Blue & Pink Bunnies

Which Boy is About Love?


Miri’s breathing started to pick up as she rested her back against the wall. She put her hand on her chest as she felt her heart beating out of her chest. When she finally caught her breath, she put her fingers on the windowsill then slowly raised her head to see if Changjo was still there. When her eyes finally reached over the windowsill, there he was, staring at her window, basically . Miri sunk back down under the window and rubbed her face. “Oh my God… he saw me… he’s going to think I’m a ert now or something… oh my God.” She kept repeating to herself with her eyes closed. “Miri?!” she heard his smooth, soft voice. Miri didn’t want to prop her head up but a part of her wanted to see him shirtless. While he eyes were still closed, she stood up; leaning against the windowsill then slowly opened her eyes.

“H-Hi…” she raised her hand and waved at him.

“I’m sorry my window was open. I have to make sure no one else sees.” He said with a sly smirk, waving back at her with a wink as he pushed the window down. He looked at her one last time as she was stunned by his figure. He winked one last time as he closed his curtains. Miri gasped at his sudden disappearance as she was surely enjoying the view. ‘Why did he wink at me…’ she pondered the thought as she closed her window and curtains. Miri walked over to her bed, tugging on her big cushion like blankets to find an entrance in them. ‘What if I see him tomorrow morning and he calls me ‘ Noona’ or… or… ‘Pedo Noona’ she whimpered and made crying noises into her pillow whilst she kicked her feet up and down on the bed at the thought. She pouted then shut off her light and rested her head on her pillow to get some sleep.


Miri fixed her blazer for the last time in front of the receptionist, waving to her goodbye. She gulped when she noticed Changjo with his nice black button up shirt. The vision of him shirtless was still etched into her mind. He held his blazer over his shoulder as he started walking toward the bus stop. Miri gulped and started heading that way. Changjo looked up from looking in his bag when he heard the sounds of footsteps. He greeted Miri with a warm smile.

“Good morning Miri noona!” he said cheerfully. He looked her up from head to toe. He pointed to her leggings that were printed with small black hearts. “Those are cute.” He smiled.

“T-Thank you and… Good morning!” Miri stammered as she stepped up on the curb to stand next to him. She looked down at Changjo’s long boots that looked like a flower petals coming off of his calves. His pants were slightly tight around his long legs. When her eyes reached his crotch, she noticed a slight bulge; she coughed and looked up at the sky. ‘Why the did I even look there anyway?’ she cursed herself in her mind. ‘Why did moving back home turn into some kind of a ert?!’ she continued to curse herself in her mind.

“What’s wrong?” he said as he looked at her whilst he put each arm through the arms of his blazer. She held up her hand and shook her head, not making eye contact at all. ‘This guy is turning me into a ert!’ she thought as she looked down at her ankle booties; flattening out her white skirt.

“I downloaded Travis Garland’s albums; Fashionably Late Vol. 1 and 2.” He said as he slung his backpack over his right shoulder, making Miri turn her head quickly when she heard her favorite artist’s name.

“You did?!” she said with excitement. “What’s your favorite song?!” she fully turned around, completely interested and waiting for his answer.

“I’m not sure yet… but I’m sure I’ll sing one of his songs soon.” He said with a nod. “Do you have a favorite song?”

“I think it’s most likely ‘Feel’ or ‘Fall in Lust’. I really like ‘Neighbor’ too.” She said with a nod as she looked forward at the people walking down the streets.

“Neighbor is an song and so is ‘Fall In Lust.’” He said as he looked at her with a sly smirk. “Miri Noona is a little freaky.” He said through his laugh. Miri hit him with her bag as she started turning rosy pink again.

“YAH! I am not! I appreciate his music!!” she said as she continued to hit him. Changjo continued to laugh.

“It’s okay Miri, I like those songs too.” He pointed to the bus as it approached. Miri scoffed as she crossed her arms and waited for the bus to approach them. When it stopped, Changjo let Miri walk on first. She looked for an empty seat and decided to sit in the back. Changjo followed and sat next to her. He leaned over to her then whispered, “You smell and look really pretty today.” Miri looked at him with her eyes wide and eyebrows furrowed. She nodded, not really sure what to say to his compliment. Again, she started blushing; she wasn’t used to this kind of attention.

“UNNIE!!!” Ji-Na yelled through the long hallway. Miri and Ji Hye turned around.

“Morning Ji, why were you running?” Miri asked as Ji-Na was trying to catch her breath.

“I thought… I was… late…” she says whilst she tried to catch her breath. Miri and Ji Hye look at each other.

“Late for what?” they say in unison.

“For school!” Ji-Na said as she finally stood up straight, fixing her clothes.

“But… you’re early like the rest of the people walking around.” Ji Hye said with annoyance at her dense headed best friend. She flicked her in the forehead, making Miri laugh then she joined in.

“Stop~ Owwww~” Ji-Na cooed as the girls kept teasing her repeatedly. Miri stopped as she heard a familiar voice in the distance. She looked up to see L. Joe wearing glasses today and faded grey jeans with white high top sneakers. Miri couldn’t take her eyes off him as he continued talking to some guys. A smile crept across her face as she watched how happy he was. L. Joe pushed up his glasses and looked up to see Miri and waved at her. Miri quickly looked away and paid attention to her two best friends practically beating each other up. ‘Why did she look away so quickly?’ thought L. Joe as he continued to talk with some guys.

The bell rang for homeroom. Miri waved goodbye to both Ji Hye and Ji-Na. She walked into the room as the boys waved to her. “Good morning Mi Ri.” She smiled at them, “Good morning~!” she said cheerfully whilst she made her way to her desk. When she sat down, she pulled out her phone to make sure it was on silent.

“You look pretty today.” L. Joe said as he sat down at the desk. Miri jumped at his sudden presence; letting out a small yelp.

“Thank you.” She said softly, nodding to L. Joe without making eye contact. He continued to stare at her. He wanted to make her look at him as he talked. Miri glanced over at him twice swiftly. “What?” she said as he smiled.

“You never look at me when I talk to you. Is it because you don’t talk with a lot of guys?” he asked curiously.

Miri froze at what to say next, “N-No… it’s not that…” she said bashfully looking up at L. Joe.

“Then what is it? If you secretly hate me, I won’t be upset with you if that’s what it is.”

“I don’t hate you… it’s not that. I don’t want to seem like one of your groupies.” She points to the other side of the room. L. Joe turns around and looks at all the girls hurled up together screaming, “OPPAAAA~!!!” when he turned around. He waved to them, turning around he dropped his head whilst he chuckled.

“I don’t look at you like that. You’re a normal girl. It’s good to know that girls like you still exist.” He smiles at her as he pulls out a sandwich.

“But… normal is boring.” Miri turned around to see L. Joe holding out half of his sandwich. The girls from the side of the room scream, “Oppa, share it with me~! I’m hungry~!” he ignored them and pushed it toward Miri.

“Have you eaten breakfast?” he asked her. Miri thought of a second then shook her head. L. Joe swiveled his legs around to the side of the chair. He reached out to her, opening by her chin and pushed the sandwich in. “Bite” he said with a smile. Miri’s eyes were as wide as they could possibly be when she watched his actions. When he let go of the sandwich, she grabbed it and took a small bite whilst she blushed.

“I made them myself. Does it taste okay?” he asks whilst she nodded. He then hands her a bubble tea but inside of a plastic up, it was inside a bottle. “I made this too.” Miri took it as she was surprised at the things he had brought.

“Did you plan on giving me this…? Nobody just carries two things of homemade tea…” she questioned him as she placed the bottle on her desk.

“I get thirsty before lunch and need something to drink.” She hands it back to him. He looks up from his sandwich and shakes his head. “You can have it.”

“But you just said-“

“Keep it. You need something to wash down the sandwich with.” He replied quickly as he continued to eat his sandwich. Miri didn’t want to force him to take it like she’d do with Ji-Na or Ji Hye. She put it back on her desk then turned around and continued eating the sandwich.

“To answer what you said earlier about normal being boring; you could never be boring to me. You’re too nice and pretty to be boring.” Miri choked on the tea at the words ‘nice and pretty’. She covered as she tried to keep the rest of the tea in ; coughing after she successfully swallowed the tea without spitting it out on the person’s back in front of her. L. Joe got up and rubbed her back. The girls looked at Miri envious of her as he was rubbing her back.

“I’m fine, I’m fine.” She said waving her free hand.

“Are you sure? I can get you water.”

“I’m fine! Sit down!” she pulled his arm and sat him down into the chair. He plopped down with a smirk. The Professor came into the room. “Class, get to your seats. “She said as everyone hurried to their seats for roll call.


“L. Joe did what?!” Ji Hye whispered shockingly, trying to make sure the Professor didn’t hear her talking.

“He gave me a sandwich and this.” She holds up her tea that L. Joe gave her.

“Omo… he must like you then. No one gives you anything unless it’s me or Ji-Na.” she said through her small chuckle. “Now, turn to page 136.” The Professor said as he paced back and forth behind his desk. Miri and Ji Hye did as they were told.

“What do I do?” Miri asked Ji Hye desperately.

“You act like you never had a boyfriend before. Just act like yourself.” Ji Hye said looking through her textbook pages.

“Don’t you think I should give him something? Like… as a thank you?” Miri sprawled her hands out on the open textbook as she looked at Ji Hye.

“That’s a good idea. Why don’t you bake him something? Or better yet, find out what food or something he likes best and give that to him. You can even decorate it and make it all cute. You’re really good at that stuff.” She smiled at Miri, giving her a thumbs up.

“What if he doesn’t like it?” Miri said with a pouty sad face.

“Pabo!” Ji Hye reached over to hit her on her forearm. “Stop overthinking things. Just treat him like a friend. You don’t have to rush anything. You know this stuff; stop asking me questions.” Ji Hye sat up straight when the Professor turned around. Miri and Ji Hye swiftly looked down at the textbook and started the class lesson.

Miri made her way to Ji-Na’s English class when she bumped into someone who was walking out of the classroom. “I’m sorry!” she bowed 90 degrees quickly, not knowing who it was.

“It’s okay. Want to walk with me and Ji-Na to the next class? That’s why you’re here right?” Miri looked up to see Changjo’s pleasant smiling face.

“Yeah. Where’s Ji-Na?” Miri looked inside the classroom and saw her talking to the Professor and being handed something. Ji-Na made her way to the door toward Changjo and Miri.

“What did the Professor give you?” Miri points to the paper.

“This is for a club, that’s all. He told me that I should join because my English is really, really good.” Ji-Na says happily as she bops back and forth.

“If you need help with your English, you can ask me.” Miri said with a smile as the three of them started walking.

“Can you help me with English?” Changjo said cutely, making Ji-Na point to his face.

“You can’t say no with such amazing aegyo~” Ji-Na stood on her toes whilst she pinched his cheeks. Miri chuckled a little.

“Okay, okay, okay! Just tell me when!” Changjo and Ji-Na high fived each other dramatically in the middle of the hallway. Miri shook her head as she continued to make her way to Arts & Crafts class.

Miri, Ji-Na and Changjo made their way to the back of the room to put up their things before messing around with clay. The three of them made their way to sit at their designated table as L. Joe welcomes them by waving. Miri pokes the clay with her finger as she looks at it.

“Our nails are going to getting messy~” Ji-Na whined as she held up her hands, wiggling her fingers. “Unnie’s will get messy too!”

“I told you not to get them done because of today. Why did you go and do it?” Miri scowled Ji-Na whilst stuck her bottom lip out.

“I wanted my nails to look pretty with this blouse. Now it won’t matter.” She looked down sadly as she easily got depressed at the thought of her nails getting clay under them.

“Don’t worry; you’ll get them done again right?” Changjo said, trying to cheer her up.

“I guess so…” she looked down at her fingernails.

“Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly. They should still be fine afterwards.” L. Joe suggested then Miri chimed in.

“We’re going to be wedging the clay which is just pushing it down onto the table and flipping it. If you do it with bottom of your hand and your palm, with your fingers pointed up. You shouldn’t get them messed up.” Miri nodded to her answer as everyone at the table looked at her with amazement.

“Whoa, how did you know that?” Changjo asked, astonished by what she said. L. Joe nodded. “Yeah, tell us.” He smiled at her.

Miri started blushing again. Good thing she had some makeup on today so no one could tell how red she was. “I took a pottery class when I lived in America. One of my friends there showed me how to do it without getting my hands completely dirty.”

“Ohhhhh~” the three of them said as they nodded. The Professor walked over to the table with his cut-off wire to break the clay into four pieces for each of them to play with. As the teacher walked away, Miri dropped her bracelet whilst she was trying to remove it so it didn’t get messed up in the clay.

“I’ll get it for you.” L. Joe said kindly as he went under the table. Miri moved her seat back a little so he had enough room. When he picked it up, he turned his head to see Miri’s legs open a little. He snuck a small peek at her and snickered at what he saw. ‘Hehehe… bunnies.’ He said to himself as he continued staring.

“Did you find it?” Miri looks down at him as he comes up from the table with a small. He puts the bracelet on the table.

“I found it. You should put it in your pocket so you don’t lose it.” L. Joe proposed to her as he rolled up his sleeves and joined Changjo and Ji-Na wedging the clay. Miri frowned as she had to get up to put her bracelet in her locker. When she returned, her eyes met Changjo’s; unveiling a sweet smile. She blinked at him oddly as he smiled then returned it. When she sat down, she also joined the rest of them as she wedged the clay.

While Ji-Na and Changjo were busy talking about English class, L. Joe nudged Miri’s arm to get her attention. “What’s up?” she asked cheerfully, not taking her eyes off of the clay whilst she did her work. He leaned over then whispered in her ear, “I like blue and pink bunnies too” he said seductively making Miri stop what she was doing. His voice struck a nerve inside of her as she heard him speak in a different tone. He smiled at her expression, knowing that she had no idea what he was referring too. Miri turned and looked at his wicked smirk whilst he continued messing around with his clay. “Now, combine your clay with your partners and wedge the clay together.” The Professor said from the front of the classroom. Miri watched as Ji-Na and Changjo played around happily with their clay as her and L. Joe’s clay was still separate.

“Here; hand it to me.” He rubbed his clay covered hands against hers whilst he dragged the clay out of her hands. Miri was in complete awe of him but she didn’t know why.

“Can I have your number?” Miri spoke her thought out loud. L. Joe looked over at her then nodded.

“Sure, after class we’ll exchange numbers.”

“No!” she blurted out, making everyone at the table look at her.

“No what unnie?” Ji-Na asked with her typical blank expression.

“No to this… this clay.” Miri pointed at the clay.

“I think she said no because she couldn’t believe I said yes to her question.”

“What question hyung?” Changjo spoke up, looking at L. Joe.

“Giving her my phone number at the end of class.” He smiled at her then continued with the clay. Changjo looked at Miri.

“Noona, I want your phone number too!”Changjo demanded as he punched the clay.

“Wah~ I want both of your numbers~” Ji-Na cried as she banged against the table. Miri sighed deeply then nodded.

“We’ll do it after class then…” Miri spoke softly whilst she turned to L. Joe to help him with the clay. While the two were going back and forth with the clay, L. Joe kept giving her a sly smirk. ‘Why does he keep… looking at me like that?’ she wondered when she chose to make minimal eye contact with him. She couldn’t help but think about what he said, ‘I like blue and pink bunnies too’. It started to really get to her after thinking about it for 5 minutes. She thought ‘there’s nothing that has any kind of bunnies anywhere…’

“Okay! That’s it for today. Wrap your clay in the bag by your tables. Make sure to write your names on the bag with the marker that I give you.” The Professor say whilst he walks by, placing markers on the tables. “After you clean up, you are free to leave. Keep your clay behind; I’ll collect it when everyone’s gone.” Everyone in the classroom shot up to quickly wash their hands at the words of ‘you are free to leave’.

“Everybody’s in such a hurry. I want to leave to but you don’t see me pushing everyone around like a rhino.” Ji-Na said as she pointed at the line of people to wash the clay off.

“Aigoo… let’s just go to the bathrooms and wash our hands there.” Miri suggested.

“Isn’t it across the hall?” L. Joe pointed near the door as everyone nodded. They get up and quickly run off to the bathroom to wash their hands while the Professor’s back was turned; hoping no one saw them running out. While Ji-Na and Miri were hastily scrubbing their hands, Ji-Na blurted out, “Do you have a crush on L. Joe Oppa?” she smiled.

“What?! No!” she blurted back furiously.

“Then why were you always looking at him batting your eyes~” she flicked water at her before she grab a paper towel. Miri flicked water at her back, making her giggle and cringe at the cold water.

“Are you ladies finished?” Changjo asked from outside the door.

“Yes!” They both said in unison hurrying back to the door. L. Joe was watching the Professor to make sure his back was turned before the four of them ran into the room and to the back to get their things from their lockers. After they put back on any hand accessories and their blazers, they walk out of class and make their way outside. Once there, they exchanged phone numbers. Ji-Na and Miri winded up handing each other their phones.

“Yah, I have your number already pabo.” Miri chuckled and handed Ji-Na her phone back.

“Aish! I got caught up in the phone passing game.” She said cheerfully with her usual huge smile handing Miri her phone back. The bell rung, indicating that the day was officially over.

“I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” L. Joe waved to them as he started to walk away. Ji-Na waved happily with both her arms above her head, being overly cute as usual. Miri pulled her arms down. “Will you stop it? You act like you’ll never see him again…” Miri said coolly as Changjo laughed.

“I’m going to get going. I have something I want to do. Tell Ji Hye that I’ll text her later.” Miri told Ji-Na as started to walk away. Chanjo quickly walked up beside her.

“I have to go too! See you tomorrow Ji-Na!” Changjo waved to her as she walked beside Miri. On the way home, they talked about dancing and music. The whole time she felt Changjo becoming more and more attractive as he talked.


The thought still lingered Miri’s mind of what to make him. She really wanted to make him breakfast for tomorrow but that would be the most obvious choice. Instead, she decided to make him something sweet since she was pretty decent at baking. But the question was; what should I bake L. Joe? She paced up and down the kitchen waiting for her mother to text her back. It was 5:30 PM in Korea whereas it was 6:30 AM in New York, but she knew her mom was up and on the move making coffee before she prepared for work. Her phone buzzed and chimed in her hands. Miri stopped in her tracks and read the message.


Mom: Maybe you should try baking Strawberry Saeng Cream Cake.

Miri: What if he hates it?

Mom: No one hates cake dear… Do it.

Miri: What if he doesn’t like strawberries?

Mom: Girl, just bake the damn cake. Stop being such a wuss and do it.

Miri: -_- fine… thank you for your help.

Mom: That’s what moms are for.


Miri looked around in her kitchen to make sure she had everything she needed to make the cake, the cream, frosting, and luckily she had strawberries. She put the phone down on the counter and diligently worked on baking the three layers of the cake. The whole time she had a huge grin at the fact she was going to make someone that wasn’t Ji-Na or Ji Hye or her parents, a cake. When she slid the cake pan into the oven for 30~35 minutes, she snapped her fingers and said. “I know! I’ll give some to Changjo too!” she nodded once with a smile. “If I have enough left over, then I’ll give some to Ji-Na and Ji Hye but the boys are first.” She continued talking to herself whilst she bent down in front of the oven, looking inside at the cake slowly baking. Before she went and started her homework, Miri used the baking time wisely to wash and cut up the strawberries for the next process in building the perfect Strawberry Saeng Cream Cake.

“All finished~” Miri said as she looked at the sliced strawberries scattered across the paper towels. She put her hand over her phone when it vibrated and beeped; it was a text message from L. Joe. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the name, “L. Joe” pop up. She decided talking to him would be more interesting than starting homework. She fell over the arm of the couch; letting her back rest against the cushions as her legs hung over the arm as she started up a text conversation with L. Joe.


L. Joe: Miri, are you busy with homework?

Miri: Not right now… what’s up?

L. Joe: Ah, I wanted to talk to you is all. That okay?? ; )

Miri: That’s fine. ^^

L. Joe: We should hang out outside of school one time. I wonder what you look like without your uniform on.


Miri blushed at the text; instantly thinking he meant then he sent another text.


L. Joe: I didn’t mean that as in ; I meant in your normal, casual clothes.

Miri: I knew what you meant, its okay. When did you want to hang out?

L. Joe: Saturday at around 4 PM. We can take a walk or something around town then possibly dinner. How’s that sound??

Miri: It sounds really fun, I can’t wait for Saturday. :D

L. Joe: Same. ;D Ah, Miri, did you find out what I was talking about earlier?

Miri: About what?

L. Joe: Blue and pink bunnies. ;)


Miri nodded her head in acknowledgment of the words. Her thoughts didn’t consist of the bunnies but how y he whispered it to her. The tone wasn’t a normal voice anyone would hear every day, it was full of carnality and sensuality. She tapped the phone against her chin as she thought what he could have been referring too. Miri gasped and sat up straight quickly.


Miri: My underwear?! You saw them when you picked up my bracelet?!

L. Joe: You finally thought about it fully. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I couldn’t help but take a look, you should close your legs more. Keeping them open like that may cause problems. ; )

Miri: How when my legs are under the table?! You shouldn’t have looked… =_=

L. Joe: It’s okay, don’t feel embarrassed. I have underwear that look something like yours too. There cute.

Miri: You’re a ert… -_-

L. Joe: Yah, I see the way you look at me; you’re a ert too. We can be erts together Miri-ah~ ;) ;) ;)

Miri: YAH! I am not a ert!!

L. Joe: Tell me why you really bit your lip at me yesterday? You weren’t hunger, you thought about me doing something naughty~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ!!!!

Miri: Pabo… I was not! >.<

L. Joe: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m only teasing Miri-ah~ you should start your homework, but don’t over work yourself okay?

Miri: Same to you~ fighting!

L. Joe: Fighting! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


After talking with L. Joe, Miri felt butterflies in her stomach. She didn’t know if it was because she fully had a conversation with him since she met him or the fact that he looked at her . Even before that, he asked her out what it seemed to be a date or something. Saturday was at least 3 days away but she was nervous; especially now that he had the nerve to look at her . ‘Byunghun is a big …’ she thought as she rapidly mixed the cream together staring off out of the window, waiting for the 5 minutes for the cake to be finished. Miri wore a flustered expression at the thought of L. Joe then her mind started to wonder what could happen on Saturday.

“Let’s try something today…” L. Joe said lustfully as he walked closer to Miri. She looked around at the many people walking past them as he rubbed up and down her sides.

“Yah~ what are you doing?!” her voice was low and soft as she didn’t make eye contact with him as pushed her body against the railing that separated the long boardwalk from the river.

“It’s better if you don’t talk…” L. Joe rubbed his nose against hers, making her eyes shift right to his. Their breathing intensified as he moved his hands to wrap around the railing on both sides of Miri. “Kiss me.” He whispered daintily; grazing his tender lips against her top lip. She stared at him and shook her head. L. Joe pressed his body against hers, causing her body to completely melt on to his. Unconsciously, her hands moved to his sides to lightly push him away but they stood there as if they were stuck. “Kiss me…” he said subtly. Miri’s lips quivered as her head tilted up and pressed her lips against his. L. Joe returned the kiss; pressing his lips against hers lightly. They broke away from the kiss and stared at each other. The innocent stare they shared blocked out the chatter of the people talking, the crashing water against the border, and the birds chirping. This time L. Joe pursued her lips first, bringing his hands up to gently caress her neck. Miri on his bottom lip with slight desperation as her hands clamped down on his jacket.

The beeping of the oven blared loudly as Miri jumped and snapped out of her daydream. Her face was as red as it could possibly be from it. She quickly removed the cake from the oven, making sure it wasn’t burnt from her thinking about kissing L. Joe. ‘What is wrong with me…’ her mind pondered as she sliced the cake in three layers. ‘Thinking about kissing L. Joe? What could that even mean?’ her mind was getting the best of her while she started building up the cake as quick as possible but also taking her time to make sure it was perfect.

Usually she bakes cakes in circles but since she wanted to distribute the cake to other people, it would be better to do build it as a square. Miri added the finishing touches on the cake then sliced a piece for L. Joe and decorated it in a rectangle case that was red and had small little designs on it. She neatly laid the strawberries on top of the cake and drizzled vanilla syrup over it. After L. Joe’s piece was finished, she labeled it and put his on the first shelf in the fridge. Now, she worked on Changjo’s slice. The whole time she was working hard on her dessert boxes, the simple yet complicated thought lingered in her brain, ‘Why did I think of kissing L. Joe for…?’

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Chapter 16: I love the story. Hope you update soon! XD >.<
hayoung19 #2
Chapter 15: keep going autor-nim....i like this story....update soon...
Chapter 15: Omg yes I want her to be with Changjo! Mostly because Changjo is my ultimate bias!~ I love this story! Please update soon! I hope Changjo and Miri stay together!~♡