"Tripping Little Devil" Begins!

Onew's revenge

Taemin came to practice which as always was held in a little studio they liked to goof around in. He loved going through the place and remembering all the things they'd do and all the dares he made them do. That earned a chuckle out of him, it was a bit of a hobby to mess with the rest of his groupmates. To Taemin it was just some good fun and games, the guys never got to mad at him and if they did it never lasted long. 

Something was off today. Everything normal, no new design, everything was were it has been for years. Taemin started to feel uneasy as he tried hard to figure out what was wrong. The sun was out, the birds sung, and no Onew in sight. Ugh, were are they? They must know what's going on!, he thought to himself.

"Morning Taemin!~", Mihno and Key sung in unosin as they walked by the frazzled man. 

Taemin raced after them and tried to ask some question. Things started feeling normal after a bit of conversation, that was until the two sipped on small cartons of Banana milk that appeared out of no were. They smirked away as Taemin's mouth started to gap. He wanted to scream in discust, but knew it wouldn't work. It never ocured to him that Onew would drag them into there little game. Panic started to flush over him at the thought that Onew could have also gotten Junghyun involved which made his stomach drop. He could handle Mihno and Key sense this was actually normal for them, but Junghyun was a whole 'nougher story. After the last dare he did, Junghyun was never the same around Taemin which made him feel bad but didn't know how bad things could have gotten at the time. 

"So, we were thinking we should practice more on our dance moves as a whole. All of us have been so distant lately that it's a bit depressing," Key threw in a pout to add effect . Apparently very effective for it got Taemin to walk with them to the dance part of the studio.

Mihno tried his hardest not to giggle. He excused himself and wondered down one of the many halls. Swiftly, he pulled out his phone and texted Onew, "Phase one complete. He's on his way" After finally letting out the harmful laughs, Mihno caught up with the two others before they finally reached the dance hall. Right as Taemin opeaned the door, Key and Mihno shoved him through and pressed up against the door to ensure no escape. 

"Pay back, little Devil!~" They shouted threw the thick wood.

Taemin tried furously to pry the heavy doors open but it was useless. The uneasy feeling returned when he heard the clicking sound of heavy foot steps apoaching him from behind. He gulped hard before turning around to face his fate.

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darkangstlove #1
i love ur story author thank you <3
musicismyworld #2
Chapter 7: Wow they are evil. Hmm wonder how long the effect will last or if Taemin learned his lesson. This was really good!
Chapter 5: I am really enjoying your story so far :)