Humdrum Town

The Sound of Rain


As I said, this is a prompt from the wonderful Lenn that took me way too long to get up here. Inspired by Humdrum Town by Theophilus London (A sweet rapper you should definitely be listening to) with lyrics (used with a bit of liberty) from MYK's Lovestrong.

I'll also be posting my gtop fest stories as soon as I figure how to get them off my old hard drive. T-T



Rain struck the window of the train like a high-hat and my fingers kept time against the frets of my guitar. Always moving. My fingers, my feet. It was an insatiable itch; to move, to escape. And it was here I found it. On clambering train tracks, and silent roads that led to cities who’s names I would never learn. Cities that would hold no memory of me once the lingering of chords and the jingle of spare change dissipated from its streets.

Was this what I should be doing with my life? Probably not, but the self imposed isolation had become cathartic. Chords and rhythms and lyrics kept the sense of despondency and loss that haunted me at bay.

Smoke filled my lungs as soon as I exited the train, its nicotine buzz guiding my tired body through streets abandoned in nightfall. The town was small, my feet already itched to trail forward, to leave it and the clouds behind. Just a day or two. Just until I had enough for the next bed, the next ticket out of here. Then this town will be nothing more than the countless others that lay hidden in the pages of my memory.



With morning came a brief reprieve from the rain. Heavy clouds still hung overhead, waiting to unleash their loads which would soon come to heavy to bear. Lazily I trailed through quiet streets of cobblestone and manicured trees. Eventually quaint homes and faceless buildings gave way to wrought iron benches and brick facades.  Small shops and quaint cafes lined the street; people meandering in and out, the first real signs of life I had found so far. Not quite willing to risk my luck elsewhere, I settled myself under the awning of a closed shop, still weary of the clouds overhead.   Pulling my guitar over my shoulder, my fingers came alive. Fingers pressed to chords that secretly spilled my thoughts, my memories, to passersby that didn’t spare a second glance. Children would slow only to be quickly pulled ahead by an impatient parent. Spare change and loose bills we occasionally tossed in my case without a falter to their step. But still I continued, each note a confession; a erse sense of therapy where the therapist didn’t even listen. I played until the darkening skies caught my attention, the roll of thunder sounding in the distance. Unceremoniously I ended my ever impromptu show, only to be met with a slow rhythmic clapping. I turned, eyes falling on my lone audience.

Against the neighboring building leaned a man. Young and handsome, almost ethereal in his beauty. Black hair was pushed high and away, off of radiant skin and out of warm honey eyes. A slight smile hung on full rosy lips.

“You’re good, I’m impressed.”

“Thanks.” My voice sounded hoarse, rough and hesitant, compared to the smooth cadence of his.

“Come inside, you’re going to freeze out here.” Before I could even process a response he was gone, into the heavy wooden door behind him.

I set my guitar down, and pulled my worn leather jacket tighter to me. He was right, as the sky darkened the temperature steadily had dropped, and I was still quite dubious about how much longer the rain would hold out. I would be lying if I said I had anywhere else to be, and I was almost too cognizant of how captivated I was by this stranger’s appearance. Quickly I counted the change that littered my guitar case and packed it safely away, following the lithe young man inside.

As the door closed behind me my senses were engulfed in warmth. Large oak tables were surrounded by heavy leather chairs. The entire lounge was bathed in a warm glow from the orange sconces overhead, the light scent of sandlewood smoke and sage filled my lungs. My eyes found him immediately. Elbows propped up against the bar, a brilliant smile on his face as he laughed with the bartender. Cautiously I made my way through sitting patrons, feeling further and further out of place as I made my way to the bar. The uncertainty that was settling in my chest seemed to all but disappear as that radiant smile was now fixed towards me.

“I’m glad you came.”

“You didn’t quite invite the opportunity to choose otherwise.” I wanted to swallow the words as soon as they escaped my lips, but the man opposite me was seemingly unfazed and smiled.

“I suppose so. I’ll at least be more polite with introductions. I’m Jiyong Kwon.”

“Seunghyun.” I replied, taking his extended hand. It was warm, smooth, starkly contrasting my own weathered and calloused digits.

“It’s nice to meet you Seunghyun. So what brings you here?”

“You invited me.” His laugh sounded, a harmonious chime of bells.

“I think you know what I mean.”

“I’m just passing through.”

“So where are you headed?”

“I have no idea.” I wasn’t sure quite how or why we were having what I knew would turn into an uncomfortable conversation, but the warm smile I received seemed more than enough incentive to have me continue.

“Again, I’m impressed.” As he spoke he stood, making his way to the other side of the bar.

“I’m really nothing to be impressed of.” I admitted, my eyes following his movements as he looked over liquor bottles.

“It’s never wise to sell yourself short, you know. What’s your poison? Whisky, gin? It’s on me.”

“You don’t really-”

“I insist. I did drag you in here after all.” Again there was that smile and again I felt myself melt.

“An old fashioned. Please.” he chuckled, sliding the glass my way.

“So Seunghyun, how long to you intend to enjoy this little slice nowhere?” He took a seat beside me again, but now the distance between us seemed so much smaller, and suddenly I became very aware of every single atom of my presence.

“Probably just another day or two. Long enough to get another train ticket.” He hummed in response, eyes fixed on me.

For a long while he didn’t speak, merely staring from over the rim of his white russian. I felt myself begin to shift under his gaze, surprisingly unable to handle his the scrutiny.

“I have a proposition.” He finally spoke and my nerves slightly settled.

“And what might that be?” I asked, eyes fixed on the melting ice in my glass.

“Stay through the weekend.” I finally met his gaze again, inadvertently raising a skeptical brow, which was met with a warm laugh.

“We have live music here on the weekends. I’d like you to play.”

“I don’t know…”

“You’ll make more money in one night than you would in a week out there. And there’s an empty studio upstairs if you don’t want to pay for a room.”

the offer was tempting. A free bed and a stage for a couple wasted days. Not that those days would feel wasted if they somehow involved the captivating young man beside me.

“And who knows, if you’re lucky I may offer you a tour of this bustling metropolis.” His words were filled with mirth and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, alright.”



Eyes quickly ran over hastily scrawled words, only for me to crumple the page at second glance. Frustration steadily built as I stared at the offensively blank paper, until a knock stirred my attention. I opened the door to find Jiyong standing across, but I was forced to do a quick double take.

His appearance was quite a change from the rather debonair suit and slick hair from the night previous. Fitted long sleeved tee accentuated lean muscle as long legs were swathed in the tightest of denim. Messy jagged bangs now framed those captivating honey eyes, softening them with that increasingly familiar warm smile.

“Hey.” I finally managed to find my voice.

“The sun is out, so I figured there was no better time for the grand tour.”

“I’ll grab my coat.”


I’m not sure how long we walked those narrow streets, each block of construction and nameless shops and identical homes fading together in my memory, but eventually as we followed those cobblestone streets of houses slowly gave way to trees, the road no straight and narrow, but wide and winding, meandering through increasing hills.

Jiyong must have been watching as I observed our changing surroundings, because he finally spoke again; the chime of his voice falling into the quiet that surrounded us.

“I figured I’d save one of the only things that makes this town worthwhile for last. Hopefully you don’t mind the walk.” A flicker of something beautiful shone within those mesmerizing irises, and for a moment I felt as if I would follow wherever he would lead.

Turning off the main road the trees dissipated, leading to a roll of hills carved with footpaths falling into the crystal plane a large lake. The undisturbed silence was otherworldly, as if we had momentarily stepped out of our rather dreary reality. Jiyong continued off the path into the vast expanse of green, taking a seat as he faced the lake. I made my way to his side, observing those delicate features as they seemed to get lost in our surroundings.

“What are you doing here Jiyong? You don’t quite fit such a mundane city.” His eyes turned from the glass of the lake with a silent laugh.

“I grew up here actually. I left when I went to college. I never thought I’d end up back here, but it’s been… 2 years now? Something like that.”

“What brought you back?” He paused, thinking.

“It started as temporarily taking over my dad’s restaurant and bar after my parents retired, just until we sold it, but after I came back I realized this town filled a bit of the emptiness that had seemed to grow within me after I moved to New York. The city’s grown a bit since I left, more New Yorker’s moving up this way, so I just ending up sticking around. My high school self would probably slap the out of me though.” He finished, a light laugh barely escaping his lips. He looked over the growing hues of orange and pink that reflected from the dimming sky. 

“This place was always my favorite though. New York could never have anything like it.”

I hummed in agreement, Jiyong’s wave of nostalgia beginning to wash over me as well.

“It reminds me of my hometown.” he sat up a bit more at my words, turning to face me a bit further.

“Where are you from?”

“Washington, near the Cascades.”

“You’re a long way from home.”

“Home is relative.” I emitted lowly, and Jiyong turned to now face me fully.

“Why are you doing this? The guitar, the traveling, the isolation.” I couldn’t speak for a moment, unable to find the right words.

“There was nothing left for me there, not that there was much to begin with.” He didn’t speak or try to interject, just simply waited for me for me to continue.

“My family moved to the states when I was pretty young, to a town even smaller than this. So needless to say it was pretty ing miserable. I had an accent and a name nobody could pronounce, and I’d of rather played guitar than football. All I could think about was a way to get the out of there.” I stopped for a moment, a heavy lump forming at the back of my throat.

“Music was going to be my ticket out of there, at least that what Viv would always tell me.” Jiyong gave me a questioning look.

“She was my neighbor, a couple years older than me. One of like three people who didn’t mercilessly torment me through adolescence. She was more of a sister than my actual one ever was. She’d say my words really meant something; that they were meant to be shared. She moved to San Francisco for school the summer after my sophomore year. I always kind of figured I’d move down there with her after I graduated. People would get me there, she’d insist. She died my senior year. Car accident.” I felt long, warm fingers gently squeeze the top of my hand buried in the cool grass near his knees.

It was strange, such a quiet, small action seemed to soothe the dull ache of loss better than any attempt feigned by any of those who previously claimed to care.

“Something in me broke after that.” I began again, the smoke of my voice even more prominent over the strain in my throat. “I didn’t care about moving to California or getting famous, I just wanted to relieve this asive pain that I was left with. So I left. I graduated and moved to Seattle the week after. I worked at this ty coffee shop and lived in an even tier apartment until I saved up a bit of cash, then I sold everything but my guitar and bought a ticket to Portland. I haven’t stopped since. I don’t know if I ever will.”

It was quiet for a long moment, a solemn silence hung that neither of us dared to break.

“Seunghyun,” I had come to find that my name never sounded as beautiful as it did coming from his lips. His voice held no sadness, or pity as I feared it might. Just that same bewitching cadence. “She’d be proud of you.”

I looked to him, and he simply smiled; his honey irises swimming with unending affection. His hand left mine to cup my cheek, running the soft pad of his thumb along my cheekbone, catching a stray tear I had failed to realize had fallen. My cheeks burned in embarrassment, but the weight in my chest suddenly felt much lighter.

Jiyong removed his hand and stood, then extended it to help me up. I took his hand and stood, but he didn’t release his grasp, his fingers interlacing with mine as his warmth tangled up sinew and bone, that now felt to have been frozen before his touch.

“Let’s head home.” I knew Jiyong held no profound meaning in his words, it was simply an unconscious turn of phrase, but for what felt like the first time, I liked the sound of home.



If I had to happen a guess, I must have been pacing between my bathroom mirror and the front door for over an hour. As soon as my hand would reach for the knob, a wave of insecurity would crash over me, leading me back to the mirror in a vain attempt to wrangle my mop of permanently disheveled hair, or somehow straighten the slight crook of my smile.

I glanced at my phone to see how much time I had to spare, and realized it was already half past eight. 

Sparing the mirror one last glance, I slung my guitar across my back, rushing out the door and down the stairs. I had already made myself an inconsiderate , and I had no intention to exacerbate that any further. I made my way through the heavy front door, scanning faceless tables, until I spotted Jiyong behind the far end of the bar. He turned as I made my way to sit.

“Ah, you’re here.”

“Sorry I’m late.” I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck, but he just gave a dismissive wave.

“Just don’t make it a habit.” I inwardly sighed as that playful smirk formed on his lips.

“Now let’s grab some drinks and go sit by the stage. Mick just started, so you have a little while before you’re thrown up there too.”

As much as I liked the idea of calming his wearing nerves with nothing but Jiyong and a bottle of Maker’s, the steady stream of people to and from the bar had me feeling a little bit more than guilty.

“You sure? It’s pretty busy and-”

“Don’t worry about it. Chae and Adam are both working the bar tonight. I’m pretty sure they are better off without me in the way.”

He slid two glasses of ice to my side, before grabbing an all too familiar bottle on his way around the counter. I grabbed the glasses and trailed closely behind, their chill a relief to the searing heat that seemed to be swimming through my veins. I followed that perfect slow sway of hips into a darkened booth at the edge of the stage, sliding in beside him. 

For a time, nothing sounded between us but deftly pressed ivory keys, and the clink of ice in our glasses. My muscles had tightened to the point of aching, my thoughts running faster than my brain could keep up with. Elegantly long, jeweled fingers found their way around my wrist, their heat melting my tension.

“Nervous?” His voice was soft, but I still couldn’t force myself to look up from my empty glass.

“I play street corners, not stages.” I tried my best to sound aloof, but even over the applause of the crowd I could hear my words waver.

“Anywhere you play is lucky to be graced with your music.” His words held none of the uncertainty mine did, and I could no longer trust myself to speak over the bourgeoning lump in my throat.

“Do you know what songs you’re playing?” he asked, eyes moving to my worn cases, and even more worn notebook.

I thought back to the previous sleepless night, notebook in hand, words flowing as fast as my hand would allow. The visions of sweet smiles, and clear water. Of turning leaves and honey eyes. Of a blossoming warmth in a barren field.

“Yeah, I think I do.” I finally admitted, releasing my glass from my grip.

“Good… because its time.”

I looked up to the stage, now bare, spare the piano, mic, and stool. He gave my hand a squeeze before I grabbed my guitar and made my way onto the stage. The lights were hot and glaring; the stares of nameless faces of the audience sat heavy on my shoulders, bring back all the tension to my bones. As I adjusted my mic, my eyes fell to the dark booth at the corner of the stage. Its view was out of harsh light, leaving Jiyong to be one of the few faces I could make out, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had planned it that way. When he caught my eye he smiled, rubescent lips silently sounded “I believe in you.”

I briefly looked down to compose myself, before I once again turned to the lights. I silently counted off before my fingers began to trace over old familiar chords.

My past spilled out on the stage in front of me. Familiar songs of loss, of uncertainty. They were laid bare, not to the absent therapists of the past, but to an audience who were enraptured in the stories my songs spun. Their applause sounded once again as the last chord hung through the quieting air. I adjusted my mic one last time, knowing I was left with time for only one more song. I glanced to the side of the stage, where Jiyong now sat at the edge of our booth. I would be lying if I said their wasn’t some uncertainty lingering in my chest, but it was now too full to allow that much room to grow.

“This last song is one I wrote while staying here. It’s a bit different from what I was used to writing, but this place has provided me with a lot of inspiration.” As the audience’s applause died down the din of my guitar slowly grew.


“What is love?

You’d say, The answer

I’d question mark that

with No, that’s not an answer

I called it cancer…”


“…C’mon now I’m taking my time

All these worries

keep spinning inside my mind

Spinning inside my mind

When it comes I’m making it mine

Cuz nothing can hold me back

So I’ll be doing fine

Yeah I’ll be doing fine…”


“…I’ve come a long way

and it’s safe to say

There is no other place

For me to face the day

Chase the grey away 

No dreams in black and white

It seems that half my life has gone off 

track from bad advice

But I’m still dreaming of a better spot

Catch myself when I get caught

on what I never got

It took me several shots,

Yeah hit and miss

Was quick to give, then lessons

learned on love and riddances

These menaces will constantly elvove

When love is gone it’s like you’re just to

lost to see at all

And through that hazy state is where we

wait for peace of mind

It’s a crazy way we say we search but

never seem to find it...”


“…Though I might fall, there’s nothing

weighing down my heart at all

My love goes strong,

and I will keep on loving on and on…”


The hoarse gravel of my voice fell silent, my fingers stilled as the last notes dimmed, and the loud roll of applause sounded again for the last time. I stood and bowed with a quiet thank you, before escaping off stage. I barely regained my footing off the stage, eyes still adjusting back to the darkness, when strong thin arms wrapped themselves around me, fingers burying themselves in the back of my shirt.

“That was beautiful Seunghyun.” Jiyong’s words were barely a whisper, ghosting over the shell of my ear.

Never had my chest felt so full, yet my heart feel so light. I wrapped my arms around him, and held him tighter. I buried my face in the warm crook of his neck.

“You’ve brought me back to life Jiyong.” I could feel my heart beating in my throat, but my words came out steady, certain.

Jiyong pulled back, extracting his fingers from my shirt to place his warm hands on my reddening cheeks. His eyes seemed to reflect all the affection I had so quickly grown to feel for him. He pulled me down, crashing my lips into his. His lips were supple and sweet, with lingering traces of smokey whiskey within his kiss. I wanted to continue this forever; kissing him in thousands of ways to express the want and adoration I felt for him in that moment. We finally parted lips as our lungs yearned for oxygen, but stayed so close I could almost feel those long black lashes dust my cheeks.

“Come on.” His hands traced down the length of my arms, capturing my hands in his. 

We weaved our way through bodies and tables, our grasps on each other steady. He called out to the bar as we passed, but I was to lost in the heat of our proximity to register what was exchanged. With a finally push through the crowd we made it into the chill of the night. Our lips found each other’s once again as thunder rolled in the distance. Jiyong pulled away, tugging me along. 

“Let’s go. We don’t want to get caught in that.”

So we made our way down abandoned streets, lips brushing and limbs tangling all the way. Nothing had ever felt quite as right as swimming in Jiyong’s presence had, and I couldn’t help but wonder how I’d survive without it. He pulled me down the walkway of a corner house, fumbling with the front door as my lips danced across the back of his neck.

“You know you’re awfully distracting.” Jiyong laughed as he finally managed the door, already leading us up the wooden staircase.

“Then I’d hate to think of what you are.” I smirked and pulled at his belt loops, bringing him crashing to me.

We tumbled our way down the hall, until we made it through the far door, colliding with the edge of the bed. I landed in a cradle of down, Jiyong’s lithe form hovering over mine.

In that moment, time ceased to exist. It was just he and I in the still of that darkened room, light of the distant moon danced across his unearthly features, and he was breathtaking.

Lips, and teeth, and kisses soon followed; hands exploring landscapes of unknown flesh as layers of clothing were divested to the floor.  We were drowning in each other’s heat and soon I had all but forgotten how to breathe.

We created a symphony in the silence of the night. The rhythmic roll of our bodies and the palpitations of our hearts. Echoing moans and harmonic wails. Hushed whispers and seraphic sighs. All building to a crescendo that shattered what felt like the very fabric of our beings.


Later, as the heavenly fog of contentment lifted, we sat listening to the heavy staccato of rain against the large window pane. I slowly traced kisses along the back of sun-kissed shoulder blades bathed in moonlight.

“Have you ever found places you thought of staying?” even in his hushed whisper his words seemed to shatter the silence surrounding us. I let my lips rest at the apex of his shoulder.

“Once or twice.”

“Why didn’t you stay?”

“They were never home.”

Jiyong fell silent once more, and I pulled him back to join me under the covers. We laid together as sleep slowly began to weigh us down.

“When do you leave?” Jiyong’s words ghosted against my collarbone.

“Tomorrow night.” Jiyong merely nodded, closing what little distance between us remained. In that moment I knew there would be nothing I’d miss as much as his presence beside me.



Morning came too fast and too soon, and before I knew it I was fighting to will myself from the comfort of Jiyong’s beside. I gathered my things, scrawling a hasty goodbye, before dusting the crest of a sleeping Jiyong’s cheek and brow with farewell kisses.

I battled through the stormy, late morning fog, heavy beads of rain trying to work their chill under the leather of my jacket. I made it back to that small apartment above that quiet bar and gathered what little remained of my things. I stood silent at the precipice of the doorway, a slow ache building deep within my chest. Quickly I closed the door, hoping to leave that pain on the other side.


Time ticked by at an agonizing pace as I sat in that empty train station, watching as rain beat violently against the ornate iron windows; it hurried rhythm pulsing in my temples. I turned my battered phone over and over in my hands, eyes fixed to the screen. 

1 Missed Call

Jiyong Kwon


As his heat dissipated from my bones, so did my courage. I couldn’t even bare a proper goodbye. I nearly leaped from my skin as the plastic in my hand began to buzz. I looked to the screen, but just waited until the screen flashed as the call was ended.

2 Missed Calls

Jiyong Kwon

1 New Voicemail


I looked back to the screen, slightly thrown. I quickly typed my password and pressed the phone to my ear.

“Seunghyun?” Jiyong’s voice questioned, barely audible over the sound of rain. He let out a frustrated sigh as he realized he had been sent to voicemail.

“I should have known I’d get your voicemail… but I also know you’re listening to this!” The accusation caused a silent laugh to escape my lips.

“So listen to me alright? I know you’re running from your past and that’s alright. But you don’t, and you shouldn’t have to, feel like you have to prove yourself and your worth to anybody. Not your parents, or your sister, or those s back there with them. Not to Viv, or to me, or to an audience, nobody, you got that?”

He paused, the sound of rain growing louder, and I felt a burn sting the back of my eyes.

“Last night you said you never found anywhere that felt like home. That’s because nowhere is home if you never stop moving. So find a place. Find somewhere beautiful and somewhere that is worth your love and make it home.” His words began to strain, but he didn’t stop.

“I’ll miss you Seunghyun, but you know where I’ll be waiting.” His voice died then, drowned out by the downpour of rain, then a click- call ended.

Hastily I rubbed hot tears away as they spilled down my cheeks. Tears that I held in for so long now refused to cease, marring the hem of my shirt and the ticket in my lap. 

Train number:Amtrak 8662 

Destination: Brooklyn Station 

Departing at: 7:25pm

A voice over the intercom rang, announcing boarding. I looked to my phone, 7:10. I painfully rubbed my eyes one last time before tossing my bag over my shoulder to rest with my guitar.



The rain poured, its drumming on rooftops and battered leaves ringing in haunting consonance. My feet carried me in time, down those cobblestone streets and past quiet homes, increasing their pace as I crested that quiet hill.

I looked down upon empty hillside and the once calm glass of the lake that was shattered by the pulses of rain. My heart dropped to my knees. Had I been wrong? Or was I too late? 

And then, just barely, movement came from under a lakeside oak. I ran now, as fast as rain soaked legs would carry, down the hill, hoping I had not lost quite yet.

There he sat, under ancient arms of the oak, lost in thought towards the lake. I sighed in relief, breath heaving to fill my burning lungs. He finally turned, eyes wide, before that mesmerizing smile crossed those lips again and he stood.

“You’re here.” his words held more surprise than I’d ever care to admit.

“Sorry I’m late.” I smiled as I finally caught my breath.

He wrapped warm arms around me and held me close, wet bangs tickling the crook of my neck.

“Just don’t make it a habit.” he murmured into my chest.

I pulled him closer, burying my nose into the sweet scent of lavender and sage.

“I’ve been waiting for this all my life you know.” Jiyong pulled back slightly, and I nearly lost myself in that honey glow.

“What?” I held his hands in mine.

“For something to feel like home. To fill that emptiness in me that this place filled for you.”

“Didn’t think it’d be a humdrum place like this did you?” He smiled.

“It’s not. It’s you. It was you the moment I laid eyes on you.” He ducked his head, tenderly kissing each of my weathered knuckles.

“Come on Seunghyun, let’s go home.”



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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Sweet! Happy for them. Thank you (:
Chapter 1: Hopefully I'll find a place or a person that I can call home too.
Really nice story authornim~
Chapter 1: Oh god this is so beautiful I feel a tear sliding down my cheek, I can't even articulate how amazing this is ♥
Chapter 1: oh my god i hate that aff didn't notify me about this although i've subSCRIBED TO YOU I AM REALLY SORRY. i am really very extremely sorry please please forgive my lateness i know a month is too crazy but seriously i always think of this fic and i wonder if you're finished and i always can't wait to read it

and oh my god i am SO GLAD i prompted this idea to YOU!? no one else can write it the way you do. so smooth. so gorgeous. your words wrap around my mind like some velvet, and building the imagery so vividly and even when i just began reading it the first paragraph already struck a chord in me.
thank you!? thank you so much for writing this and being so amazing - this is quite inspiring too, to the point that i wish i could write a song for seunghyun to sing - i love it, i love your details, like 'children pulled by impatient parents' for example i love it and thank you and you can kill me because i'm an idiot and ugh i love the backstories and it's special and you're very special. it makes me want to write amazing things too. thank you thank you thank yo uyes just bash my head with a metal bat i hate myself for being so late oh my god i will do anYTHING FOR YOU THANK YOU FOR THIS LOVELY PIECE
I WILL READ NOW!!!??!?!??!?!?!
WenZhen #6
it just means so much. And it fits so well with the setting you've created. Omomo thank youuuuu ;~~~^~~~; thank you for this beautiful fic
Chapter 1: This is very very beautiful! I was holding my breath the entire time, heart beating faster, anxious for the ending. Thank you for this!
Chapter 1: THAT'S JUST AWESOMELY BEAUTIFUL! !!!! Thanks for writing & sharing!!!