Minwoo’s Mystery Woman

Shinhwa: The Love Stories



Back in Seoul


"Whoa! So, we're doing brunch now?!" Minwoo mocked wittingly as he sat down at the table Junjin reserved for them.


They were at a seafood restaurant somewhere in the not so crowded part of the city. He was apparently the last one to arrive since the other four were already lounging there and he was told that Andy was spending that weekend in Busan.


"Did you sleep well last night, Minbongie?" Eric teasingly inquired as he was browsing through the menu for what to order.


"Unlike you, Eric-ah, I've never had a problem sleeping through the night. Why the sudden interest?" The PR man raised an eyebrow in suspicion.


"Minwoo-hyung, what do you feel like eating today?" Junjin sneakily changed the subject before they get caught with their agenda. "I'm having the Fisherman's Platter, it's their house specialty."


"Okay, I'll have the same thing then. Dongwannie, how about you?"


"I want the shrimp basket with fries. Eric will have the fish and chips. Hyesung-ah?"


"Fish and chips plus a serving of their crab cakes." The pretty man responded instantly before blurting out, "So who is this mystery woman everybody's been telling me about, Minwoo-yah?"


"What mystery woman are you talking about?" He released a nervous laugh and suddenly felt the back of his throat dry up.


"The pretty lady whom you had lunch with the other day at the hotel..."


"And we're assuming she's also the same girl who was with you last night." Junjin further expounded on what Dongwan previously said.


"You better 'fess up now, buddy, we're going to find out sooner or later anyways." Eric told him in his serious only-for-the-boardroom CEO voice.


"Arasso..." He took a deep breath and braced himself for the admission. "Dongwannie knows her. He’s met her several times before at my parents' house."


The aforementioned nodded and exchanged a knowing look with Junjin.


"Dongwan-hyung was right! She's Hyoyeonie's best friend and Polly's new vet." He informed everyone.


"Neh, Jinnie. Her name is Lee Soon-kyu but she goes by the name, Sunny."


"Great! First, Andy got married in a rush. Now, Minwoo's in love. Who's next?" Hyesung declared rather sarcastically.


"Hyesung-ah, you don't have to be so bitter about it just because you’re still not over getting your heart broken by that ambitious model you were seeing."


"Shut up, Eric! Who said I was bitter?" The Little Prince huffed indignantly having been reminded of his hurtful past. "For your information, I'm totally over the whole Dasom situation now."


"And who said I was in love?" Minwoo interjected, trying to avoid another RicSung argument. "Last night was just the first date. It's too soon to tell if she's actually a keeper."


"But there's a huge possibility of it happening, hyung! You obviously know her already, just not in the romantic sense. I bet it wouldn't take that long for you guys to go from being friends to becoming lovers."


"Who are you and what have you done to our Choong-jae?" The charismatic man held his dongsaeng's face in his hands and pinched Junjin's cheeks prior to waving the waiter over to their table to buy the guys another pitcher of beer.


"Aren’t you looking to settle down anytime soon, Minbong?" Dongwan asked him solemnly. "I admit, Andy's sudden marriage has got me thinking about it, too."


"I haven't really thought about dating for that particular purpose. To be honest, I just miss being in a relationship. I guess maybe because it's been quite some time since my last one."


"The reason being you don't like playing the field. You might want to get private lessons from Eric and Jinnie here." Hyesung's suggestion was rife with snark.


To which the eldest bluntly replied, "At least I have a healthy social life compared to yours. Tell me, Hyesung-ah, do you have any other friends aside from the five of us?"


"Alright hyungs, that's enough! Or you're both picking up the tab... And we're not even halfway done with drinking just yet." Junjin told off the bickering pair.



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Precious421 #1
Hey, this is one of my favorite fanfics ever... I really do hope that u can update it somehow... Fighting!!
Chapter 75: Oh I wish you continue this story authornim....
Mgnly4 #3
Chapter 75: continue please
puputshp #4
Chapter 75: 75 chapter and this is the end? pliss continue author nim :) cheer up!!
Chapter 75: Best romance fic ive read so far love it!
Lovey dovey moments, conflicts and patching up eeeeee the ships!!!!!!
Author-nim!!! Where are you? I missed your works!
Come back soon with this Shinhwa Story, okay?
puputshp #8
long hiatus?? i wait your update :'(
Chapter 75: i hope you will update soon <3
miaka07 #10
Chapter 75: ..ohhh..unnie how are you?..hope ur good..been waiting for the next update..hope ull update soon..thanks.. ^^