Chapter 3

The Promise to Endure


Chapter 3

"It's sort of cute that you even thought you have a fighting chance" Kyuhyun teased with a cheeky smile that devolved into a chuckle, pulling back a bit so that he could laugh in Yesung's face a little bit, the older man glaring at him, Kyuhyun rather amused that Yesung could have possibly thought it would have another outcome other than he being told he was an idiot and being forced to act out on of Kyuhyun newfound fantasies.

So far he was only able to call him and idiot, and he was determine to set some of those fantasies in motion, dipping his head back to on the soft skin, Yesung smacking him on the head, either for the comment or the fact that he was much too strongly and could certainly leave a red mark if he continued, Kyuhyun aware that it would be an issue, pulling away a little, Yesung still glaring at him.

"I hate you" Yesung pulled a face at him , making Kyuhyun laugh again, this time pulling him into the a tight embrace, hugging the life out of him, hands wrapped around his back, Yesung buried against his shoulder, digging his finger into Kyuhyun's shoulder as punishment, the younger man still laughing at the unintentional cuteness.

"Then you will have a hard time writing me all those letters I expect to get. You have to be a good boyfriend and write me one every day Hyung. You have to tell me how much to miss me and wish I was there and all those cheesy things that people in the army write about, and if they are good I will write to you too" Kyuhyun chuckled, more teasing than anything, but he supposed part of him was serious about it.

Things were going to change. He knew that.

How much was the question that still plagued him, but he supposed that would only be answered over time. He was messing with Yesung, but now that he thought about it, he would really like to get a few letters from Yesung. He had heard that people did that when they were in the army and he knew people who had received them from love ones and the idea just sort of stuck at a subconscious level. The rather liked the idea of Yesung writing to him after a long day of training, confiding in him, sharing his thoughts with him, just loving him. He supposed it would never be every day, but he wouldn't mind receiving one or two, and honestly he could see himself writing back to him.

 It would be cheesy as hell, but it would be a new experience for them both and he definitely liked the idea, his mind seeing how it would all work, not even realizing that Yesung was looking at him with wide eyes and had gasp a second ago, Kyuhyun lost in his thought, not realizing that he had said something that caught Yesung's genuine attention.

"I have to be a good what?" Yesung asked  a little frantically, not sure he had heard Kyuhyun right, the words feeling exceedingly strange in his ears, but somehow the heat that took his body was enjoyable and he had those flutters in his stomach all of a sudden, awkward and happy and then even more awkward about the fact that he was happy, all that falling away as he tried to ensure that he had heard Kyuhyun right. It was not wishful thinking, never having had the urge to be referred to like that, but hearing it all of a sudden felt strange. The good kind of strange, smiling as Kyuhyun gave him an annoyed look.

"Be a good boyfriend, Hyung. Weren't you listening to me?" Kyuhyun chastised, glaring at Yesung for not listening to him, even if he was not saying anything potentially information. He did like the ideas of letters though, so Yesung had better listen to him from now on, poking the older man in his side as Yesung stared at him with wide eyes and a warm blush on his face, Kyuhyun ceasing his torment to figure out why  the older man was looking at him like that, head twisting to the side as he tried to understand it, Yesung rather red for no reason, the older man finally looking likely to clue him in.

"B-Boyfriend. You said I was your....... boyfriend" Yesung felt stupid saying it, making a big deal out of something so small, but to them it had meaning. Kyuhyun had never called him his boyfriend before. It was so strange to actually hear it he was not sure what he was feeling exactly. It was awkward still, but it felt like a step forward, progress in their journey together. He could slap himself for blushing and feeling shy, but no matter what he did the butterflies remained in his stomach and the awe of hearing the words was making him feel light. He didn't even realize he would be so happy to hear it before. It was so new and wonderful.

"Oh...yeah...that is what you are, aren't you?" Kyuhyun asked in what was supposed to be a dismissive remark, but came out like a pleading question, asking for reassurance. He supposed he was not so confident in himself to truly be dismissive and whilst he wished he could say he didn't care for Yesung's approval , he longed for it. He didn't mean to say that and hadn't even realized that it had slipped out until Yesung had repeated it, the image flashing back to him, the words uttered them without thought.

 It was so strange.

 He couldn't even call Yesung his boyfriend in his mind without cringing a little, and the word just slipped out. That was unbelievably strange, but it was not even close to the shock that he felt when he realized that he was actually sort of glad that he said it, that he wanted it to be reciprocated. They were too far along together to keep avoiding things like that. Of course it was awkward and would be until they could completely adjust to their change in circumstances, but the only way they would ever get to that point was to take those little steps. If they were able to say it and accept it, it would no longer be something so infinitely foreign and scary. Never in Kyuhyun's mind had he ever thought he would ever have a boyfriend, but now, looking over at Yesung blush, he didn't  mind at all, especially if he got to be Yesung's boyfriend.

He also then realized that he  sort of really wanted to be Yesung's boyfriend, to have the older man ready to acknowledge that fact. He knew that they were already way past that stage in emotion and affection, especially commitment, but it was the first verbal stage that they had to cross to take their relationship out of the shadow and into a state of reality. Saying made it real, meant that you couldn't take it back. Kyuhyun was ready. He hoped Yesung was too.

"I am" Yesung said, neither firmly or timidly, simply stating it as a fact, as if he was directing Kyuhyun to the coffee cups on the top shelves, something that was just known and understood. Kyuhyun took his indifference for their true meaning. Yesung was not going to act as if it was something monumental or strange. He was in fact Kyuhyun's boyfriend. He was in fact anything Kyuhyun wanted him to be, so really being his boyfriend was nothing to admit it, something that should exist as a known fact.

He had never verbally acknowledged himself as such before, though he would have had to been exceedingly delusional to think that he and Kyuhyun were not long passed that stage, even if they were never prevailed upon to admit it verbally. He was willing now. It was scary and would probably be awkward for a long time, but he wanted Kyuhyun to know that he wanted to be there with him, to take those first steps together,  hugging Kyuhyun when the emotion overwhelmed him.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Kyuhyun holding Yesung close, stupidly wondering why they always seemed to find themselves in these situations, yet grateful that he had put an end to all that talk about leaving him an all that nonsense. He really wanted to kill Yesung for doing that to him one day, but for now he would just hold him close and make a new wonderful memory, though before he could do that, he had something that he needed to clarify without fail, before it extended itself even more.

"No more talk about break ups and all that nonsense, you understand? We will be just fine, so don't worry that pretty little head of yours over it. You'll only be gone a month and I will see you when you get back" Kyuhyun made it his business to clarify, not looking into the older man's eyes for confirmation, but he was sure Yesung was hearing him and assuming that he was in agreement. He knew it would be a change but he was ready to deal with it. He was just unwilling to deal with some ridiculous break up. Yesung was his. He would always be. Anything else was ridiculous. Hopefully Yesung understood that by now.

"Don't call me pretty, you annoying bastard. And who wants to see you then anyway?....I hope you know what you are getting into" Yesung warned one last time, understanding Kyuhyun's point of view and his wishes and fully of the understanding that he couldn't get Kyuhyun to break up with him, so he had no choice to accept the younger man, as he was dying to do as it was, pushing aside that last fact to save his pride a little heartache, wanting to make sure that Kyuhyun understood what he wanted one last time.

 He wasn't sure if he would let go as easily as he did once he allowed himself to gain anymore attachment to Kyuhyun. If he was going to hold on, he was going to do it tightly. Did Kyuhyun understand that? Did he know that it would be hard and he would be expected to endure it? Did he realize what he was promising? Yesung truly hoped he did.

"I am promising to wait on a stubborn, irrational jackass that drives me up a freaking wall with his nonsensical ideas and his refusal to accept that I am not a child. I am condemning myself to a month without said jackass annoying the hell out of me or feeding me. I am also letting myself be led astray by the jackass's pretty face, even though I know he  will be the worst boyfriend in the world, with his 9-5 job, that will more than likely clash with my erratic schedule. I am permitting myself be seduced by his unusually big head so that I forget he has a bad attitude and is frustratingly obstinate and has this  perpetual need to decide  everything unilaterally, ruining our would be dates with his endless blabbering and annoying high collared shirts, the ones that prevent me from on his throat and he doesn't even let me kiss him when I want. I am also accepting the fact that the idiot is a mean that would actually try to break up with me for no reason at all on the eve of his army enlistment whilst I try to shower him in love and even after all of that still has the audacity to glare at me. Did I forget anything?" Kyuhyun aptly summarized his dealings with Yesung or at least he thought he did, laughing smugly as Yesung continued to glare at him, dodging the small fist that was aimed at his face, Yesung not really trying that hard to be honest, Kyuhyun continuing to laugh, head falling back as he enjoyed the look of distain that Yesung was giving him, thoroughly amused.

Yesung asked him if he understand what he was getting into. He wanted him to know that he did. It was simple as that. He may have been a little naive and a little to idealistic from time to time, but he never had any delusions when it came to Yesung. He knew he was in love with an obstinate jackass that would drive him mad before long. He knew that he would suffer for being a freaking addicted to such a temperamental moody fool and could only conclude that was Dike's way of getting even with him, her way of balancing the universe. It was his karmic payment for all the mean things that he  done in his life, all the pranking and teasing and everything else in between.

He had no doubt that Yesung would make him suffer, that he would have a hard painful life, but even so he was a slave to that warm feeling in his chest, that urge to get lost in a warm embrace and play with freakishly tiny fingers. He understood. He understood all too well. Hopefully Yesung would realize that now. Or he would, if he ever stopped glaring, Kyuhyun letting him pound his tiny fist against his chest weakly, the anger from the insult too much to take, Kyuhyun content to just laugh at him until he calmed down.

" I don't blabber and those shirts are designer! " Yesung protested with a sneer, Kyuhyun laughing even more, nearly choking when air went down the wrong column, Yesung pounding his back for him to breathe once more, laughing once again when his throat was clear, positive that Yesung would never ever be boring, the idiot only taking offence with those two things out of all the other atrocities that he had listed? The man was heaven sent and one of a kind, made just for him. He loved him to death and would do anything for him, but right then, he just laughed at him shamelessly, Yesung pouting at him.

"This was why I was going to break up with you! You are so goddamn mean. I knew I should have left after I said it, but no, I let you weasel your way in again....Brat!" Yesung complained as he smacked him on the arm, Kyuhyun still laughing at him, nearly wheezing now, loud and obnoxious, dragging the glaring man back into his arms, Yesung fighting him, but he was to amused to care, just pressing his rigid form against his chest and laughing until he couldn't laugh anymore, his eyes springing water.

Kyuhyun's heart thumping, his chest heaving and Yesung pinching the skin at his chest, thankful that the older man had next to no nails, still biting his nails, Kyuhyun unable to stop him unless he was beside him and when he wasn't he would continue, Kyuhyun's laughter dying down into chuckles,  kissing Yesung's hair as the older man pinched at the flesh at his stomach, Kyuhyun flinching but not releasing him, deciding that kisses would solve his problem, soothing Yesung in such a manner, dropping his lips randomly to the older man's skin, Yesung settling mostly, still digging his finger into his skin, much too stubborn to stop.

"Wait. You knew you were going to break up with me all day. That means , you choose to spend your last day with me like this? Are you insane? We could have done something classy or exotic" Kyuhyun observed after a few minutes of relative peacefulness, in the sense that Yesung was no longer trying to dig a hole in his arm and chest with his nonexistent nail, now just grumbling about Kyuhyun being a  brat and that he should have really broken up with  him, the thought occurring to Kyuhyun randomly.

 He only then realized that Yesung had come with the intention of breaking up with him, obvious now that he had let himself address the looks and expressions that Yesung seemed to be wearing throughout the day, now everything making sense. The only thing left to figure out was why Yesung would think to spend their last day together like that. Didn't he want a wonderful memory? Or a great date as the last?

" I am insane for spending any time at all with you as it is.....I just wanted to spend one last day with you like we always do. I never needed anything exotic, so I didn't see any reason for it today either. This was always enough for me" Yesung responded honestly, finally just shrugging his shoulders, not sure how he was supposed to explain to Kyuhyun why he chose to spend the day the way he did. He knew that he would have forced something big and make an event out of it and keep it as this great memory of something wonderful and exciting but the more he thought about how he would spend his last day with Kyuhyun, the more he wanted to do exactly what he did.

 He was happiest just eating stew and rice with Kyuhyun or watching a movie pressed against Kyuhyun's chest or with Kyuhyun's head on his lap and his fingers brushing through his hair. He wanted to watch him play starcraft and wonder if it was normal for someone so supposedly smart to be so stupid, to hold his hands and just sit beside him. Those were the things that he valued the most, so on his last day he wanted more of the same. He wanted to remember the warmth of Kyuhyun's hand in his, the feel of his chest against his back, the strength of his embrace, and the fact that Kyuhyun was a lazy brat. He didn't know how to make Kyuhyun understand that, but figured that it was enough that he did. It didn't matter anymore and now it would just be another beautiful memory of how Kyuhyun's looked when he kneed him in the groin. He would do that as soon as he could, the bastard was much too cheeky.

"You are so sappy Yesungie hyung" Kyuhyun chuckled, but this time it was happiness and not mocking, wanting another kiss but pushed back by a glaring Yesung, still mad about the things he had said about him, the older man trying to deny him what was his, Kyuhyun smirking at him before he tugged firmly, Yesung pulled back into his arms, forgetting it seems that he never really left Kyuhyun's arms.

The younger man would simply releasing the intensity of the hold from time to time, which is what made it easier to capture Yesung in his arms, the older man so accustomed to Kyuhyun's hand on his waist that he didn't even realize it half the time, that time being another, Yesung not even bothering to fight him, especially since he had to leave soon.

Kyuhyun pulled him close and was finally devoid of laughter and humour, Yesung no longer complaining or grumbling, instead holding on to his arms, before he eventually found a place he was comfortable with, hands wrapped around Kyuhyun's middle, head resting against his chest, back to just enjoying each other's presence and the love they had for each other and the struggles they would face and the firm knowledge that they would be at each other's side for as long as possible, Kyuhyun committed to wait on the older man and Yesung committed to ensure that Kyuhyun was happy. Both releasing determined sighs, before sinking into ease other, body's lining up as they usually do, both having a lot on their minds, wondering if they made the right decisions, if their concerns would be addressed, and most importantly, if they could go a month without doing something like that it.

It would be definitely be hard.

Kyuhyun was sure of that as he buried his nose in Yesung's hair, the sweet fragrance, making him light headed, shutting his eyes as he shifted his arms, Yesung wrapped up into some resembling a plushie, firm and possessive, tender and  loving all at the same time, Yesung letting it all go, holding on to Kyuhyun, his both hands on the younger man's body, his face buried against his chest, ear taking in the sound of his heartbeat, the prettiest melody that he had ever heard, wanting to remember it entirely, sure that would be the lullaby that put him to sleep when he was alone in that soldier barracks, or left to his thoughts in that forest as they marched.

 Time was so short now, but Kyuhyun was right.

He would be back soon. He wouldn't see him as much as much as now but he would still see him and talk to him and hear his voice so it was certainly not the end of the world. It would be even better if he was assigned to serve somewhere in Seoul. That way he would see Kyuhyun even more frequently on his free days. He would just have to see how it goes, but if nothing else , Kyuhyun was just a phone call away and that was all it took to make him smile blindingly against Kyuhyun's chest, wishing that the younger man would always be happy, silently adding that he would always be happy with him, holding on tightly, comfortable and unwilling to move, until he heard the first soft sigh, Kyuhyun apparently comfortable enough to sleep, Yesung's eyes flying open, realizing that he almost did the same thing and he just couldn't!

"Get up Kyuhyun ah. Don't sleep. I have to get up. I need to leave" Yesung spoke as he tried to untangle himself from Kyuhyun's appendages, the younger man looking a little groggy, clearly not understanding what was happening, Yesung feeling around for his phone, trying to figure out the time, only to realize that he had a watch, sighing in relief when he realized that he was not late just as yet, taking a deep breath as he composed himself, Kyuhyun looking at him with sleepily eyes, a result of the comfortableness from earlier, Yesung still trying to create room, but at least now he did not have to violently push at Kyuhyun anymore, waiting now for the younger to pull himself off of him slowly, Kyuhyun lying flat on his back, wiping a hand over his face as he tried to figure out what was happening.

"You're leaving? You're not spending the night with me? "Kyuhyun questioned a little slowly, the words heavy on his tongue as he tried to get more alert and quickly. It was not even eight o'clock here  and he was a little groggy. He wasn't tired per say but with Yesung in his arms and the room nice and even temperature, he couldn't help feel comfortable, which ultimately led to his impromptu nap, but as far as he could tell, Yesung was comfortable too, so he couldn't understand why the older man was leaving, looking across at Yesung with a curious glance the older man looking down at him.

"Yeah I am leaving now. I have to go to the cafe tonight. I was nearly late" Yesung explained as he tried to push himself into a seated position, so that he would get some of separation properly and be able to leave as he should have done nearly an hour ago.

"Really? You are going to the cafe tonight?" Kyuhyun asked as he tried to follow what was happening in his mind. He knew it was far from complex, but a couple minutes of go he was on the edge of sleep with Yesung in his arms, perfectly content to spend the night and the next day with Yesung in his arms, wanting to spend all day with Yesung, especially would could be their last night together for over a month. He had all that in his mind, but now it seemed to be different, preferring the way it was  before. Now he was being told that Yesung had to leave so that he could go to Mouse Rabbit? Why would he do that?

"Yeah I have to go. There were lots of fans all throughout the day, but a lot of them would be gathered at the cafe around now. I need to go and say goodbye to them" Yesung explained, now sitting with his back pressed to the wall, Kyuhyun still laying on his back, staring up at him, listening to what he was saying. He was sorry to leave him of course, but his clouds were more important right now.

He could still see Kyuhyun the following day and when he returned from training, but with his fans, especially the ones that travelled from far away countries to see him, time was very short for them and he had to go see them, to assure them and himself that it would be alright, that they would share a future together, side by side. He had a lot of fears when it came to that, but he trusted his fans and he hoped they would be there waiting of him. He had a duty to them though, a duty to show his appreciation and to say goodbye. So no matter how warm it was in Kyuhyun's arms, he had to leave.

"I'll come with you" Kyuhyun offered, wiping his eyes and pulling himself upright, coming up to the side of Yesung, head falling on the smaller man's shoulder, his hand reaching to hug at Yesung's waist, feeling more clingy that he should be, his defence simply that he would not be with Yesung for an entire month.

He needed all the hugs and cuddles he could get.

 It was a little damaging to his pride, but for the most part, the warmth meant that he didn't care. He did think it would be nice to go to the cafe with Yesung. He had only ever been there once and that was a complete disaster. He didn't even want to think about his public shaming anymore, instead rather linking the idea of being with Yesung for the rest of the evening, and finally being at the cafe with him. It would be a little awkward, still a little uneasy near Yesung's family, but he could just say he wanted to help out Yesung before he left. He could see how that would work and he would finally be able to go to the cafe properly.

"No, don't come. There will be enough chaos today. With you there it will only get more crazy" Yesung declined Kyuhyun's offer after considering the practical implementations. He was glad that Kyuhyun wanted to stay with him and he would have really liked to be able to show Kyuhyun the cafe and just be there with him, awkwardness and fear aside, but he knew that with Kyuhyun's presence, the already chaotic situation would be  alot worst. It was better if Kyuhyun stayed home or just did something else. He was appreciative of course, but Kyuhyun really couldn't come without causing mayhem.

"Guess you are right. Your fans always did love me a little too much. Maybe I should go and greet them? They will all be my fans soon" Kyuhyun teased, smirking at Yesung cheekily, slightly disappointed that he was not being allowed to go with Yesung, but he could understand why Yesung would insist that he stay away.

Last time he was there he caused chaos and that was when everyone was having a regular day. The last day fans could see Yesung was always going to be crazy. Adding him would be too much chaos for anyone to handle. He was disappointed but he understood and as it was a good opportunity to tease. He wasn't kidding really. Yesung's fans always had a little affinity for him, most of the time anyway, until their fans decided they wanted to fight about who was the better singer. He hoped they would realize one day that it was always him...even if Yesung claimed the same thing. For the most part though, Yesung's  Clouds always loved him well enough.  He was teasing when he said that they would be his fans soon though. If nothing else, Yesung's fans were very loyal and he loved them for treating Yesung with such care.

"Stay away from my fans, you greedy bastard" Yesung rejoined playfully, not taking Kyuhyun seriously, aware that the younger man was teasing, not taking him too seriously, aware that his fans would be as loyal as they could, but in his absence he didn't mind if they showed Kyuhyun love on his behalf, once they didn't forget him completely for the charming brat currently kissing the side of his face, Kyuhyun always so relentless, hands clamped around his waist and hair brushing against his cheek, making him feel weak.

"It's not my fault I am so loveable" Kyuhyun murmured in the midst of his activities, hands rather enjoying themselves on Yesung's flat stomach, feeling the older man's soft abs through his shirt, running his fingers along the soft formation, lazily kissing the spot just beneath Yesung's earlobe, the older man, sighing happily, not even contradicting Kyuhyun's statement, small hand reaching for Kyuhyun's as he turned to press a kiss to the younger man's lips, pulling away.

"Stop. I have to go. I need to go home and change still" Yesung informed, trying to pry Kyuhyun off him, the younger man holding on tightly, pulling his hand away from Yesung's hold so that he could return it to his waist, leaning in to on the skin once more, wanting to hold on to Yesung as long as he could, feeling much too happy to release him just it, Yesung shivering when his lips touched a particularly sensitive spot, but then the older man finally became more alert, pulling Kyuhyun's hand away once more.

"Stay with me tonight" Kyuhyun mumbled through his kisses, rationally aware that Yesung had to go to the cafe, but that inherently selfish part of him wanting to keep the older man to himself, to hold him close and kiss him senseless. If Yesung left then, it was unlikely that he would be back that night for Kyuhyun to use him as a pillow, suddenly feeling very selfish and unwilling to share his Yesung with the fans, wanting as much as the older man as he could get, finding it hard to let him go, not even thinking about how cheesy his words were, back to the sweet skin, nose brushing teasingly against the soothe scented area, nearly seductively, his breathes shallow and enticing, Yesung shutting his eyes, not wanting to see Kyuhyun and that dangerous expression, though closing his eyes properly was not a good idea either, the sensations that much stronger. He had to endure though, he had to go to his fans. Kyuhyun, that bastard!!

"Seriously! Stop! Let me go. I will come and see you tomorrow. I promise I will come tomorrow. Just let me go now" Yesung pleaded, with both Kyuhyun and himself, everything heated and sensitive, acutely aware that he had just begged for freedom, when there were no chains that bound him. Kyuhyun's hand was weak and certainly not the sort that would stop him from leaving if he so desired. He supposed that was the problem entirely; desire. Kyuhyun had woven a web of enticement that he was nearly powerless to stop, wanting to laugh at his own weakness, but to busy brushing his face against Kyuhyun's hair, feeling like a kitten, all the while trying to build his will power.

"Only for the fans. You have to come tomorrow or else I really will kill you" Kyuhyun grumbled as he pressed a few last kisses, unwilling to stop and very much aware that Yesung was having a hard time resisting him, that knowledge inflating his already large ego a lot, feeling little flutters in his stomach at the fact he had the power to control the older man to such a degree.

Yesung pulled his strings effortlessly, so it was nice to know that he had a similar persuasion.

He was quite ready to use that to his advantage, but then he thought of the fans waiting patiently for Yesung and the eagerness they would feel to see him one last time. Selfishly, he thought Yesung was his and he had a right to keep him with him, but then he remembered that Yesung needed the love of his fans as well, and no matter how selfish he was, he could never truly deprive Yesung of that feeling. He couldn't let him disappoint his fans or make them sad, the guilt and the worry would later be too much for him to bear, deciding to truly act as a good beloved, releasing Yesung, though he had to have that last kiss, lifting his head to kiss the older man soundly, even if not intrusively, before he pulled away, heaving a little, his hands aching to touch once more, lacing his fingers together to keep them stilled.

"Tomorrow...tomorrow" Yesung promised dumbly, still a little dazed from the kiss before, Kyuhyun capturing his lips sweetly, strong and certain, but infinitely gently, slow caresses and playful nips, not intrusive, just intimate, leaving him breathless and even  more in love, his senses jolted, practically with stars in his eyes as he looked at the younger man, who smiled at him just then, Yesung leaning forward to press his lips to his, before turning away completely, deciding that was the only way he would survive the moment, breathing deeply, trying to clear his mind.

With a few more breathes, he was finally able to control his body and his mind, reaching for Kyuhyun's hand one last time before he left, squeezing the large fingers one last time, smiling at Kyuhyun brightly, eyes shining in happiness, his worries pushed to the side for the time being, just wanting to enjoy the joys of being in love, releasing Kyuhyun's hand as he stood up, Kyuhyun doing the same, Yesung not really bothering by then, just walking around the room picking up his things that had scattered about during the day, Kyuhyun walking behind him as he left the room, calling out to Eunhyuk to see if he were still there, the younger man seemingly not there anymore, then remembering that everyone had to go to a wedding, one that he was invited to as well, but had declined in favour of spending the day with Kyuhyun.

Grabbing his bag, he added all his things, Kyuhyun looking on, just keeping an eye on him until he was finally able to gather everything, walking to the door, Kyuhyun grabbing his hand to stop him from leaving, turning him around to hug him one last time, a cheesy action, which Yesung commented on, Kyuhyun ignoring him as to be expected, just reminding him that he expected to see him the next day and he would not be forgiving if he failed to come see him so he could say goodbye properly, his tone dripping with suggestion of a particular kind, Yesung rolling his eyes and smacking him, pulling himself out of Kyuhyun's arms, with a dismissive assertion 'ert!', leaning forward to press one last kiss to Kyuhyun's lips, before he turned to leave, waving cutely as he left.

Kyuhyun could only watch him go with a mixture of sadness and joy, happy that he had resolved the small issues and made a good memory, and even got to strangle Yesung, which was surprisingly a lot more fulfilling than you would think, smiling at the memory, just for the satisfaction of dealing with the idiot. He was sad though, acutely aware that tomorrow he would have to say goodbye properly and that alone was enough to the joy out of his heart. It was one day away and he wasn't sure if he was really ready to say goodbye to Yesung.

He kept reminding himself that it was only a month, and whilst it would be hard he would get through it. He supposed it would be sort of hypocritical to promise Yesung the same thing and not believe it himself. It was hard, that is all. He would miss him for sure, falling back onto his bed, hugging his turtle patterned pillow, smelling the fabric that still smelt like Yesung, slightly worried but filled with determination.

He would not let Yesung worry about him. He would see him the following day and cover him in kisses to last a lifetime, not just a month, make him promise to take care of himself and write him those damn letters so he could mock him forever about it. With that in mind he was able to smile finally, plotting all the things he could do the following day when he would say was not right.

Say See you later.

Author's Note:

Like Kyuhyun said, it's not a goodbye, its a see you later. We shall love Kim Jongwoon just as much as he loved Yesung and we shall all be here waiting for his return. As hard as it is, we shall endure simply because we love him. Hopefully he get to see him from time to time :)

I also hope everyone continues to support Kyusung. Even if we can not see it, a relationship such as Kyusung's will surely continue. Lets all wish them well and hope they show us their closeness now and then. Lets hope none of you want to murder Kyu when he himself out with the

This is the last story in the continuum for the conceivable future. One day I shall return to it. There are a few stories that are written and will be published at random, but they would all predate this event, so this is the last moment in the continuum for now. It has been a great journey and I am grateful to have shared this journey with everyone. I wanted to give a glance at how a 'possible' Kyusung relationship could work. I hope I succeeded.

Also, since I like to think of Kyusung shippers as a family, feel free to talk to me on Twitter :)

Cheers ♥

OMG-- Still so handsome. He looks like a kid with that shy smile ♥

I would know that smile Cloud looks tired right now, buts probably just the stress of the whole thing. Lets hope it goes well.

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390 streak #1
Chapter 3: wuaaaaah, I don't regret reading this fic, it's so fantastic! amazing! you're really a great great great writer! <3
390 streak #2
Chapter 2: oh gosh, you gave me a heart attack!

Kyu you bastard! You're so smart! damn you! XD
390 streak #3
Chapter 1: #gasp

break up? why? **immediately click next chapter button**
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 3: Loved the intensity of this fic....!!! And they are still together !!! Kyusung are blessing all of their shippers in 2021...They are absolutely adorable <3<3<3
lov_fan_Y #5
Chapter 3: Y yo aquí en el 2020 aún disfrutando del Kyusung 🎈💙
Gracias pir escribir historias tan hermosas. Lloré pero también sonrei mucho.
Chapter 1: YulSung! Yaaaaaah! Thanks for that! Another one of my biases in SM written here, after Lay now I have Yuri! Thankkkkkyouuuuuu
Chapter 3: I'm so freakin happy he's coming back this year! This fic sent me on an emotional roller-coaster (and took hours to read cause it was so long, but worth it ^_^). First I wanted to slap and hug Kyu cause he was being possessive but a sweetheart at the same time. Then I wanted to kill Yesung at the end of Chapter 1 when he said let's break up, because gosh dang it Kim Jongwoon I'm not taking that s*** from you anymore >: /.

Then when Kyu addressed the whole Yesung viewing him as a child thing, I was quite curious as to the response, because it's true, Yesung does baby him excessively. I'm glad to know that he does see Kyu as a man, cause that's just a relief honestly, or I would have had to smack him more. Kyu's ramble for telling Yesung he understands was just hilarious and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the part when Kyu comments on the sweaters Yesung wears, and Yesung childishly replies their designer lol (it was like he was having a Heechul moment).

Sometimes I just wish Yesung would understand that people love him more then he knows, and he doesn't need to push them away for them to be happy because they are happy with him, just as he is. But I suppose that's just a characteristic of Yesung they have to work through in their relationship. Now please excuse me as I fangirl because - KYUHYUN CALLED YESUNG HIS BOYFRIEND!!!! XD I spazzed at that part because it just came out like second nature, and even though it was odd, Yesung accepted so easily. That's a huge step for Yesung- acceptance. Now Yesung, accept that you have no one but Kyuhyun and you two will grow old and die together, no matter how many times you 'break up' *glares*.

Sorry for my rambling. I really enjoyed this fic, so thank you so much for taking the time to write it for readers like me to enjoy. It was nothing short of brilliant, and you made this Kyusung shipper extremely happy. : ) *Gives virtual cupcake with sprinkles*
this cracked me up and awww kyu :)
Yesung was amazing
camacchiato0620 #9
Chapter 3: babyKyu can handle his jealousy...yayyyyy ^^

chapter 2 really crack me up..
baby Kyu wanna killed Yesung...actually, that was pretty amusing...LOL
i'm agree with Kyuhyun...Yesung is a gullible idiot.. OTL
but they're so sweet...i love this couple more and more <3

chapter 3...OMG!!!!!!i'm almost screaming when Baby kyu said that Yesung is his boyfriend...i'm so happy... *sobs

thank you for writing this fanfic. I will always waiting for your fanfic ^^ it's not a goodbye, it's a see you later...
I wanted to finish the three chapters before commenting (yes, it took me that long). I read the last words this morning before my exams, but now I don't remember what I wanted to say. X)

So, hmm... First of all, a really big thank you for the effort you put into this story because it's truly A-MA-ZING. I had that giddy feeling all along while reading, that indescribable... Thing, too light to be excitation but... It was as if I was, err... Exulting ? (With a big silly smile on my face) Ah, I don't know. I was just so moved. And happy. *wipes tears of joy*
And I'm saying that, even if Kyuhyun tried to strangle Yesung. ^^
That was really sweet too, strangely. Poor Yesung, but he deserved it a little, making Kyuhyun through hell with his idiotic break-up ideas.

Kyusung really is so beautiful. That's what I told myself many times while reading.

I'm almost sure things would have happened like this, too. You managed to describe their different sides so very acurately.

... I feel like I should be saying a lot more things but I don't remember. =( And I won't have the time to read it again any time soon, I'm sorry. ^^'

I'm happy you will still be there. (I guess I misunderstood earlier)

Really, bravo, and THANK YOU Midnight.