In The Darkness

Its Over [Nothing Left Sequel] [Two-Shots]


Junhyung POV
   I locked the door so nobody would disturbed me. I have to recall back what I heard and saw just now. Its hard to digest everything in just a few seconds. I slump my body weakly on my bed. As my soft body hit the soft mattress, my heart start clenching tightly and my lips trembling. I try hard not to burst every pain that I felt. But I loss. I ended up crying all night.
   I open my eyes slightly and been greeted with sunlight flashing through the windows. As I tried to get up, my head hurts badly. Did I got drunk last night? Well, I dun think so. And I barely remember when did I fell asleep. Maybe I just dozzed off.
   I tried to get up and walk to bathroom to clean myself. I looked at the mirror and saw my aweful face. It was swollen all over. I washed my face and walk out to dry my face.I walk out from my room and headed towards kitchen. My tummy is growling as I haven't eat anything since .. err .. I dun even remember the last time I ate. 
  When I entered the kitchen, there I saw my brother , Zelo eating bread. Hell yeah, who supposed this little could cook something in the morning right. I take a sit beside him and take a slice of bread then shoved it in my mouth. He look at me with shocked expression. Maybe he didn't realized when I entered the kitchen.
Zelo POV 
  I was staring to somewhere while thinking bout hyung. I was diving to deep in my world and suddenly saw a hand was reaching for .. bread? I shifted my head just to see hyung next to me and shoved the bread in his mouth. Ouh God, his face was swollen all over. So, the crying sound I heard last night was really hyung .. 
  I clear my throat before started conversation with hyung. " Ehem .. Umm hyung .. I dunno you .. Umm would woke up this early -  And sitting next to you, eating bread?," he said cut me off. He smiled. I frozed. I widened my eyes after that. It has been a long time he didn't smile. Not after .. Yoseop hyung .. left .. 
   "Umm, Y-yeah ..," I stuttered.He continue eating and drink coffee that I made earlier. While I just sitting there watching him out. He gaze at me, and open his mouth as he started to talk again. "Why are you looking at me like that? Something on my face?," He asked. I just realized what I've done and turn my head. " Uh , sorry hyung. Didn't meant too." I scratched the back of my head weirdly.
Warning : This contains some sort of suicidal and blood . 
Yosoep POV 
   I clenched my shirt tightly. It hurts. I still thought of him. I can't take this. I miss him badly. What should I do to stop this? I glance at the knife next to me. I took it and stare at it deeply. Just one way, die . Or suicide, its more accurate. I put the knife at my wrist and closed my eyes slowly. I cut my wrist slowly and deeper as blood slowly dripping from it. I can't feel the pain on my heart alrdy. Its start to blown away slowly.
  I tried to open my eyes when I saw someone step inside the house. Its must Yongguk."Yongguk -ssi..," I callled out is name. But its more to whisper. I smiled weakly as I started to loose my balanced. I fall back and hit my head on the floor. My eyes getting heavier and so do my breathing. The last thing I could see is someone .. someone runs towards me and shouting my name. I barely hear it and .. suddenly .. I saw Junhyung's face .. Looking at me .. Without saying anything .. I wanted to open my mouth saying something to him. But its too hard. Finally, darkness had taken all over me.
No one POV
   Yongguk heard something fall when he entered the house and eyeing it to search Yoseop. He quicken his pace and look all over the house. He started to get panic, afraid something happen to his beloved Yoseop. He firstly look at Yoseop's bedroom. But Yoseop is not there. He then searched in the bathroom. Nope, not there. Yoseop is nowhere to be found, living room, his bedroom , bathroom or even his own bedroom. 
   He then realized. Kitchen. He ran towards it and instantly found a suffocate Yoseop trying as hard as he can to breath. He hold onto Yoseop and take out his cellphone to get help. After succeeding it, he carrying Yoseop in bridal style and waited for ambulance. After 10 mins, ambulance arrived and Yongguk put Yoseop on the strecther while get into the ambulance as well, then drove off to the hospital.
No one POV
   Junhyung is on his way to meet doctor for check up. But he's face clearly seems like he's being force too. Well, the mighty Yong Junhyung wouldn't easily get sick and even if he is, he won't really wanted to meet doctor right? This must Zelo that had forced Junhyung to do so. Using he's aegyo maybe? 
   While Junhyung was walking he saw someone had arrived at the emergency room by ambulance. The nurses and a doctor in charge push the strecther quickly after the patient arrived. Junhyung realized there's a lots of blood. But he barely see the patients face. Next to the patient were holding his hand and keep on saying ' Dun leave me', or 'Be strong'. As he keeps on looking at the scene, suddenly he heard 'Yoseop' name. He stunned. 
   "Y-yoseop..," he tried to recall the name in his mind countless times. He try to say the name countless times eventhough he were stuttering. He was in his own world which everything that happens 11 months  before replaying back in his mind causing he's breathing unstable. 
Junhyung POV
   Y-yoseop? Yoseop? Ouch, my head hurts as I keep repeating that name. And all those scene keep replaying back. What is this? When is this happened? I hold my head. Its hurts. "Argh!," I cried in pain. I tried to open my eyes, but I can't see anything. Its dark. Now I feel tired while trying to endure the pain. Slowly, everything is fading. The sound of people in the hospital, the touch when lots of people holding me. Its starting to fade away slowly.
Yongguk POV 
   I'm sitting at the chair out the emergency room. Yoseop is in there battling for his own life. God Yoseop, please be save. And how stupid are you to hurt yourself. What are you thinking by doing this Yoseop? It must be that bastard Junhyung. I swear if anything happens to Yoseop, his the one I would hunt down. I'll make him beg for your forgiveness. I swear. 
   Suddenly, the doctor come out from the emergency room and make his way to me. " He's fine. Everything is under control. Good that you make it on time bringing him here. I will go now," said the doctor and walk away. I sigh in relieved. Thank God Yoseop is save. I couldn't imagine if Yoseop gone. I just would follow him. 


Junhyung POV 
   I open my eyes slowly. I was at .. Where am I? I instantly get up but end up groan in pain. My head. Its hurt. Damn hurt. "Hyung! You wake up alrdy?," I heard Zelo asking while holding me. "Hyung why? Your head still hurt?". I nod slowly and Zelo lay me down on slowly on bed. 
   After a few mins, I heard doctor come and check me out. I was really forgetting something am I? How did I end up here? I thought I was juz came here to have check up. But I didn't remember I've been hospitalized. Can someone tell me what's happening? 
Zelo POV
   I was walking down the street to take a fresh air. After I force Junhyung hyung to the hospital, I've been so relieved that he had changed? I dunno exactly what happened to hyung. But.. I think its better like this than seeing him with swollen eyes and getting skinnier than before. Maybe .. Hyung has move on .. 
   While I was looking around, suddenly my phone's ringing. I pick it up. "Yobeosaeyo?," I ask the caller. "Annyeonghaseyo .. Is this Yong Zelo? We're from Star Hospital"
   Star Hospital? Why on Earth are they calling me? " umm, yes? Its me". "We're hear to tell you that your hyung, Yong Junhyung is been hospitalized juz now" . Wth? "What? Why is it? Why my hyung is there? What happened to him?," I started to get panicked. " We insist you to come quickly to the hospital right now"
   Juz after that I hung up and run as fast as I could towards the hospital. Wth juz happened? Hyung is juz fine in the morning. I juz hope he's fine. I quiken my pace while praying hyung is fine.
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