Week Of Sunday: January 27, 2013

Taemin's Diary: University Life

Monday: January 28, 2013

            Seriously, why did I decide I wanted to be a dance major again? College literally all of the fun out of dancing. I have more room to be creative in my creative writing class than in my dancing class. Most of the kids here seem like they’re all beginners too because the stuff our professor is teaching us I’ve learned years ago while they’re just trying to figure it out now. Plus the professor has me lifting this girl that is like twenty pounds heavier than me. She should me lifting me!

            Ugh, I should stop complaining though. I knew college would be hard but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Oh well, at least I get to see Professor Lee tomorrow. His class is starting to be the only one I look forward to out of the week.

Tuesday: January 29, 2013

            Professor Lee really liked my last assignment. He told me that I’m doing really well and I couldn’t hide the smile on my face when complimented me. Minho noticed my happiness too because as we were walking to the student union he mentioned it.

            “Taemin-ah. You seem really happy.”

            “That’s because I am. I mean you heard it! Professor Lee complimented me.”

            “Yea, but he complimented other people as well. Not just you.”

            “Yea, I guess that’s true.”  Even though I said that I knew that he liked mine the best. Anyway, Minho then asked if I knew what I was going to write our first poem about. I told him I didn’t know yet but that’s because we have two weeks before it’s due. I have plenty of time to figure it out.

            But yea. Minho’s has been acting really strange lately. He’s probably gotten himself a new girlfriend or something. Anyway, I have to go and do some homework now. Whoo college!

Thursday: January 31, 2013

            “Today in my creative writing class we discussed a poem that we had to read. I felt bad because I didn’t really speak but that’s because I really dislike poetry. I’m more of a prose sort of guy. So since I didn’t speak, Professor Lee gave his attention to other students that wasn’t me and I can tell you right now that I didn’t like it, not one bit. I know he doesn’t belong to me (yet) but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be jealous. So, yea that’s what happened today.

Friday:  February 1, 2013

            I’ve had the worst night ever! It’s 12:10 am and I just got back from this horrible party that Kai dragged me to. The host, Changmin, kept trying to get into my pants and when I kept rejecting him he called me a “,” saying that I gave it up to anyone and everyone, that I should be happy that he wanted me. But first off he was hardly my type. He was tall, but that’s the only thing I liked about him. Anyway I kept pushing him away but he wouldn’t stop, so I left. I didn’t even tell Kai I was leaving, I just got the hell out of there. I’ve texted Minho though to see if he could come and keep me company since I don’t want to go back out anymore but, I also don’t want to be alone on a Friday night. So hopefully Minho will be here so I won’t be bored. But I swear I’m never – oh Minho’s here!

Saturday: February 2, 2013

            I just woke up and it’s almost two in the afternoon. Minho had brought a couple of beers with him so, we ended up sitting down on my floor and drinking all night. I told him about Changmin and he got so pissed. It took me forever to calm him down. I swear Minho, Key, and Jonghyun too all treat me like I’m a baby and can’t take care of myself. There was this one time when we all went to a club and this guy had started dancing with me. I didn’t mind. I mean he was cute and I was into him at the moment but then, he started to get a little too touchy feely. Like he started to slip his hand under my shirt and I had to keep pushing it back down. Minho came over and pulled him away from me. He was all:

            “What the hell do you think you’re doing to him?”

            And then the guy responded: “Dancing. Why don’t you go mind your own business?”

            “He is my business,” Minho said before pushing the guy away from me and taking my hand. I remember snatching my hand back and telling him that I could handle myself. He didn’t listen and kept a careful watch on me for the rest of the night. It was super annoying but I have to admit, I guess I did sort of enjoy it. It’s nice to know that someone cares for you enough to always have your back. It’s nice having friends like that.

            Kai must’ve come back early and saw Minho and I sleeping in my bed together because I found a post-it note on my desk, so he must’ve written it before going back out. I don’t know why Minho keeps wrapping his arms around me when we sleep together now. Like I do enjoy the body heat that surrounds me when he does it but he’s straight. I bet if he woke up and saw us in that sort of position he would freak out! Anyway, I’m getting sidetracked. The note that Kai left had said: Finally! I thought you guys would never do it!

            He keeps pushing for me to get together with Minho but I always tell him that Minho is straight and one of my best friends. So basically it’s never going to happen. Even though I guess if he saw us like that in bed this morning, anyone can draw an assumption that we could have slept together but we did still have clothes on. So I simply just don’t get that kid. If I’m lucky I can get with Professor Lee. Hahaha, that would be great. I mean he’s hot and it would be that naughty teacher and student type of relationship. Oh, a boy can dream can’t he? Even if it will never happen. I’m still going to be the best student he has ever had so that he won’t be able to forget me! Oh it looks like Minho is finally waking up. Gotta go. 

Whoo chapter 2! So is it interesting so far? This is my first time trying to write a story like this and it's harder than I thought it was going to be. There's so much I want to say but I can't because it's not information Taemin would know from his POV. Anyway, I'm trying. I hoped you liked this chapter and see you all next time!


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Chapter 2: Ahha, I love this story tooo :D I like Taemin's POV, and I'm excited to see what comes next when you update it again :P
Chapter 2: im glad u updated!!!!
yh Taemin keep dreaming about professor lee....keep dreaming lol
im sure if u ask minho....he'll tell you that he's into dudes Taemin...trust me ;p
Chapter 1: OMG this was really good i love the fact that kai is his roommate n also
i like how he well you put the assignments Mr. Lee gave in the entries
my favourite was the last one n Minho is definitely into you Taemin
just to make sure...Mr. Lee is Donghae...right?