A need to know

Bad Luck, Good Luck

The next week Kai managed to sneak away from Miyavi and paid a visit to Ruki. He was relieved when he was informed by one of the guards that it was indeed possible for them to meet up in private. Kai's legs were shaking and heart beating like he was running a marathon when he entered a simple room with a desk and chairs in the middle. Ruki sat on the further side of the desk. There was one guard next to Ruki, which made Kai's heart skip a beat - how was he supposed to talk to Ruki in private if there was a guard? He didn't say anything, just sat on the chair opposite to Ruki, whose gaze didn't leave the younger male once.

When Kai was about to say something, the guard left the room and Ruki covered his hands in a manner that could easily been thought of him thinking about something, and said: "Stay quiet."

Kai, of course, had no idea what was going on, so he waited in silence. Then Ruki's eyes landed on somewhere in the upper corner of the room, and he relaxed a little.

"Sorry, I didn't want the surveillance camera to film everything, the guard you saw just now took it down..." Ruki saw Kai's confused expression and explained with a sly smirk: "Even in prison, I still have power. Enough for me to pick up soap without fearing for my , in fact... But why are you here?"

"I- I need to know what happened to Reita", Kai blurted. He felt like a huge burden had been lifted from his chest as he said it.

"He's fine. A bit shocked and really worried, but fine. Aoi's been better, but he isn't writing his testament or anything. Uruha's got plenty of work to do, but he's glad Aoi's okay. And that's about all you have to know", Ruki explained bluntly and leaned back on his chair. Kai sighed; Reita was fine, and if Reita was fine, he was fine too.

"You shouldn't have come... It's way too suspicious", Ruki muttered, glaring at Kai.

"But I really had to know!" Kai whined. Ruki leaned closer to him and hissed: "Listen, all that matters right now is you. Everyone knows by now, you're in the centre of everything. You can't trust anyone. Stay home, don't talk to strangers and watch out for everything."

"You're being paranoid", Kai pointed out.

"I'm being paranoid because I know Reita would kill himself if something happened to you! We might be gentle with you, but I can't be sure about other yakuzas. They have watchers everywhere, they can kill you any moment you turn your back. You can't trust anyone", Ruki repeated. Kai was getting a bit scared now. He doubted Ryoga belonged to any mafia, and he hadn't met him ever since he saved him from the reporters, but after hearing Ruki's words, he couldn't be sure.

"Has there been anyone who you've just met recently?" Ruki asked, like he had read Kai's thoughts. The student shook his head quickly. Ruki didn't seem convinced, but he left it there and said: "We gotta stop talking now, we can't take any risks."

"But-" Kai had so much more to talk about, he couldn't just leave it there! However, Ruki motioned him to shut his mouth and asked if he had a pen and paper. Kai, who had just returned from school, ripped off a piece of a notebook and handed it over to Ruki along with a pen. Ruki scribbled quickly something to it and gave the two objects back to Kai.

"You can only call that number in special cases, okay? Only if there's no other option left and it's an extremely dangerous situation. It doesn't matter how much you want to know more, or need someone to talk to, only when you really have to. You got that?" Ruki said in a dangerous, serious voice. Kai looked at the number and asked: "Whose is it?"

"I can't tell you. Now get out, our time's up. And don't visit me anymore, I don't want you to get into any more trouble."

When Kai got home, his mother hurried to him worriedly and asked: "Yutaka! Where on earth were you?!"

"I just stayed after class to get some work done. I need to study hard to catch up on the others, right?" Kai lied with a wide smile. His mother sighed and ran her fingers through her long, black hair and said: "It's okay that you want to study, but please, next time tell me or at least Miyavi beforehand, okay?"

Kai nodded and was about to head to his room, but his mother stopped him before that to add: "Oh, and speaking of Miyavi, he's coming over for dinner today. So you better hurry up on your homework, or you won't manage to finish it before he comes."

Ever since Kai returned, Miyavi became some sort of a family friend, since Kai's mother was so glad that he had saved her little boy. Miyavi, who lived alone and could barely cook anything, often came for dinner. At first he had protested it because he didn't want to be any trouble, but now he really enjoyed the Uke family's company and liked playing video games with Kai.

And today too, they ate dinner and then the two males headed to Kai's room intending to play games, but before Kai could even turn on the consol, Miyavi gently grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. He gazed at Kai worriedly, while the student looked curiously back.

"What is it?" Kai asked.

"Do you know why exactly I was late today?" Miyavi said in a serious voice. Kai hadn't even paid attention to the fact that Miyavi had been late from the dinner, so he obliviously shook his head. Miyavi sighed and explained: "I got an e-mail from my co-worker. It said you've visited in a prison."

"W- What? That's ridiculous", Kai tried, but Miyavi saw straight through him.

"Kai, you need to understand this: you're in a dangerous situation. You can't wander off to places like that by yourself! And why did you visit him of all people? Why would you want to speak to him?!"

Kai's heart was pounding, his face heating up and his hands slightly shaking. What was he supposed to say? He couldn't tell the truth... But there weren't any other options... Unless he lied again. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Say it again, and this time look at my eyes", Miyavi demanded. Kai rose his gaze up to Miyavi's eyes, but when he was supposed to repeat the sentence, no voice came out of his mouth. He looked back at his feet, not daring to face Miyavi's eyes. He shouldn't have gone...

"Kai, I'm worried and I need answers. Why did you go there?" Miyavi asked in a gentle voice as he released Kai's wrist. The latter felt salty water rising to his eyes, and all he could do was apologize in a small, weak voice.

"You don't need to apologize... Just tell me why", Miyavi muttered.

"I... I..." Kai suddenly wanted to tell Miyavi. He needed someone... someone he could talk about his worries, about his struggles and his want to go back to Reita... But was it really a wise idea? It wasn't at all. Miyavi would think he's crazy!

"I love him", Kai blurted, not able to take the pressure anymore. For a minute or so, they both stayed silent in shock. Miyavi could just stare at Kai, countless thoughts flashing through his mind, while Kai waited for something to happen, his heart pounding faster and faster...

"Ruki?" Miyavi asked then. A bit confused, Kai looked up at the detective: "What?"

"You... love Ruki? Matsumoto Takanori?" Miyavi stuttered. It was at that moment Kai realized he should've told a bit more details, such as who it really was whom he loved. He wanted to correct Miyavi, but a small voice in his head told him not to. Reita could get in trouble if he said his name. Ruki... Well, Kai knew how important and powerful Ruki was, he could handle things like that... "Yeah."

"How?" Miyavi asked. Kai hesitated a bit, but then explained the whole story, just replacing Reita with Ruki and changing some things, like Reita being shot and stuff.

When Kai was done explaining, his face was all heated up and he was shaking quite the bit. Miyavi ran his fingers through his hair and muttered: "Okay then... It's... It's fine. It just changes things a little, and it's a bit shocking, but... Oh, ... It's... He's..."

"Are you okay, Miyavi-san?" Kai asked worriedly. Miyavi just sighed and continued mumbling, but so quietly that Kai couldn't hear.

"Miyavi-san, I understand it's bad, b- but--" "BAD?! IT'S A ING CATASTROPHY! A CHAOS! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DANGEROUS AND PLAIN IDIOTIC THAT IS?!" Miyavi interrupted, gripping his own hair tightly and staring at Kai like a madman.

"Calm down, please, Miyavi-san!" Kai begged, but without any results.


"I'm really sorry", Kai whined. Miyavi calmed down a bit, his hair and said in a slightly shaky voice: "I'm gonna go now, I have things to do."

And so he left. Kai sat on his bed and covered his face with his hands. He shouldn't had said anything... He might've caused a huge load of trouble to everyone, especially to Ruki. He had never been fond of the man, but he still didn't want any kind of harm to him.


Reita was laying on the bed of his apartment that he had bought about a year ago, but hadn't had a chance to live there until now because of his tight schedule. But right now his boss wanted him to stay underground for a bit so he didn't have much to do - a few hours a day he would work on his laptop, but aside from that he barely did anything.

He was worried to death about Kai since no one really told him anything. He could just sit at home and convince himself the teen was okay, but countless thoughts of what could've happened to him flashed through his mind. If something happened they would let me know, he always told himself, but it didn't help at all.

For a few days now he had simply spent his days in bed. He would get up just to eat some junk-food and to work, maybe watch the TV for a moment, but mostly he laid there, staring at the ceiling and smoking a pack of cigarettes in a very short while. He hadn't put proper clothes on, just underwear and a tank-top.

Around midnight, when he had just finished smoking the last cigarette of his last pack, the cellphone on his nightstand vibrated. He groaned and picked it up.

"Akira, hi. Haven't talked to you in a while", said the caller and Reita immediately recognized Ruki's voice.

"Ruki? Are you allowed to call from the prison?" he asked suspiciously.

"Nope. I stole a guard's phone... But that's not what I'm supposed to talk about", Ruki answered, obviously grinning.

"Talk to me then", Reita sighed.

"I need you to stay quiet until I'm finished, no matter how shocking it would be. We have to go through this quick", Ruki said in a serious tone. Reita nodded, but realized Ruki didn't see him so said: "Okay. Spill it out."

"Here it goes, then... The kid visited yesterday. He was worried and wanted to hear if everyone - you - is okay. I told him he has no reason to worry and that he can't come again and he seemed to understand, so he left. But today I got another visitor. Keiyuu told me Miyavi had found out about Kai's visit and forced him to tell the reason, and Kai said there's someone in the mafia that he loves, obviously slipping it by accident. But he told he loves me."

"WHAT?! Why would he...? That ing idiot, I ing... Why does he...?" Reita couldn't make up proper sentences. He was worried, so worried... What if something would happen to Kai now? And why did he tell Miyavi he loved Ruki? Did he not love Reita?

"Look, he just said it to protect you, he still loves you. I'm just meaning to say that he might get easier in trouble now so we're sending someone to watch him", Ruki muttered.

"Please send me!" Reita immediately volunteered, shooting up from the bed without any real purpose.

"No, it'd be too risky. We're sending Uruha", Ruki stated calmly.

"I need to see him! I need to ing see him, even if it was just for once! Please!" Reita begged loudly.

"No. I promise I'll tell him to send you daily reports, but that's all I can do for you. I'm sorry." Ruki seemed truly sorry when he apologized, and it made Reita even more upset.

"Please... I want to see him... I want to speak to him... I want to kiss him", Reita whispered in verge of tears that had rolled down his cheek a lot lately. During the time he was separated from Kai he had cried more than ever in his whole lifetime.

"You can't. I need to go now but... Promise me you won't go look for him. For your own safety, and Kai's too." And after saying his final words, Ruki hung up.

Reita slammed his phone against a wall, breaking it, and buried his face with his free hand.

He knew Kai had only meant to protect him by saying he loved Ruki, but he still was very worried of those words he had spoken. And what if something happened to Kai now? What if more people had found out about his visit? What if he would wander around more all by himself? He'd get himself killed.

"Kai..." he whispered and laid back on his bed. "Please be safe..."


It's done! Sorry it took so long again ^^'
The next chapter will be up sooner, probably, because I know exactly what I want to write. Until then, bye bye~

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Had to rewrite some stuff in chapter 7. Chapter 11 coming soon, stay tuned and sorry for the long wait! :3


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Riyusama #1
Oh! This like a really interesting start <3 I like your writing style so far even if this is just like the prologue or maybe even just the summary <3 I absolutely adore ReitaxKai so I'm glad I found this fic of yours <3
Chapter 11: So... Uruha is the teacher?
Chapter 10: So I just found this today and read it all in one go and I need you to update this.
daisyrox45 #4
Chapter 8: I really hope you update soon! This story is great! I love your fanfics!! OAO
PsychedelicYume #5
Chapter 8: updated soon, please
Reita is so adorable with kai *^*
cover_girl #6
Chapter 8: Hi, I'm a new reader here. Finally you update the new chap. I really love this kind of ur story. Owwww, the feels when I read it....... I really dun know what to say. Kai is way too cute (ofc he always be and that why I love him) and Reita is kind of cold person for the first time you meet. But when getting closer, he turns into a gentleman and sweet person. I really appreciate ur story. Keep on wrting more stories and update soon :)
PsychedelicYume #7
Chapter 7: I love it <3 Wait the next chapter
Chapter 6: Wah~ Aoi you ert (//∇//) His convo with Keiyuu srsly made me laugh XD I love this story! Please update soon, Author-san! <333
Chapter 4: Ooooooo so interesting I like it! Please update soon
panda_gaze #10
Chapter 3: Awesome start! This sounds great so far. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter. :)