Are you okay, Ji?

Hyung, JiYong fell again!

15 minutes before concert finish.

TY : Hello, hyung?

TOP : Hello, YoungBae. Whats up?

TY : Hyung, where are you now?

TOP : Home. You in Japan with Ji, right?

TY : Yep, and guess what hyung?

TOP : What? Kiko there too?

TY : Hell no! Aish, why that girl?! JiYong fell on stage.


TY : His right leg now. He don't know why too, seems like slip.

TOP : Where is he now?

TY : On stage.

TOP : Stage?! He still continuing the show?!

TY : Yes, sitting.

TOP : Why he-! Ask him to call me after show.

TY : Okay. I already call DaeSung and SeungRi hyung.

TOP : Okay. Please take care of him, YoungBae.

TY : With my pleasure, hyung.


10 minutes after concert finish.

TY : Hello, hyung?

TOP : Finish?

TY : Yes, but he can't call you now. We will go to hospital.

TOP : Is it so bad?!

TY : He can't stand properly, hyung.

TOP : God!

TY : I will call you later, I have to help Ji. Bye


2 hours later. In hotel.

TY : Hello, hyung?

TOP : Why he not yet call me?!

TY : He doesn't want to. I will give this phone to him.  /Jiyong, SeungHyun hyung want to talk with you...What?! No?! He will angry if you not talk to him...Hey, don't be like that. Maybe he just missing you...Hehehehe, okay/

GD : Hello?

TOP : Hello?

GD : Hyung? What's up?!

TOP : What 'bout your leg?

GD : My leg? What?

TOP : Don't lie to me. YoungBae told me everything.

GD : Wait a minute hyung.  /Ya, YoungBae! Come back here! Just wait until I got my cane! I will catch you!/  Hyung?

TOP : You have to use a cane?

GD : Yes. Doctor said it will took 2 weeks to recover.

TOP : Are you okay, Ji?

GD : I am not, hyung. Suddenly I feel my body got a light flu, Doctor said it's normal.

TOP : *sigh* Postponed the concert tomorrow.

GD : Eh?! No!

TOP : Ji, concert can waiting. Fans can waiting, they will understand.

GD : No! Show must go on, beside they already prepare a cane and segway for me. It will be okay, hyung.

TOP : Can you just a little understand my feeling?! I am worry about you, baby.

GD : ...Yes I know.

TOP : Please, my JiYongie. Take a rest-

GD : NO! I am fine, SeungHyunie. I will continue this concert. Final!

TOP : *sigh*

GD : /YoungBae! Come back here! Ya!/

TOP : Ji, DaeSung called me and he crying.

GD : Huuuu...DaeSungie. I am sorry.

TOP : I asked him to meet you tomorrow and he agree.

GD : What?! Don't need to, hyung.

TOP : It's okay, he willing to. What 'bout SeungRi?

GD : He has shooting schedule tomorrow. It's okay, he called me too.

TOP : Okay.

GD : ...

TOP : What?

GD : ...What?

TOP : I know you thinking 'bout something. What is it?

GD : ...But i want you come here~

TOP : ...

GD : I want you to treat me here.

TOP : I can't. I am sorry I have to do some photo scene for movie poster, so...yeah, i can't.

GD : Okay. Fine-

TOP : Don't angry with me baby, I am really sorry.

GD : I don't angry. It's become so natural that you are not by my side lately, so it's fine.

TOP : Hey, don't be like that, my baby. Okay, when you back from Osaka I will do whatever to make you feel better.

GD : Promise?!

TOP : Promise! I will give you the best treatment, honey.

GD : Hehehehe...

TOP : Now, don't angry to YoungBae and have a good rest.

GD : Okay, Doctor.

TOP : Doctor?

GD : Yes, my Doctor of love.

TOP : Hahahaha, I love you shell.

GD : Love you too turtle.




NB :

/.../ = background sound

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Chapter 1: Awwww ji seynghyun is just worried about you though so cute
Chapter 1: "Hello, Hyung"
Omg, forever YoungBae's catchphrase to me now ^___^
"Just wait until I get my cane!"
ahaha XD I so badly needed a good giggle, thank you for that.

And awww :') turtle and shell <333
I really needed this little pick me up. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Cuuuuttteeeeee <3
Chapter 1: This is so cute. I plan to write something about the same incident. I was delightfully surprised to see this oneshot.
Thanks for sharing, sweety. It was awesome ^^
anechanlovesGTOP #5
Chapter 1: awwwwwww so cute!!!! sweet and tender! I laughed so much when Ji shouted to youngbae lol
but the final was very very lovely!
"Yes, my Doctor of love." kyaaaaa *3*
Chapter 1: Hahhaha that was funny :D