What's the plan?

Bad Luck, Good Luck

When Kai woke up next morning, he smelled something sweet. Icing, chocolate, strawberries... A cake. He opened his eyes to see Reita and Uruha sitting on the bed, a tray with a cake on Reita's lap.

"Happy birthday", the older blonde said softly and kissed the blushing teen's forehead.

"A- A cake?" Kai stuttered, still in shock.

"And presents", Uruha said, smiling widely as he gave Kai two boxes.

"This one's from me and Aoi. The smaller one's from Reita", Uruha informed as Kai took the presents. He first unwrapped the box from Aoi and Uruha, which contained a movie; Tokyo Love Story. Kai had once watched it, and it had made him cry, so tears started forming in his eyes now too.

"I'm sorry, don't you like it? I didn't know what to get..." Uruha apologized quickly. Kai smiled faintly and answered quietly: "N- No... Sorry, I just love that movie... It made me cry."

"Well you can watch it with Reita tonight. On his laptop", Uruha suggested, making the younger male nod a little. After hugging Uruha tightly, Kai moved on to Reita's present, and gasped when he realized what it was.

"I saw it in a jewelry store before the accident and thought it would've suited you. I asked Uruha buy it since I can't..." Reita explained to Kai, who was staring at the beautiful silver bracelet with words 'I love you' carved on a silver charm. This time Kai broke into tears for real, hugged Reita and cried on him. The latter smiled softly, Kai's ruffled hair. Uruha smiled too. He had never before seen Reita like this, and if you didn't count Reita's sister and Kai, Uruha was the closest person to Reita and knew him the best.

"It's beautiful... I love it..." Kai whispered so quietly it could barely be heard.

"It might be beautiful, but it's nothing compared to you", Reita muttered. Uruha nearly snorted; Reita was never this cheesy. He wasn't even close to cheesy, not even slightly romantic. The honey-blonde really wondered where his friend had learnt something like that, but didn't have to think for long about it as he saw a romantic novel laying on Reita's nightstand, right on top of Lord of the Rings-book. It made Uruha want to laugh, but he figured it wouldn't suit the situation at all. Besides, it was kind of sweet.

"So, who wants to eat cake?" Uruha asked cheerfully after most of Kai's tears had dried. The latter's eyes brightened immediately and he said: "Yay! Me first!"

"Of course you're the first, the cake is for you!" Uruha said playfully. Kai was about to take a slice - Uruha had sliced it in parts beforehand - but Reita interrupted him. Kai looked at him curiously, demanding for an answer. Reita smiled again, took the bracelet and slipped it into Kai's thin wrist. Then he rose the teen's hand to the level of his lips and kissed it lightly, his eyes closed. A blush appeared on Kai's cheeks again, and the same thing happened with Uruha.

"Seriously, Akira... Where the hell did you get so damn cheesy?" Uruha asked, even though he knew the answer.


It was now evening, and Reita was working on his laptop as Kai stared at the silver bracelet looped around his wrist. The three words carved in it made him want to cry tears of joy every time he looked at them, and he had no idea Reita would ever do something like that to him. He had never imagined the nosebanded blonde to be the romantic type, he had imagined him to give him a CD or something. But not anything like this.

Suddenly Kai giggled, startling Reita who nearly jumped. The blonde looked at Kai weirdly and the latter explained: "It's so weird. I'm kidnapped by a yakuza, but I receive birthday presents... I never saw anything like that on TV."

"Well, in TV series, the kidnappers don't love their victim passionately", Reita answered.

"When are you gonna be finished with work?" Kai asked with a wide smile on his lips, as usual. Reita kissed those lips and replied: "Soon enough."

"Are we going to watch the movie then?" Kai asked.

"If that's what you want."


For two weeks, Kai stayed in Reita's room and bed, learning new things about him and growing to love him even more, which he thought was not possible. Unfortunately Reita had to work a lot, which Kai found odd because in his opinion, an injured shouldn't do any work. But Reita's case was different, and every day he typed and researched things on his laptop while Kai leaned against his shoulder, either sleeping or reading. He never talked when Reita worked since he didn't want to distract him or cause any harm to him.

One morning Kai woke up yawning, and Reita was again working.

"Do you sleep at all...?" Kai asked sleepily. Reita grinned, ruffled his hair and answered: "Of course I do. I just work most of the night so you don't have to get bored at the daytime."

"Eeeh..." Kai muttered and Reita continued working.

"Hey, Reita", Kai said suddenly, for the first time distracting Reita's work on purpose.


"How long is this going to take?" the teen asked thoughtfully.

"What is?"

"This whole thing... I love you and I like Uruha, but... I want to go home at some point. I... I want to see my friends and mom", Kai explained worriedly. Reita looked at him worriedly, his cheek and said: "I received some information yesterday. Your father is going to be released in three days. You'll be home before Christmas."

"Even after this, can I still be with you?" Kai said with his eyes filled with hope.

"I don't know... But I'll try my best", Reita answered. He put his laptop away and pulled his lover into a warm, soothing embrace. He buried his face into Kai's hair and whispered: "I love you."

"I love you too..." Kai whispered back and wrapped his arms around his protector. He didn't want to lose Reita. He wanted to go home, but letting go of the blonde after all this seemed impossible. He wanted to stay with him forever. Kai didn't care if his father was a mafia leader, and he didn't care if a relationship with Reita would make his life dangerous. He just wanted to stay close to his lover. Always.

"I won't let you get harmed. If anyone even scratches you, or comes close to you, touches you... If anyone ing looks at you, I'll kill them", Reita promised, tightening his grip on Kai and pulling him closer. Kai smiled faintly and muttered: "You don't have to go that far... You'd have to kill yourself too. And if you did that, I'd probably kill myself."

"That's different. I'm the only one who's allowed to touch you. Or be close to you. Or look at you", Reita mumbled. He placed his fingers under Kai's chin, lifting his head so they were looking deep into each other's eyes. The blonde slowly pulled his lover closer and pressed their lips softly together. Kai's eyes fluttered close and he leaned deeper into the kiss. He parted his lips, making an entrance for Reita's tongue and moaned against his lips. The latter's hand continued its way from Kai's waist to his hip and he tilted the brunette's chin more to get a perfect angle.

Before they could get any further, the door opened and Ruki stepped in. As he saw Reita and Kai's position, he smirked and coughed loudly. The other two separated quickly, and Kai looked like a surprised fish on dry land as Reita only looked at Ruki in slight surprise and anger. "What the hell do you want?"

"I just came by to say that Ryuichi is getting out today", the short male announced, making Reita scowl and say: "The ?! That was supposed to happen on ing Friday!"

Ruki sighed, leaning against the door frame, and muttered thoughtfully: "I know, but Kei found out just now... We're prepared for anything, though. Everyone knows already."

"So I'm the last one to find out?" Reita hissed, scaring Kai a little.

"Yeah, except Uruha doesn't know yet. He's been really down lately, he won't talk to anyone." Ruki bit his lip, being obviously worried of the honey-blonde. Kai got worried too and asked: "Eh? What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know. It seems something's been bothering him lately. Or has been for a long time, actually... Ever since Akira was shot", Ruki answered. Then he smiled softly and continued: "But don't worry, he's strong. He'll get past it eventually."

"Back to the topic. Is there any other information on it?" Reita interrupted quickly. He was worried of Uruha too, but at the moment Kai was his everything and he wouldn't let him get snatched away just like that.

"Not really. But we've planned everything out, though, in case they decide to attack right away", Ruki replied.

"And the plan is?"

"Well, Ryuichi is a wise man; he obviously won't be coming in person. But he doesn't need to; as long as we have Kai, he's under our control. That's why Kai needs to be taken somewhere else if they come. Aoi will take him to my place with Uruha, and Uruha will stay there with Kai. Aoi comes back here to defend and you, mister, won't do anything unless you really have to", Ruki paused for a moment, sending a sharp look at Reita "because you can't get shot for the second time. In case Ryuichi is a fool enough to come in person, the plan is the same, except Kai is a 'hostage.' More like Uruha and he will be rummaging my refrigerator and eat all the cupcakes I've bought..."

"You've cupcakes?" Kai asked innocently. Ruki glared at him, a blush spreading across his face, and warned: "If you even touch those, I'll-" "If you even touch my Kai, I'll kill you", Reita interrupted dangerously and pulled Kai protectively closer to him. Ruki sighed and said: "Whatever... Anyway, Keiyuu said he'd be here too, unless he has something else to do."

"Which means he won't be here..." Reita muttered bitterly. Ruki pretended not to notice what Reita had said and continued: "We'll manage to meet up with Ryuichi, and when we get to be alone with him, we'll shoot."

"B- But..." Kai stuttered. Ruki asked what was wrong, and the younger male shyly explained: "Does he really have to die? I mean, I know he's not very... nice, but he's still my father."

"Well not everything goes the way you want. Live with it", Ruki snapped.

"Sorry, Kai, but Ruki's right. He'd be better dead."

"But I won't even get a chance to talk to him, or even see him!" Kai insisted, sounding like he was about to start crying. Reita looked at Ruki with pleading eyes and then turned his gaze back to Kai. He sighed and the younger male's hair. "Look... I understand you think it's brutal and stuff, but... He's killed a lot of people. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of them. He's dangerous and even if he loved you, you'd only get yourself murdered if you were with him."

"Well I'm in the same situation right now, aren't I?! You kidnapped me, your boss wanted to kill me! It wouldn't change anything!" Kai cried. Ruki blinked in surprise - he hadn't expected Kai to get so serious about this. He stepped a little closer, placed his hand on Kai's shaking shoulder and said quietly: "But now we're at least protecting you... Of course your father's yakuza would protect you too, but you'd have to join them, become their leader, even, when your father dies."

"But..." Kai repeated, but didn't know how to continue. He felt salty tears forming in his big, brown eyes, making his vision become blurry. He grasped Reita's shirt and rested his head in the crook of his neck. "Why...?"

"It just has to be done. Kai... It's not only to protect you. It's also for the rest of your family", Reita mumbled softly into Kai's ear and pulled him closer to his chest. His hand on Kai's lower back, he felt how badly the brunette was shaking. He was so pitiful, like a beaten dog in the rain. "Besides, you've never met him before, so it will hurt less when he dies..."

"I don't want him to die... I don't want anyone to die..." Kai whispered. His tears now started wetting Reita's skin and clothes, and his sobs filled the room.

"Shh... It's okay. Maybe we can discuss about it with our boss", Reita said in a caring tone, caressing Kai's wet cheek as he spoke.

"Akira?! Are you serious?! I know you love the kid, but you can't go promising things like that! What about your sister?! You do want to revenge, right?!" Ruki yelled angrily.

"Get out. We'll talk later", Reita muttered. Ruki backed away a little and gulped. There was something in Reita's voice that made shivers run down his spine, that made it sound so dangerous. He really doesn't want him to get hurt, huh...? Ruki thought before leaving. He was still freaked out when he entered Aoi and Uruha's shared room - they did have their own apartment, but usually stayed here - to see Uruha laid down on the bed, looking at his cellphone with blank eyes. He was supposed to be working, so Ruki was quite surprised he found him here.

"Uru... You okay?" Ruki asked softly and sat on the bed. Uruha glanced at him and muttered in a raspy voice: "He said he'd text me when he's there... He was supposed to be there an hour ago..."

"He's fine, maybe he just didn't have time to text you... You know how busy he is. It's okay", Ruki pointed out with a gentle smile. Aoi was out, he was meeting their boss in some fancy restaurant, and Uruha was worried - as always - that something had happened.

"No, it's not okay! H- He barely even talks to me these days! He never even cared about me!" Uruha's voice was slightly muffled and it seemed like he was trying to hold back tears and sobs, but failed terribly at it.

"Aoi loves you more than anything and we all know that, so stop thinking like that. He's just busy", Ruki said.

"Well you're busier than him and you have time for me!" Uruha cried. He grasped the white sheets of the bed where his heavy tears were pooling. Ruki was about to say something, but paused as he realized a cheerful tone singing 'Piroriropirorin' came from Uruha's cellphone. The latter answered quickly, and since the speakers were so loud, Ruki heard perfectly what Aoi said.

"Ryuichi's men are about to come there, so prepare yourself. Don't forget the plan and remember to protect Kai. I'm on my way there, I'll arrive in about fifteen minutes. If I'm not there by then, leave with Kai and don't come back until someone calls you and tells you to do so."

And with that, Aoi hung up not giving his lover a chance to say anything. Uruha was shaking violently as he looked at Ruki with teary, desperate eyes and asked quietly: "Ruki? What's the plan?"



I guess I'm supposed to apologize for not updating in a while *bows* but my feels have just been OVERFLOWING! I saw the stars of this fic live on the final concert of their World Tour and it was the happiest day of my life... So I hope you understand why it has been hard for me to write... DA FEELS! Excuse me... I'll just go sit in the corner and try to live without seeing them ever again T.T (Then again, Ruki did say they'll do another World Tour, so... But they've already visited Finland twice, so I doubt they'll come again... They have so many other countries to go to... I'm so proud of them! T^T)


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Had to rewrite some stuff in chapter 7. Chapter 11 coming soon, stay tuned and sorry for the long wait! :3


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Riyusama #1
Oh! This like a really interesting start <3 I like your writing style so far even if this is just like the prologue or maybe even just the summary <3 I absolutely adore ReitaxKai so I'm glad I found this fic of yours <3
Chapter 11: So... Uruha is the teacher?
Chapter 10: So I just found this today and read it all in one go and I need you to update this.
daisyrox45 #4
Chapter 8: I really hope you update soon! This story is great! I love your fanfics!! OAO
PsychedelicYume #5
Chapter 8: updated soon, please
Reita is so adorable with kai *^*
cover_girl #6
Chapter 8: Hi, I'm a new reader here. Finally you update the new chap. I really love this kind of ur story. Owwww, the feels when I read it....... I really dun know what to say. Kai is way too cute (ofc he always be and that why I love him) and Reita is kind of cold person for the first time you meet. But when getting closer, he turns into a gentleman and sweet person. I really appreciate ur story. Keep on wrting more stories and update soon :)
PsychedelicYume #7
Chapter 7: I love it <3 Wait the next chapter
Chapter 6: Wah~ Aoi you ert (//∇//) His convo with Keiyuu srsly made me laugh XD I love this story! Please update soon, Author-san! <333
Chapter 4: Ooooooo so interesting I like it! Please update soon
panda_gaze #10
Chapter 3: Awesome start! This sounds great so far. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter. :)