
Mama Stop All Rain Sound In History

"Heyyyy guysss! Whasgoinonnn!"

That could only mean the arrival of the one and only Kim Hyoyeon. She swaggered into our homeroom, holding a dull phone.

"Hyorengi, what are you doing with that dull phone?" Sunny cried roughly. It seems the bright girl was feeling depressed on this snowy evening.
Hyoyeon whispered, "Nothing much, I just wanted to bring it to the park and hug it. What are you eating?"
Sunny held out her kimchi apple salad, offering some to Hyoyeon. "Just something Jongup made for me back in 12 July 2011. I found it under a table that was under a chair this morning. I like how it's bitter. It just gets me so gloomy I could rub all the rubik's cubes in the universe!
"No thanks Sunny, but let me know when you're going to rub rubik's cubes. I'm totally into that too. Well I'm going to the park to hug my dull phone. You wanna come with?"
Keeping her eyes on the TV, Sunny whined, "Nope. I wouldn't miss Seungri x Ljoe on WGM for anything in the world. Have fun, you little sweety pitchfork dipped in oo bear honeypot!"
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Chapter 1: nice that nice *smile*
"you little sweety pithfork dipped in oo bear honeybot' like that one