An Frantic Sleeping Beauty

You're My Butterfly





"Bommie-ah, wake up."



Bom woke up in an instant, crazy bed hair and everything. "W-what?"

"Wake up or you'll be late for your flight! It's almost 9am!" Yelled her mother, who later then fled the room.

Bom groaned and flopped back onto her fluffy, heavenly goodness. It's not her fault that she slept at 4 a.m. last night because of packing.

Bom looked at the time on her phone and groaned; 7:37am, October 18, 2012. It wasn't even 8 yet and her mom was already yelling.

Bom stared thinking about YG an immediately got all giddy and began grinning like a total idiot.

"Just 5 more days." She whispered, grinning even wider.

"If only I could tell Lin and Jas," she whispered sadly, her smile almost immediately disappeared.

She sat up and looked around the room. She saw nothing. Just vast emptiness except for her luggage and bed; all of her belongings had been shipped to her cousin's apartment in Seoul. 

She lazily stood up from her comfy heaven, got her towel and headed towards the bathroom.

As she was brushing her teeth, she smiled and began giving herself words of motivation-- which only came out as loud, muffled sounds only the Park Bom could understand, "You will do great because you are-"

"Oi! Stop talking to yourself and hurry up!" Yelled her older sister, Go Eun, from the other side of the bathroom door.

"-great," Bom finished her sentence.

She quickly slipped out of her pajamas and stepped into the steamy shower.

- - -

"What the !" Go Eun angrily grumbled between gritted teeth as an old lady cut in front of her lane without a signal, making Go Eun abruptly stop the car, and Bom almost hitting her head on the dash of her sister's car.

"For heaven's sake, calm down!" Bom groaned for the umpteenth time and rubbed her neck. They've been been stuck in traffic for the past 45 minutes and its really taking a toll on everyone; mostly Go Eun.

"Park Go Eun, enough with the curse words!" Bom's mom scolded from the backseat.

"So Bommie, are you excit-" Said her mom with a totally different attitude before she was rudely interrupted by non other than Park Go Eun.

"Ugh, finally! For Christ's Sake, man. Took it long enough." Go Eun half-yelled as the traffic began to slowly clear up.

"God, you have such road rage." Muttered Bom, earning a side-glare from Go Eun.

After many stop signs, they arrived at the airport an hour and a half before Bom's flight.

Bom's dad began taking down her very heavy suitcases.

"Park Bom, what do you have in  here?" Said her dad, who's struggling pulling down her second suitcase.

Bom shrugged, "If it's not clothes, it's shoes. If it's not shoes, it's--"

"Mom, I still don't understand exactly why Bom has to take a plane,"-- Go Eun said in an irritated voice--"I mean, it takes only like a few hours from here to Seoul by car."

"First of all, me and your father have work, you have a concert in 9 hours and my brother is working." Bom's mom sternly said, making Go Eun roll her eyes in annoyance.

Bom decided to helped her dad carry her luggage after seeing him almost wheezing, and walked into the airport.

Once in the airport, Bom said her final goodbyes to her parents and sister.

"You be good Park Bom. I don't want to be hearing about bad grades, boyfriends, or any other scandal involving those two." Said her Dad with a stern face. But not, before cracking a smile and enveloped Bom in a warm hug. 

"I love you, my princess." He kissed her temple, showing a wide and proud smile.

Meanwhile, Bom's mom was a crying mess, eyes red and swollen and tear-stained cheeks.

"Mom calm down, it's only a 1 hour plane ride. It's not like your sending me away to the army." Bom whipped away her mom's tears with a tissue-- Bom brought them just in case her mom ended up crying. In which she did.

"I'll miss you, Bommie. You be good to Soo Jin. Call when you arrive." Bom's mom managed to say and embraced her in a bone-crushing hug that nearly knocked the wind out of Bom's lungs.

All Go Eun did was say See Ya and awkwardly hugged her.

Once Bom's family was out of sight, she turned and headed towards her flight. 

Once Bom was done getting her four suitcases and carry on checked, went through security, and all that other airport , she was finally in the plane.

Once the plane was in the air, Bom looked sadly out the window.

"Goodbye," she muttered, before resting her neck uncomfortably on the window to her right with the October sun slapping her in face with all its might.

Bom didn't care and quickly fell asleep due to her drowsiness.

- - -

"Excuse me, Miss?" said a strange and sweet voice.

Bom, being the lazy she is, woke up once the flight attendant shook her.

"Yes?" Bom sleepily said with squinted eyes.

"The plane landed 14 minutes ago, Miss." Said the flight attendant, who looked slightly irritated.

Now Bom was fully awake.

After a good half-hour of finding her luggage and calling her mom stating she was fine and out of the plane, Bom was now waiting for her cousin to pick her up.

After 15 minutes of waiting, Bom began to grow impatient and decided to call her.

Right when she was about to get her phone, an unfamiliar voice called her name.

"Bommie? Holy , is that you!" Said the voice. 

Bom turned around and her eyes bulged out of her sockets.

"Jinnie!" Bom shrieked before hugging her tall cousin-- who she distinctly remembered being like 5'3 the last time she saw her. Which was like...6 years ago.

"Holy , you're giant!" exclaimed Bom, looking up at her 5'7 cousin.

Jinnie laughed.

"Midget," Soo Jin teased.

Bom pretended to look offended and grasped, "Is that what you think of me? I feel hurt Soo Jin."

"I don't care, let's go." Soo Jin purposely ignored Bom and started walking.

"Aren't you going to help me? Come on, they're heavy." Pouted Bom.

Soo Jin looked down at her 4 large suitcases and raised a brow. "The hell is all this? Clothes?"

"Come on, it's heavy." Bom complained, trying all her might to look cute. 

"Quit pouting, you're 16 already!" Exclaimed Soo Jin.

"I'm 18." Bom muttered shyly.

"My point exactly, come on I wanna go home." Said Soo Jin, who was already struggling walking with Bom's heavy suitcases.

They hopped into Soo Jin's car and drove to her apartment complex.

- - -

When they arrived at Soo Jin's apartment building, Bom's eyes widened to the size saucers; this was no apartment complex.

The building had about 13 floors, and they looked more like condos that apartments. And the white marble walls off the building illuminated a blinding light, making Bom squint. 

Once they arrived at her apartment on the 6th floor, Bom's jaw hit the earth's core.

She would've expected all of Soo Jin's furniture to be either black or white--the usual cliche of a successful 25-year-old.

But no,  her living room walls were painted a pastel yellow, giving off a cozy affect. 

She had two comfy white couches facing a flat screen, with a white coffee table in between.

The kitchen on the other hand, was painted a pastel green and blue, with white marble counters and an island. The dining room was also painted a cozy color; light tan.

Soo Jin had to literally close Bom's widen mouth.

"Close you mouth or you'll catch flies," Soo Jin said before taking her shoes off and sitting down on the couch.

"Holy , where do you work at to get this kind of money." Bom asked as she was admiring a big dog house in the corner; Nala, it said in baby blue words in the front.

Soo Jin shrugged and smirked, "perks of being part many famous musicals and working at SM as the acting teacher." Bom's eyes automatically rolled at Soo Jin's cockiness.

Same as always, Bom thought happily.

"I still don't get why you chose YG over SM," Soo Jin scowled. "It's a known fact that SM is better that YG and that other school."

Bom, knowing about the hard- on competition between the two schools, just groaned, "Whatever. As long as I get taught something, I'm fine."  

Bom turned her head to the left to where the dog house was and decided to change the subject, "Hey do you have a dog?"

Soo Jin laughed, "No , hence the dog house."

Bom rolled her eyes, "Where is it?"

"Oh! Thanks for reminding reminding me, I have to pick her up at 2:35!" Soo Jin looked at her wristwatch, stood up and grabbed her bag and ran to the door.

"Hey, you stay and unpack and ill be back in 30!" Soo Jin yelled before closing the door.

Soo Jin came back not 3 seconds later, "Oh yeah, your bedroom's the 2nd door down the hallway." She said before running out the door again.

Bom smiled and shook her head at her cousin's silliness.

Her smile got slapped off her face when she saw her suitcases in the corner.

Great, more back-bracking work, she angrily thought.

- - -

It's been at least 3 hours since Bom finished unpacking, and 7 hours since her last meal. She got up and decided to look around her cousin's house in search of something to fill up her growling stomach.

Bom went scavenging for food but found hardly anything; just healthy stuff like fruits, health shakes, vegetables, and some other stuff she couldn't point out. 

She decided to just make herself a sandwich with the only recognizable ingredients she could find.

By the time she was done eating and cleaning up, Bom went to her room to take a long, well-deserved nap. She didn't even have time to admire the light purple walls and shut her eyes the second her body met the bed.

- - -

Bom's face contorted with uncomfortableness and  disgust as she felt something hot, slick and wet sliding up and down against her left cheek repeatedly; the heavy weight against her body wasn't helping either.

What the hell? She thought groggily.

Bom's eyes snapped open, only to find a Husky starring down at her with the most beautifulest icy blue eyes.

She wiped her face with her bare hand, and sure enough, it was covered in dog saliva. 

Soo Jin later came in. "Oi, Nala! Out!" She bellowed at Nala. Bom was surprised on how well the dog listened.

Soo Jin laughed at Bom's gaping face, "Hey fish, time for you to eat."

Bom rolled her eyes and flopped off of her bed and checked the clock on her nightstand. It was currently 8:49p.m. 

I wasn't even asleep that long, she thought as she was walking down the hallway to the kitchen.

The fresh aromas suffocated her with the smell of spaghetti and Italian sausages-- not like she was complaining. Those two simple sandwiches she ate hours ago did no justice to her stomach. 

"Hey, how come you were gone so long?" Bom asked as she sat down on the island in the kitchen and began wolfing down the spaghetti.

"Well, Nala was actually supposed to be picked up at 4, so I decided to buy groceries for this week. I dropped off the stuff here, but then I got a call from SM for some meeting that lasted about 2 hours. So...yeah." Soo Jin stated as she was putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher; She had eaten while Bom was knocked out. Bom nodded.

Bom's eyes were fighting to stay open by the time she was done eating. She gathered up all her energy just to say Goodnight.

By the time Bom hit the bed, her eyes just wouldn't close. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop getting nervous and somewhat sated over her first day. 

What am I going to wear? What are my classes? Are the people there nice? What if I embarrass mysel like I did during my first day in the US?

Negative thoughts flooded Bom's mind, making her unable to sleep.

Bom then remembered what her friend told her the day before she left Korea long ago. Bom remembered she had been crying, so her friend took the initiative and said things that only Lin would say.

"No matter how bad the situation, I know something good will come out of this. Because where there's evil, there will always be good"

After about 2 hours of reminiscing about her memories, Bom eyes finally got the rest they needed. But she didn't notice the tear streaking down her face. 





a/n; omg i am so sorry for not updating in time, i actually wrote this like 4 times. and im still editing the chapter for my other fanfic.


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Chapter 1: wah.. nice... cant wait for the next chapter!
Cherrypanda16 #2
Chapter 1: Wah please update!! It's really good!~ о(ж>▽<)y ☆
icegirl #3
Chapter 1: ooo so far i like it, cant wait till she goes to yg, i wonder who she will meet first :D
Chapter 1: Waah! I hope in the next chapter bom will met jiyong.. ;)
Update soon!
icegirl #7
love gbom and high school stories :D ..cant wait
Yay first comment :p Anyways,author-nim fighting!