Chapter 1

I Don't Feel Pretty


“I don’t feel beautiful...” You murmur into the bed sheets. Choi Minho’s warm arms permanently wrapped around, what you thought was chubby, waist. You felt his arms tighten around you, pulling you closer to him. You duck your neck and snuggle into his chest area. You reach behind you and pull the duvet over your head. Minho takes his hand from your waist and tries lightly tugging down the checker-patterned sheet, but giving up as you bat his hand away from under the sheet.

“Ah, excuse me?” You felt his voice rumble through his chest on your fingertips. His skin was quite hot to the touch, not his usual comfortable warmth.

“I don’t feel beautiful.” You say louder, poking your head from under the sheet, your hair scattered all over your face, resembling a mask. You look up at his face from beneath your hair mask. The room was lit by the desk lamp in the far corner of your room. The shadow from his nose looked like he had a large black triangle spread across his face.

“I think you’re beautiful,” Minho confidently whispers, his soft breath blowing on your face and hair. “Even if I can’t see your face, I know you’re beautiful.” He smiles cheekily at his cheesy line. You take your hand from his chest to smoosh against his grinning face. He laughs and kisses your palm.

“Well you’re supposed to say that, you’re my boyfriend.”

“And a damn good one.” Minho blinks down at you, waiting for you to agree. You sigh and nod, rolling your eyes. “Hey! No eye rolling in the presence of your boyfriend.”

“You can’t order me what to do, mister.” You scoff.

“Ah.. Yes I can.”

“Says who?” You hold in a smile.

“Me.” His mouth opens on yours. You try not to smile too hard into the kiss. Minho’s shirtless body rolls on top of you as his hands roam your upper body. Minho slowly slipped off your jacket. Your arms automatically lift up as Choi Minho pulls up your shirt. He tosses it on the bed, but it slips over the side between the mattress and the wall. Minho’s lips trail from your mouth to your neck, leaving a streak of saliva that cooled in the breeze.

“Minho.. wait.” You sit, pulling the bed sheet in front of your half- chest. He coughs then rolls to sit up beside you. He takes your hand in his just because he could. Ever since you knew Minho, you never thought he was the touchy type, but when you entered the imaginary gate from friends to lovers, it was a whole other story. “Can we.. ah, turn the light off?” You mumble into your hand, embarrassed.

“Why? I can barely see you as is..” Minho shuffles closer and kisses your shoulder.

“Because I’m fat,” You blurt out, feeling absolutely ridiculous. Minho sighs, he yanks your hand to him, and pulls you in the tightest and warmest hug you have ever possibly had.

“If you continue to say or think these negative things, I’m going to cry.” You feel him nodding his head on your shoulder. You can’t help but laugh. The image of Minho crying voluntarily was such an odd sight. “You are beautiful, you are not fat, and you are perfect to me, okay?” Minho’s voice was loud and assuring.

“Why don’t I feel it?” Your voice comes out broken and soft. “There are so many more beautiful people out there you can have.”

“I don’t want them. I want you.” His fingers bunch around the bed sheet that was in between the two of you and he pulls it from you. Your hands robotically go to shield your body but Minho’s hands pry them from you and he leans forward, pushing you back on the bed. You let him control you, tilting your head to the left. He folds your arms above your head, giving you a look as if to say “If you move, you’ll regret it” Your body was covered in light kisses. When Minho kisses a new spot on your body he would pause, leaving his lips on your skin before moving to another spot. As his mouth headed towards your pajama bottoms you tilted your hips away from him. “What’s wrong?”

“I haven’t shaved my legs.”

“Do you really think I care?” Minho laughs. Your face softens as he smiles from your lower stomach. You touch his face. It was warm. Like really warm. You sit up as Minho pulls back confused. You touch his forehead and retract your hand quickly.

“Minho, are you feeling okay? You’re awfully hot.” You brush his shortened fringe to the side and run your fingers through his hair.

“I feel fine.” Minho shrugs his shoulders, not looking worried by it. You couldn’t help but notice how warm he was this night as well. From when you were touching his chest, from when he hugged you. You hop up from the bed, tug on a summer dressing gown and head to the kitchen. Minho follows. You point to the dining room table’s chair and he sits down. You find a cold and flu tablet box and look inside. Luckily there were 3 left. You offer Minho one but he holds up a hand rejecting one, but after looking at your worried face he takes it. You pour him a glass of cold water from the fridge and give it to him.

From these few minutes neither one of you said anything. Not that there was anything that needed to be said, you both didn’t mind silence. As Minho finishes the glass you exit the kitchen and come back with a flannel which you run under the tap and wring it out. You give Minho a reassuring smile as you both headed back to your room. He had begun to sweat.

“I want you to rest now, okay?” You tell him.

“It’s only ten thirty,” Minho whines. You shrug as if to say ‘I don’t make the rules’. Minho shuffles his way to your bed. He sighs, defeated and falls face first into the pillows where he groans loudly.

“Quiet down, Min.” You laugh. “Now come on an-“ You reached over to turn him back around but he pulls you down beside him.

“If I am to rest, you have to be beside me.” A smile creeps its way across your face and you nod once. The flannel that you held was getting warm from the heat from your hands. You roll on your stomach and wave it around, cooling the damp small towel with the air. Minho rolls around and lays back, his head resting on the pillow. You fold the flannel in half and half again vertically and place it on his forehead. You pet it lightly and trail your fingers down to his cheek where you pause and cup it. Your thumb brushes his sticky cheek.

“Aw, Min..” His eyes relaxed and he soon drifted into a restless sleep. His chest had begun to bead with sweat.

Minho had acquired a head ache along with a stomach bug during the night. You tried to help him as much as possible but you could only do so much. By 2am Minho was finally properly asleep. Used tissues, empty water bottles and a plastic tub littered your floor. Once you were positive your poor Minho was asleep, you cleaned the room. You knew that if he woke and saw the mess, he would clean it for you even if he was sick or not, the sweetheart.

As you return to your room from disposing of the tissues, Minho was sitting up on edge of the bed, bent over the tub. Your heart filled with sadness. Seeing him like this really ate you up inside. You hesitate at the doorway, bowing your head. Minho wiped his mouth with a tissue and stared glumly at the plastic tub which now rested on your bedside table. You take the tissues from him and wipe his sweaty face gently with the flannel.

“Oh Minho,” His watery eyes lifted to yours. His face was the definition of sadness. You knelt beside his feet and scoop him into a hug.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered into your ocean of hair which hung over your shoulder.

“No, no, no...” You pull back and wipe his face lightly again. “It’s not your fault. Oh... Sweetheart...” You chuckle quietly. His eyebrows furrowed and he sniffed. You hand him a few more tissues and turned away as he blew his nose. Minho sighed softly and unfastened the cap of a new water bottle. He took a sip and closed it again, placing it next to plastic tub. He stood, holding the container. You stop him and take the container from him, not looking in it. “No Minho, please. Lie down, I’ll clean this out.” Minho tries to protest but he was too weak to. He yawns and nods a few times. He drops to your bed and falls against the pillow. Before you knew it, he was out.

For an odd reason, taking care of Minho felt right. Felt somewhat calming and reassuring. You shake the strange thought from your head and clean out the container in the bathroom. You look up to your reflection and smile softly. Ignoring the way you thought your eyes crinkled in odd places and your dark bags under your eyes. Your eyes wash over your skin, it was pale. Sickly pale, gross pale. You pull your long hair to the side, you let it grow long. Just as Minho suggested you should. You bunch it above your head and fasten it with a hair tie. Did your nose always look this big with your hair like this? You push up the tip of your nose, looking at it from different angles. You didn’t feel pretty enough. As you wash your hands, you hear a ruckus from your room. You turn to rush out of the bathroom and to Minho but he was standing in the door way.

“You are gorgeous. Stop messing around.” Minho’s arms sling around you…………………





This is the very first chapter to my Minho fan fic.. I hope you liked it.

This fan fic will be PG13, but who knows what sort of things will happen ;D

It's kind of my first time publicly writing kind of making out/soft , so I hope it's not too odd and silly >.<

It's 7:08am and I stupidly didn't sleep at all last night, I was meant to go to bed after EXO's livestream at around 12:30 but I just didn't?

Did anyone else watch it? Our EXO M babies won an award.

Okay, anyway, about the fanfic~

Minho got sick.. oooohh.. Let's hope it's not contagious ;P

You will learn about the "You" character through-out the fic. She's a closed book at the moment, I don't even know who she it 0u0

I hope you will enjoy this fic, I'll try to update as frequently as I can.

What I don't understand why I didn't write at all during the holidays, I'm starting the day before going back.

Smart one, self. 

Ok, thank you for reading once again, I'm off ~ 

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