remember it was quite popular in the kings guard during The Third Great Unrest; when there was nearly an attempted assasination a day and rogues ruled the roads and Glankor was feared by all apart from Master Dong, who was a young trainee in the deadly arts, you know that Master Dong is one of the Thricefold Sentinels, which means he stopped one of the Three Great Unrests and member of the Garlith Guards so he is the 8th great hero of our land."

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