Chapter One


Chapter One


His hair drenched with sweat, beads of sweat dripping down his face from his forehead, his body glistened from the drench. He bounced around the ring, eyes on his opponent. Punches after punches. One after another. He wasn't about to let it end so easily. He wanted to make sure that he wins with a knock out. His opponent didn't have a chance to even get in a single punch on him. He knew his game, he knew the right moves, he has been training for this his whole life. He want to go out on top, undefeated.

As the minutes passed, one final punch was all he needed to end this. One last left hook, that was all he needed to make, and his opponent was easily knocked over. The referee gives the final count. That was it, he did it, he defeated his last opponent. He won, he is now the undefeated champion of the underworld of boxing. He stands over his laying opponent with heavy breathe, he wipes off the blood on his lips and smirks at his defeated opponent underneath him. He looks up at the balcony above ring, gives another smirk towards the man sitting in the darkened room. He raises his arms in the air in a champion stance as the crowd cheered him on with continuous applaud and screams of adoration.

He sat on the bench in his jeans in the locker room as he unstrap his gloves and bandages.

"The boss wants to see you." A voice came from behind.

He let out a smirk as he threw his glove in to the locker beside him. He grabs his t-shirt, slips it on and grabs his gym bag and heads out the door, passing the man informing him. He walks up to the room overseeing the boxing ring below. Two guards stood at the door as he smirks at them with arrogance. He walks in to the room without a single worry, his gym bag slung on his back.

"Where's my money?" Straight to the point.

The man sitting across from him threw a stack of money in front of him. He grabbed the stacks and shoves it in his gym bag. He turn his back as he begins to make his exit.

"Don't think this is the end." A threatening tone.

He let out another smirk. "If you're willing to lose more of your money, just give me a call." His voice full of arrogance. With that he makes his exit.

He stood outside the warehouse as he stretched his arms, he took in a deep breathe as he felt the fresh breeze of his surroundings. The stars were out in the night sky as he slung his gym bag over his back once more and made his way towards the road. He took his cell phone and flips it open, a smile cross his lips the moment he saw the picture on his screen. He presses the speed dial.

"Hello?" Came the answer.

The smile on his face got wider the moment he heard her voice. "Hey babe." He replies.

"Where are you?" She asks sweetly.

The sweet sound of her voice brings him to a state of bliss that was unexplainable to him. "Just finished work. I'm heading back now. Where are you?"

"I'm still at the cafe, just closing up." She answers.

"I'll be over soon. Wait there for me." He hangs up and begins to run as fast as he could, the smile still plaster on his face.



"Thank you for coming. Hope to see you again." She bows respectively as she thanked the final customer.

She closes the glass door after the customer had left and locks the door. She flips the opening sign over to the closed sign as she begins to close the curtains and blinds. She walks back to the counter and begins to wipe off the counters.

"Tonight was busy." Her colleague sighed.

She smiles at the comment and continues with her cleaning. A sudden knock came at the door. The two girls stopped what they were doing and turn their attention towards the door. A handsome young man stood outside the door with a huge smile plastered on his face, waving to them like a lovesick fool. A smile cross her face the moment she realized who it was. She walks over to the door to unlock it.

"He looks like such a dork when he does that." Her colleague comments.

"I'm sorry sir, but we're closed for the night." She teases him.

He begins to make begging actions with a frown on his face. She laughs at his actions as she unlocks the door. He steps in as he stands over her with his charming smile.

"Hey sweetie." He whispers to her as he place a soft kiss on her forehead.

She smiles at the gesture and locks the door behind him.

"You guys sicken me." Her colleague shudders jokingly at the sight.

"Nice to see you too Hara." He greets her with a bow.

"Shut up Jay." Hara knew that he was doing it to , his sarcastic joke. She hops off her seat from the counter and grabs her bag. "You're lucky Nicole's here or I would give you such a beating." She hold up her fist, shaking it slightly at him.

"Don't ." Nicole pinches him lightly.

"See? Even your girlfriend is against you. You better watch yourself," Hara teases him as she makes her way to the door. "Night Nicole, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Night Hara. See you tomorrow." The two girls said their goodbyes as Nicole locks the door once more.

Nicole turns around to see her loving boyfriend sitting at a table nearby staring lovingly at her. She sits down across from him and gives him a suspicious stare.

"What's with the look?" He asks.

"You tell me? You seem extra happy today. Why?" She narrows her eyes suspiciously at him.

"What do you mean? I'm always happy. Maybe because I get to see you?" He leans in across the table as he leans on his arm for support, giving her those lovey-dovey eyes.

She rolls her eyes at him jokingly. "You're such a dork." She pushes him as she gets up to finish her cleaning.

He leans back on the chair as he watches her clean. "When are you gonna be done?"

She stops as she looks over at him lazily sitting on the chair, she lets out a sigh. "Maybe if you help me I'll be done quicker."

"But I don't work here. If I help you that means I'm doing free labor. No money for my hard work, no thanks."

She rolls her eyes. "Some boyfriend you are."

She ignores him and continues on with her cleaning. He leans over the table, watching her clean, smiling as she does so. He gets up from the table and grabs a mop nearby and begins mopping the floor. She looks up to see him mopping the floor, a smile crosses her face at the scene.



"What's wrong with your lip?" She notices as she sat across from him at their kitchen table. She leans over the table as she touches the small cut on his lip.

He jerks a bit at her touch. "It's nothing, don't worry about. Just an accident at work."

She sits back down, looking at him suspiciously. "Every time I see you after work you always have these types of scars or bruises. If the warehouse is that demanding, maybe you should really think about getting another job." She replies with concern.

"Don't worry about it. I can handle it. Besides, it's the only place that I'm able to get such a good pay." He smiles at her wholeheartedly.

She let out a worried sigh. "You always say that. I don't want to come home and see you in a worse condition."

"Are you cursing me or something?" He pouts. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." He assured her. But he can tell that she wasn't assured, he gives this excuse each time. He can understand where she's coming from. He stands up from his seat and kneels down beside her. He looks up at her. "I promise you, I will be more careful. How about this? Once I save enough for us to begin a better life for ourselves, I promise I'll quit this job and find something better. Something that you wouldn't have to worry about me. I promise." He holds out his pinky finger.

She looks at his pinky for a bit as she looks at him. The sincerity in his eyes assured her that he truly meant what he said. She hooks her pinky to his, sealing the promise. "You promise?"

He nods his head with a smile. "I promise." He repeats. He leans in and place a gentle kiss on her forehead.



She sat on the bed, her feet against her chest as she rests her chin on her knees. She glances over at the handsome young man laying beside her as he fidgeted in the bed. How long have they known each other? She has lost count since the day they became a couple. Being with him brings her in to a world that she has never known growing up.

An orphan at birth, she was never able to experience what love is. Feeling neglected her entire life and to finally find such a secure surrounding with him was a blessing for her. Everything that she was missing from her life she found it within him. He makes her feel as if she is the most important person in his life, the one and only person that he needs to care for, just her and no one else. Sometimes she feels as if this is all a dream and she would wake up at any moment and realizes that her life is not as blissful as it seems. She could remember the day they encountered each other.


High school was a cruel experience for her as she suffered harsh criticism from the students around her. She kept to herself and concentrated on her studies majority of the time. The teachers praised her and complimented on what a model student she was, but that didn't matter when high school was all about popularity, nothing mattered as long as you were popular. Unfortunate for her she was a social outcast. She managed to press herself to the second year of high school but the social pressure got too much for her to handle and she eventually quit school. What did it mattered anyway, there was no one to really encourage her, it was a waste. Who was she bringing her grades home to anyway, herself? The day she quit, or should it be said that was pushed out by the social clique from school, was when she met him.

Running away from stealing money from a local convenient store, he ran in to her knocking her over. The moment he saw her he was smitten by her. He kept running but kept looking back to see if she was hurt. He hid in a nearby alleyway, when he was assure that it was safe to come out he ran back to see if she was hurt. He found her sitting on the bench in a nearby park trying to care to her wound that he had caused. He ran up to her with first aid, he wiped away the dirt, blowing on her wound as he apply the alcohol, wrapping her elbow with the gauze. As he did so he could feel her eyes on him as he felt his face turning a blush red. She stood up when he finished, bowed to him and begin to walk away. She stops and turn to face him. A simple thank you was all he heard. The moment she spoke, her voice left an impression on him. He felt a sudden urge to protect her and be by her side for the rest of his life. The innocence and purity of her voice told him a story of pain and sorrow, as if she was calling out for someone to protect her, to help her, to guide her through life. And that person is him.

As she walked away from him he found himself following her slowly from behind. Each time she would turn around to look at him he would pretend as if he was only walking the same way and was not following her. As the sun began to set she stops in her steps when she realize that he was still following her, he halted seeing her stop. She stares at him as he looks back at her sheepishly, scratching the back of his head, trying to not look embarrassed. They stood in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Nicole. Nicole Jung." She introduced herself.

He was taken back at her sudden introduction. "Um... JaeBum..." He clears his throat. "JaeBum Park. You can just call me Jay." Looking down on the ground as he introduced himself, feeling a bit embarrassed.

He looks up from the ground the moment he sees a shadow covering the shadow of his feet. She had step up to where he was. That sweet and innocent smile appears on her face as he looks up at her. He smiles back her as the two continue their walk side by side.


A/N: Can you tell that this was one of my first attempts at writing a fanfic?... hahaha... Too lazy to truly re-edit the whole story. If I could I would actually re-wrtie it, but I won't... hahaha... My mission with this story is to finally finish it... hahaha... i'll upload the other chapters soon. Hope you guys enjoy it!

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Chapter 7: I absolutely adore this story! Please update soon! You're doing a wonderful job! <3 :')