Can not be

What is love?

The sun was strong in my face, forcing me to wake up. Again I had forgotten the blessed windows open. I smiled remembering that while i still live with my mother, she used to go very early in my room - thinking I didn't realize - and close the window, not before dumping a kiss on my cheeks. I just stretched and scratched my eyes slightly. I shook my head a little, trying to wake up better and put on my bunny slippers. I went to the calendar that i always leave next to the mirror and looked at today. Photo session, studio, 8 am. The clock that stood at the edge of my bed, marked 7am in point. Well, I still have one hour. An hour before the run begins.
I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, after doing my morning hygiene. I opened my closet and chose a fitting trousers, light beige, and a long-sleeved salmon blouse with white polka dots. Chose also a small white bag and just put the necessary because, after all, all I need is in the studio. On my feets, i put a white sneaker also quite simple. Today I woke up happy and it always moves to my clothing, with all these clear rinses.
I went to my dresser. Quickly managed my hair, holding my bangs with a pink clip and put a little of make up in my face. I got up and went into the kitchen, turning on the coffee maker, waiting for a strong black coffee. Today it will be difficult. Photo sessions are always tiring and stressful. I never wanted to make this kind of shooting, but once, I decided to help a friend with some photos and they just spread. Several people liked it and wanted me to take photos of them too, and it became a vicious circle. Turns out I left my outdoor photos as a hobby.
I was heading toward the door, when the same thing that draws my attention every day, draws today as well. That picture...
"Come on, Soo-Yun, smile. Come on. - He said, repeatedly, amid laughter, pointing the camera at me.
- You know I hate taking pictures of myself. - I also said smiling while i cover my face with my hand.
- Aish... come here! - And the next second he was beside me, joining us as he pointed the camera for us. Before I could say or do something, he had taken the picture. "
I have to stop this... quit getting remembering this... i don't understand why i keep torturing me by someone who left me so long...
"Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby ..." My phone starts ringing.
- Yeoboseyo? - I said, after answering.
- It's good that you are already ready, Yunnie. I live too far to have to go there every day to wake you up.
I laughed. In recent days, unlike today, i have had trouble at waking up on time and Hae, my best friend, has had to come here wake me up.
- Hae, you live in the building across mine. - I said, laughing.
- Even so. - I could feel that he was doing a cute face. What would cause outbreaks in several girls, acctually. Hae has a thing in himself, which always drew much attention to it. It's not childish, it's more like naive. Something that really amazes me. But not only me. He is very famous among girls. And it somehow annoys me a bit.
- I'm ready, okay? - I said, even wanting to laugh harder.
- Mm, good. Want a ride?
- Would you give me that honor, dear? - I asked. We had this habit of sometimes treat us as a couple, or in a formal way. It's our thing.
He laugh loud.
- Stop it and brings coffee for me. I'll wait in the hall. - Tum Tum Tum. He hung up.
What a abused! - I just thought, but couldn't contain the laughter. It was amazing how we, although we don't know for so long, have the feeling that we've met an eternity. I know him better than anyone and I realize that it's also that way for him.
Then I hurried to not be late. I grabbed a cup of coffee and filled with the hot liquid. I took one last look at that fateful picture and made my way to the hall. I locked the house and went down. Hae was waiting for me at the entrance, as he said.
- Here. - I said, handing him coffee.
- I am very grateful, ma'am. - He just called and started the car - Today is in the studio, isn't it?
- How you...
- I know everything, baby. - He said, smiling as those heartthrobs novel. Not restrained laughter and laughed loudly.
- Aish... let's go. - He just said, grimacing and left with the car.
Within minutes we had arrived. I, despite not being a fan of these photo shoots, really love my studio. It's just gorgeous, i can't deny it. It's clear and comfortable, besides being cute. People often say that it's me in form of a place and i don't think they are wrong, actually. This place is totally me.
- Thank you, Hae. Until later. - I said, leaning on the window from the outside of the car.
- I'm the orders. - He smiled - Call me when you're done. These sessions always end up late and i didn't want you on the street alone at night. I will come to get you, ok? Bye - He said, finally going away, giving me no time for challenge their super protection that, in the background, i like.
As the car turned the corner, i made my way into the studio. 8 am. Had arrived at time, on point.
Because I have assistants and interns, i don't have to worry about arriving early to open the studio. Just need to be here in time for pictures, obviously.
After entering, that sweet smell overwhelmed me. It's the essence that my mother used to drop on our house so i had no doubts when choosing one to use here. I always loved those places that when you enter, has some sweet smells so i told myself that when i had my studio, it would smell and so I did.
My mother... so long we hadn't seen in person. She continues to live in that... ugh... that city. In the city where i had met him, a long time ago. It may seem stupid, and is in fact, but i still very attached to his memory... the person who abandoned me. I remember that night like it was yesterday...
"It's today... had finally arrived... today we will complete one year together.
It happened so fast... i think that is how passionate people often say: When we're with the one you love, the time seems no longer exists. I've never been the type of person who believes in these love reports, but now I find myself smiling when reciting one. It is... i changed a lot in the one year... he changed me - i smile.
It's almost funny how we met...
He opened the black room, without realizing that there was someone inside, making me lose all my photos. I was really mad, but couldn't contain the laughter when realized his bulging eyes, frightened by all my scolding. He bought me coffee and after that day, i never had to prove my photos alone. I've him... and today was one year.
"Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby ..."
- Yeoboseyo? - I said, after answer my phone.
- Soo... Soo-Yun... - I quickly recognized the voice.
- Oppa - i said, excited - Are you already coming? I hope so... i am preparing a surprise!
- Soo-Yun... listen to me...
His voice was strange... That worried me...
- Oppa? What... what is it? Did something happen?
- I... I'm sorry! I'm going to the United States.
- What...
- It's ended. We are ended. - Tum Tum Tum
I... i didn't believe what had just happened. The cell still attached, slipped from my hands and went straight to the ground. My legs buckled. It was as if someone had stabbed my heart."
I shake my head quickly.
I have to stop this. Stop with these memories. I have to... to move on with my life, forget about him. It's been four years. Four long years.
At that time i was still a student. I was in my last year at school, however, we were already doing plans together. He made me promises of love and i corresponde them. I was dumb... what that guy with good family would see in someone like me? Aish...
But now, here I am... with my 21 years and already recognized. I have my studio and famous people beg for me to take photos of them. Take these kinds of photos has never been my dream, but dreams change, no?
"Believe Soo-Yun. We'll travel around the world, taking our photos. We will be very famous! - He said, as ran me in the air "
How foolish I was...
- Soo-Yun? Soo-Yun? - Someone was calling me.
- Oh, excuse me. What?
- The girl has arrived! The one of the photo shoot... - One of my assistants said.
- Oh, ok. Tell her to wait a bit longer that soon i will be there. - I smiled.
- Okay - She said and then turned to walk toward the studio.
I went up to my office and left my purse. I tied my hair into a ponytail and walked towards the studio. There were several people talking. They stopped when notice my entrance, without a reason at all because i was never that kind of grumpy boss.
- So, where is our model? - I said, smiling.
Then, a girl with long black hair turned for me, smiling. It coud not be.
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hun_baek_won25 #1
Chapter 1: Wow. .looking forward for your next chapter. ;)