Free Fall


The sky was blue just like in the Pixar cartoons, that subtle vibrant blue that wasn’t light blue and wasn’t dark blue.  Puffs of cotton clouds, pure white and light were still and serene in the sky. The sun was a piercing bright light above them, bathing the two boys in warmth and happiness.  Taemin tightened his hold on his boyfriend’s hand, turning his head to smile angelically at him.

“It sure is pretty today,” Key said, smiling back.

“It’s like a dream,” he agreed, happy to be out of the dorm at this time of day. Normally they had to work at noon, and this was a much wanted break.

 “I hope Onew hyung and Minho hyung have woken up by now,” Taemin giggled as they clomped up the steps to a bridge, Key’s creepers clunking in time with Taemin’s Doc Martens.

“Can we not talk about the old man and the alien when we have had the first hour away from them in like, months?” laughed Key, tugging on Taemin’s hand to pull him closer and hug him loosely.

 “Love you,” he said cheesily, puckering up. Taemin scrunched his face and closed his eyes but puckered up for a kiss too.

  “You’re so pretty,” sighed Key teasingly.

Taemin mock punched him, a fake offended expression on his face.

“Mianhae. I mean manly, manly Lee Taemin!” Key corrected.

“That’s right,” Taemin said, snuggling up to the side of his face and kissing his cheek.

Taemin ran to the side of the bridge, looking down at the shrubbery below.

“Wow, wow it’s high!” he exclaimed excitedly.

“It’s not that high,” said Key, peeping over the edge. “Yah, what are you doing?”

Key gasped as Taemin scrabbled up the ledge, plopping himself down the fence facing Key.

“Yah, yah, get down from there, that’s dangerous!” nagged Key, tugging gently at Taemin’s legs.

“It’s fine hyung,” Taemin said, swinging his legs and holding onto his seat. “There’s not difference from sitting here and on a normal chair.”

“Except that we’re like 600 metres off the ground, if that! Get down in case you fall!” nagged Key, holding onto Taemin’s arms.

“Let go,” whined Taemin playfully. “I really am going to fall if you keep tugging me like that. Nothing is going to happen.”

“Why do you insist on giving me heart attacks?” asked Key. He knew nothing was really going to happen, but it was still dangerous. You don’t just sit on the ledge of high places casually. There was a slight possibility of falling and he didn’t want to take it.

“Just relax hyung,” said Taemin, closing his eyes and smiling into the sunshine. “Just enjoy the moment.”

While Taemin admired the fresh air, Key admired Taemin. Key didn’t really care about nature and fresh air. He could be in an air conditioned room and he couldn’t tell the difference. What he cared about was being with the people he liked, he loved.

And Taemin was definitely top of the list.

Key couldn’t help staring at him, that porcelain skin, that silky brown hair ruffling in the breeze, eyelashes delicately resting on plump cheeks like butterflies, soft pink lips.

“You’re so pretty,” said Key, cupping Taemin’s face. Taemin smiled lazily as Key softly his cheek with his thumb.

“Feeling hungry?” asked Key.

Taemin changed his grip on the ledge, letting go of one hand to scratch his nose. “Of course!” he yelped. “When am I not hungry?”

“Where do you wanna go to eat?” asked Key. “Smile!”

Key took a picture on his iphone of Taemin doing the peace sign and tried to choose an appropriate filter.

“Cute, cute,” he said under his breath, swapping against his two favourite filters.

“Whoa,” Key laughed as his hat flew off his head.


A piercing high pitched scream.

Key looked up to see the end of a black boot disappear off the side of the bridge.

“TAEMIN!” Key screamed, running to where Taemin was, his heartbeat frozen.


All Taemin could do was squint against blinding light of the sun as he was falling, falling, falling. He wanted to scream but it was going too fast. He wanted to brace himself for the landing but he couldn’t.  What had been down there? He just-

He felt his head bounce off something hard, and surprisingly, it didn’t hurt.

Nothing hurt anymore.




Helloello! How have you guys been? Is it exam time in the Northern hemisphere atm? I don’t understand your semester dates! I think it is. If so, good luck!!!! And if it isn’t, I bet you all have assignments and tests anyway. Good luck good luck!! Study hard and make SHINee proud!  Please note that SHINee are Asian and will most definitely have very high standards for academic achievement. Fighting fighting!!

My mini test for you all: Did you like this chapter?  What do you like in stories (angst, hurt, comfort, romance, humour)? What did you have for dinner? Did you eat dinner? What did you have for lunch and breakfast? Do you like vegetables? Are you putting on your sunscreen or wearing enough clothes if it’s cold where you live? You went to bed late last night didn’t you? Go to bed earlier today!  I LOVE YOU!

Well that got weird quickly.

Check out the other story I have going on atm! it's called Homewrecker and I will be updating either this story or that most of the time. Also, do any of you guys know where i can get a poster/graphics for my stories? or make one? any shops in aff open?


See you when I see you! Hope you all leave your answers in the comment section! I love knowing about what other people eat O.o im a weirdo.




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that moment when you see 'Free Fall' and you're like oh... i wrote that didn't I.. oh my god I've forgotten all about this fic [free fall]


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Chapter 2: I was looking at your stories again (i do that often btw) and remembered how much interested i was in this,
i was wondering if you got any plans on continuing it :s Not pressure, of course
Ilonahaku #2
Chapter 2: I really liked the first two chapters, still hope that you will continue this story one day. :)
Chapter 2: I know you have probably abandoned this story, I just ... Idk I wanna know what happenes so bad :p
Was my last comment written before you had left? Was that when we had bought 2 Korean pancakes? We eat too much and buy too much. #noregrets hahaha

That first chapter freaked me out though because I really did think he was going to disappear and the fic had only just started haha
Its been long...TOO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATEEEEEE
Chapter 2: Ooooh, please keep going!

This is my fave sort of Taekey fic :)
Chapter 2: Make it 'Fall Free'. I like that I'm typing this and you're next to me. hahaha

Make it Joon. XDDD Can you imagine him being the vocal coach tho? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Or make it...ummmmmmmmmm...Heechul just cos. XD

Hippopotamus. That poor child. Give him a pink dolphin! :D :D :D

Happy birthday for tomorrow or today or yesterday or next week or next year or the next century or the next 5 millenniums, happy birthday.

Shot geee fo writing. Chuuurr chuuuurrr cuuuuzzzy bro. XD
youxme #8
Chapter 2: I actually think "Free Fall" is just the perfect title for this :D I'd say somebody from infinite :D Either Sunggyu or Woohyun :3
Chapter 2: Yay new chappy !!! Hmmm I think it should be kikwang cuz he looks adorable in big black glasses. <3