Chapter 1

Boys Over Flowers [HaeHyuk ver.]
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Declaration of war!
Part One



‘Gucci… Prada… Dolce & Gabanna… Armani!’ His eyes shot open in annoyance at the chattering class who were casually talking about how they flew across the world over the weekend to buy a new watch or met up with a foreign royal family. He had to bite his inner cheeks to keep his calm and not spit angrily at his filthy rich classmates. After all, he just wanted to live a quiet high school life and not get any attention. It was only one and a half year left for their graduation. ‘Just hang in there Hyukjae!’ he cheered for himself mentally and tried to concentrate and finish his homework even though the never-ending talk about expensive jewelries and brands disturbed the surroundings. Sometimes Hyukjae even wondered why on earth he chose to attend Yeong-gam.

Yeong-gam High School was a rich private school where teenagers, coming from wealthy families all over Seoul, attended. There was no talk about brain if you could enter the school or not, only how thick your wallet was. Even though Hyukjae was not from a wealthy family, he had a deep yearning of attending Yeong-gam even though the students there was awfully annoying and had bad attitudes. Still, it was the only school where he could get a proper education for becoming a lawyer, and he remembered that special sunbae who inspired him to continue.

His thoughts faded away and he sent an annoyed glare a group of girls were flailing their arms childishly at the picture of another girl's new puppy. For what Hyukjae had heard, it was the third time that month the snobbish girl had declared she had a new cute pet.

Before Hyukjae had the will of slamming his forehead in his desk, a commotion outside the classroom grabbed his and his classmate's attention almost immediately.

“IT’S HERE!” A yelling voice echoed through the corridor along with the clapping of a pair of running feet, and every student turned around, sharpening their ears to hear what they were waiting for. “It’s the red notice! Noh Minwoo from class 2A has got the red notice!”

Screeching of the chairs being pulled out by the whole class at the same time gave Hyukjae the shivers. All the students pushed each other to get out through the door, except for Hyukjae who annoyingly gave their backs a glare. Even the teacher didn’t complain about being interrupted in the middle of his lecture, instead he discreetly sneaked out the back door and probably disappeared to the teacher’s lounge along with all the other teachers.

‘This is absurd’ Hyukjae thought because of the cowered and powerless teachers in this school who weren’t able to put a stop to this madness. His head finally fell down on his desk with a thud along with a painful groan. He just wanted to give up on humanity. The voices of student started to slowly fade away as they probably had ran down to the lower floor. At least now there was some peace and quiet inside the classrooms walls.

“E-excuse me," said a small male-voice that made Hyukjae jump and stare up at the only person who stayed besides him, standing next to his bench. It took a few seconds before he could make out who the other was.

“You’re that new transfer student, right?” He asked, trying not to sound rude though his annoyance, and the other boy nodded curtly.

“Yes. My name is Kim Ryeowook. Nice to meet you.” Ryeowook made a polite bow and Hyukjae nodded back at him with a smile. The way the short, black-haired male greeted him told Hyukjae that he might not be the diva all the other students were and he thanked God for that. Ryeowook even looked like the shy and quiet type. He hadn't had time to really realize when students came or went as the teachers didn't seem to bother introducing them.

“Lee Hyukjae.” He mumbled as an answer in the end, before going back to rest his face at the desk tiredly, thinking Ryeowook was done talking to him. The long following silence had him think the transferee had left already, and relaxed until he almost hit the sleep, only to jump again at the squeaky voice still talking next to him.

“I was just wondering… Is it okay to not go?” Hyukjae raised his head again to look at Ryeowook. “I mean… Everyone else just ran for something. This red notice…?”

Hyukjae felt a small responsibility to show this poor student what a bad choice in school his parents had made for him and pushed himself up from the chair and started walking down the empty corridor, Ryeowook hurriedly following in his steps.

“Have you ever heard of the famous F4?” The taller asked casually and had twisted his fingers together behind his back as he led the stroll through the now empty hallway. Ryeowook shook his head at the former’s question and his eyes showed off interest and curiosity. Hyukjae continued.

“F4, what they have decided to call themselves, is short for "Flower Four"." Hyukjae grimaced to himself as he thought of the inappropriate name for a bunch of -kicking guys. However, he let his own thoughts slip and continue explaining to Ryeowook instead.

"F4's four members are the sons of the richest men in South Korea and that's what mostly has driven them into the power here, popular among the girls as well for their good looks." Hyukjae sighed and slowed down his pace just a little as he saw that the other looked as if he had difficulties to cope up. "Their  great power they got through their parents has led them to even have control over school. That's why no one is stopping their sick little game they're playing. If they are opposed even by the teachers, their parents could threaten with closing down the whole school which would be a big loss. Fortunately, they’re all in their last year in school so they only have a few months left before they graduate and get out of here.

"The members consists of

Park Jungsu,

Son to  the most feared underground-leader throughout times, giving him a great power thanks to his never-ending net of contacts all over the world and can have you killed without anyone bothering the case. Even though his scaring background it doesn't stop all the married women to come running after him to just spend the slightest amount of time with him, only to be left heartbroken by the Lady-Killer.

Cho Kyuhyun,

His name is well known and treated with a huge respect. For generations he has been following the line of being a tea-ceremony master.

And he is not less of a player than Park Jungsu.

Choi Siwon.

No one really knows much about him as the mysterious guy that he is. His family owns a lot of big companies in Europe and he is next in heir to take over.

Lee Donghae

Out of all South Korea’s rich men, Lee Donghae is the son to the most rich and successful man, making it in to the top ten richest persons in the world. He is on the next line heir for the corporation South Korea is hanging on to, to continue living a welfare life. "


Even just talking about them gave Hyukjae a headache already.

"W-what's the game they're playing at?"

"That was the red notice." Hyukjae gave Ryeowook a meaning glance and turned right by a corner.

As they walked further, then the voices and laughter started to become audible once again. Hyukjae didn’t really want to go there, but he had already started talking, then he should finish it as well. It’s easier to understand what a crazy school it is with just showing it.


Hyukjae walked down the flight of stairs along with Ryeowook by his side and he think he could hear a low gasp coming from the other boy as they witnesses the mob of students standing in a circle on the tiled floor, where one single boy was trapped into with no way out and being pushed around mercilessly. All the students laughed as they poured water on the helpless boy and threw objects as erasers, crumbled papers or whatever they could grab on to.

“And this is what happens if you do anything to agitate F4 and receive a red notice.”

It was all too common by now in this school, to see students being bullied because of F4 being silly kids and get entertainment through watching other's pain and fear. Hyukjae walked in among the crowd of students and gave the second-year boy a pitying look as he was trashed around even more. One person Hyukjae recognized as a girl from his own class (it was Jessica if he remembered correctly) had stepped forward with a scissor and without any hesitance at all - only a big fat smirk plastered to her lips - as she cut off a mop of hair. Everyone laughed loudly, Jessica returning to her friends whining as he got some remaining straws of hair sticking to her fingers and tried drying them off as if she would get an disease of it. Hyukjae noticed the paralyzed student next to him, and gently grabbed on to Ryeowook's arm to shake him out of his daze.

"Are you okay Ryeowook-sshi?" he asked and stood in front of the shorter so he didn't have to look anymore, since he seemed to be very shaken up by the bullying. He was so glad the shorter didn't get to witness the time a student even fell unconscious.

"Let's get out of here," he said and tugged on Ryeowook's sleeve. The latter nodding eagerly at  the fine idea and started walking, desperate to get away from such an awful crime scene.

However, they didn't get far as Hyukjae automatically stopped the moment the main doors opened, getting the chills as everybody quickly had quieted down and turned to the entrance with anticipation. Hyukjae stayed on his spot with Ryeowook as the cheers aroused in the great hall the moment four young men entered the building. He bet all the girls saw sparkles fly around the newcomers' heads because of their charisma.

It didn’t matter how good-looking or rich these boys were, they still made Hyukjae fume with anger whenever he saw them in action. They were the real dirt.


The group stopped once they had passed by the cheering crowd who had willingly fled away to give them room for getting through. Donghae stopped in front of the shaking student on the floor while his three companions walked past and sat down at the chairs designated just for them. The tension rose and everyone held their breath as the dirty-blonde just stood there with a smirk on his thin lips and a mocking glint in his eyes. Hyukjae observed the scene intently as well.

Then one, and two, and the student called Minwoo  started coughing violently after the kicks had jammed the air out of his lungs and causing an internal pain. Hyukjae heard Ryeowook gasp once again.

"Now you know better than to not think you can raise yourself to my level, punk." Then it was Donghae's fist's time to make contact with the poor students jaw that made him fall flat against the cold floor.  All students just watching how the fiery blonde male showed off the great power he had, that in a weird way made girls swoon, applauding and cheering.

Hyukjae attention perked up as he noticed Choi Siwon standing up from his seat with a casually bored expression and covered his mouth as he let out a yawn. For a moment Hyukjae believed the elder was going to stop Donghae from assaulting the student, but

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[BOF] Currently writing on the first chapter but it's already so long and it feels like I still have much left to write T_T Hang in there!


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najinpi #1
Chapter 3: Please continue this awesome fics.... Plz update soon
Chapter 3: Wow.. I REALLY LIKE THIS!!! PLEASE CONTINUE THIS AMAZING FIC!!! I want to know what will happen next!!? I'll wait for you authornim!!^-^ FIGHTING!!:)
Chapter 3: it's sad to see that this is on hiatus and may never be continued again. i have always wanted to read a novel version of boys over flowers,, and it's kinda sad to see that this is on hiatus,, but anyways,, thank you for making this fic!! :D
KyoSamLee #4
Chapter 3: OMG!,plz continue this fic!,is awsome girl!...chebal update soon ㅠ.ㅠ
257471 #5
Chapter 3: Great...hope you will continue this soon.
Good luck!!!
EunSujuY #6
Chapter 3: This is so good! I'm waiting for your next update! :)
atikcimo #7
miss this fic ~
RingoJuice #8
Chapter 3: cant wait for the next chapter! >.<
bcvkszjxcvbjcsdxlkhciskzjx!!!!! PLS UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!!! I REALLY REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS FIC!!!! KEKEKE~ i'll bother u till u update~ XD just kidding!

pls comeback soon, neh?? ^^ >.<