Why is he really familiar?

Angels' Love♫♪ [ Short Love Story ]

“I’m bored! I’m bored! I’m very very very BORED!” A pretty girl with a pink hair clip says with a big sigh.

“Hey. What are you doing? Are you not going to eat your food?” She continued, but her friend seems not to be listening to her. “Okay. How can she listen to me if she has an earphone on her ears?!” She muttered.

She quickly takes off the earphone on her friend. “Selina?!” Her friend complains.

“Ella. How many times you would like to hear that song all over again?!” Selina complains.

“It’s a very nice song.” Ella said. “It makes me reminds those sweet childhood memories of me and-“ She’s been cut off.

“And Chun. Psh. Whatever.” Selina stated. Ella kept her ipod and starts to eat her food. Suddenly, someone came to their table.

Selina and Ella are looking at the person standing beside their table.

“Hm, Ella. Hi. Hm.” The person seems to be so shy when talking to Ella.

“Bryan. If you have to say something, say it directly.” Ella sobbingly stated.

Selina kicks Ella leg to warn her from not being so rude about the guy. “Hm, Bryan. Take a sit.” Selina offered with a big smile.

“Oh. No thanks. I just want to give this to Ella.” Bryan smiled and tries to give the flowers and chocolate to Ella.

“Hm, Bryan. No offense, but are you trying to make me fat? Since the school year starts, you’ve giving me flowers and chocolate everyday.” Ella tries not to sound so harsh.

Selina chuckled. “When Ella is like that, she tries to be sweet.” Selina stood up and get the flowers and chocolate. 
“Is there something else you need?” Selina asked. “Oh. Nothing. Thanks. See you two later.” Bryan leaves.

“Oh. He’s really sweet but someone here gives a bad air to him.” Selina said.

“Bryan Lee. Bryan Lee. Bryan Lee.” Ella said as she taps her ballpen up and down. “Why is he so familiar? With the face and looks… Did we meet before?” Ella asks herself.

“Of course he will be familiar to you. Come on, the end of the school year is nearly approaching. Since the school year starts he is your classmate and you are telling me how he became so familiar?” Selina says. And she poses for a while, and she continued. “AHA! Maybe, he’s your childhood friend! Maybe… He changed his name.” Selina giggled. “I’m so genius.” Selina murmured.

“That’s not what I meant, Selina! I mean, before. And FYI, can somebody change his or her name? Can it be possible?” Ella said and she sighed.

“I don’t know when and where.” She continued. “Oh nevermind. Let’s go, the witch might in the classroom for now.”

Ella stood up and leaves first, while Selina she’s the one who is carrying the flowers and chocolate.

“Hey! Ella! Wait!” Selina shouts.


Meanwhile at the classroom, everyone is so quiet. They tried to listen at Ms. Lin’s discussion, even though almost of them are all sleepy.

Ella seems so bored at the discussion. She looked at the window but accidentally looks at Bryan who is staring at her. Ella quickly avoids him and she looked at her notebook.

“Why is he looking at me?” She murmured.

“Ms. Chen Jia Hua, is there any problem?” Ms. Lin caught her attention.

Ella slightly surprised by Ms. Lin. “Oh none ma’am.” She said. “Sorry.” She tries to low her voice.


When the class ends, everyone is rejoicing. Ella and Selina bid their goodbyes. Selina promised to call her later.

Ella got home safely and now she was eating dinner with her family. All of her family members are eating except her. She was thinking about something.

“Ella, why are you not eating your dinner?” Mrs. Chen asked. 
Ella looked her mom, surprisingly. “Eh?” Ella asked. She didn’t hear what her mother’s said.

“Are you thinking of something? Is there something bothering you? Why are you not eating?” Mrs. Chen asked.

“Oh. Hm, mom. I would like to ask if…” She tries to continue with her words. “If you can change your name?” Ella asked.

All of her family members started to laugh.

“Dear, why did you suddenly ask that? Do you want to change your name?” Her mom giggled.

“Psh. Nevermind.” Ella walked out and she go to her room.


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SheLady #1
I like what you have written so far. You have me intrigued as to where the story will head. I hope you keep writing this story. :)