It has to be

It must be your smile


The first time Yongguk smiles at Junhong, it's not really even a smile. It's more of a smirk, the other side of his mouth quirking upwards only for a brief moment, and his eyes give away nothing.


It's one of Junhong's first days at the new school and he's still trying to find his way around. He's not made any friends yet, it's still way too early. And he doesn't really know where all the classrooms are either, so he just follows around people who he knows are taking the same classes as him. It's afternoon and he's making his way to the next class, paying more attention to his schedule than to the people around him, and that's when he bumps into someone. He tries to keep his balance, but the bump comes unexpectedly and it’s quite rough too, and Junhong ends up falling to the floor. He hears a few girls giggle at him when they walk past, but apparently they have no time, or interest in stopping to help him up.


But when he looks up to see who he’s collided with, he sees a guy looking right back at him, other side of his mouth turning up in a smirk. Junhong just sits there for a second, dumbfounded as he looks at the guy with hazelnut hair and dark eyes. He frowns slightly, his eyebrows furrowing, but then the guy offers him a hand to help him up. Junhong hesitates a moment, but takes the guy’s hand anyway and he helps him up from the floor. And for the briefest moment the only thing Junhong can think about is how warm the guy’s hand feels, and how soft his touch is, even though he uses strength to pull him up from the floor. He comes back to reality when another guy, who’s been standing next to the guy he bumped into, gives him a gentle shove, telling him to get a move on. Junhong locks eyes with the hazelnut-haired boy for a second, before murmuring some sort of mixed apology and thanks to the guy and disappears into the crowd without looking back. Without knowing that the guy's gaze follows him.


That first time Junhong sees him, he doesn't know who the guy is. But he learns about him quickly, everyone around the school seems to know about the guy, or at least about his reputation. Bang Yongguk is someone that you shouldn't make friends with. He's supposedly a bully and people say he's got a bad temper.  Some of Junhong’s classmates tell him that Yongguk’s transferred to the school a year ago, and he’d had to leave his earlier school because he’d beaten someone up. So everyone tells Junhong not to mess with the guy.


And hearing all that talk about Yongguk, learning more about him, makes Junhong wonder if he bumped into him by an accident or not. But gladly Yongguk is a student from upper classes, so Junhong doesn't really worry about it, he doesn't see the guy at school so often, only sometimes in the hallway, or at lunch. And Yongguk is usually surrounded by a group of people, his best friend Himchan and two class fools, Youngjae and Daehyun, and usually a few pretty girls as well. Junhong doesn't really pay much attention to them, he's busy making friends of his own. But he can’t help wondering why he’d bumped into Yongguk in the first place, and he definitely can’t forget the soft touch of the other's hand.




The second time Yongguk smiles at Junhong, it's a genuine smile and it catches Junhong off guard, it leaves him wanting more.


It’s been a few weeks since school has started. The last days of summer are at hand, but it’s still warm enough to walk around in a t-shirt. And students are happily gathering around the school grounds every break they get, to spend time in the sunshine while they still can.


Junhong is loitering around during lunch break again, out in the sunshine, hanging out with one of his classmates Jongup, who he's started to spend time with. They are playing around, Junhong is doing tricks on his skateboard when he makes a mistake and falls down, his skateboard rolling further away. Jongup is there right away, helping him up and asking him if he's okay. And Junhong’s just fine, he’s just got a few scratches on his elbows, but that’s nothing unusual. And that's when Yongguk walks up to them, with Junhong's skateboard in his hands.


“You should be more careful, Junhong.” Yongguk says to him, offering him back his skateboard. “Hope you are okay.”


And it’s Junhong's surprised expression that makes Yongguk smile. It’s a genuine smile, Junhong thinks it seems almost shy, innocent. And he has no idea how the guy knows his name. But then again, Junhong knows Yongguk’s name too. He’d just never guessed Yongguk would be interested enough about him to find out his name. Unless he had bad intentions for him… You would want to know your enemies name wouldn’t you? But that didn’t really seem to be the case either, and it confuses Junhong.


“Uh. Yeah, I’m fine, thanks.” Junhong says back to him, taking his skateboard.


Yongguk's 'no problem' gets interrupted by his best friend calling his name, and Yongguk gives Junhong another quick smile before leaving them to go back to his friends.


"What was that about?" Jongup asks him after Yongguk's gone, frowning slightly. Jongup is one of the people who's told him about Yongguk's reputation, and he really doesn't seem to trust the guy.


"Don't ask me, I have no idea." Junhong answers, scratching the back of his blonde head. And he really doesn't.


But that smile makes Junhong curious. He wants to learn more about Yongguk, wants to know what kind of person he really is. He's just worried, since most of the friends he's made at school seem to try and avoid the guy at all costs, and that makes Junhong nervous. He's worried about the guy's reputation, even though he's never actually seen him do anything to anyone, never seen him yell at anyone, or beat anyone up like the usual bullies.  And he wonders why, or how he’s learned Junhong’s name, and why he seems to act so nice towards him. And he can’t help but wonder if Yongguk’s reputation really is just that, a reputation.




The third time Yongguk smiles at Junhong, it's almost a laugh. It’s a real smile, one that reaches his eyes, white teeth and gums showing. And it makes Junhong smile too.


Junhong is walking down the hallway after classes, and he's once again so absorbed in his own world, listening to music through his headphones, thinking of the upcoming weekend, that he doesn't even realise there are still other students in the hallway too. He's not even close to the school entrance, when some idiot decides to put their leg out in front of him to trip him, and Junhong finds himself on the floor again. This time it hurts a little, falling from that high and almost to his face is only bound to hurt. And bound to look really stupid too. The books that he was carrying scatter on the floor and his headphones come off, so now he can only hear the mocking laughter of his bully and some other idiots who apparently find it funny. Junhong frowns up at the guy who he doesn't even know and starts to quickly collect his books from the ground so he can get away as soon as possible. But the guy is not done with him, and he walks closer, only to step on Junhong's hand, putting pressure on it for it to be painful enough.


"Hey, stop it!" Junhong shouts up at him and tries to get his hand away.


And that's when Yongguk steps in. He's been watching the whole situation from afar, but enough is enough. And Junhong watches as Yongguk grabs the guy by the collar of his shirt and pushes him away with force, he sees the fear in the guy's eyes and he realises that Yongguk really isn't someone you should mess with.


"Yah, you never go near him again!" Yongguk shouts at the guy, who's already half way across the hallway. Other people are seeing it as their cue too and the hallway is emptying. That's when Yongguk turns to Junhong, who's once again so dumbfounded that he's not sure what to do.


"Are you okay?" Yongguk asks him, the redness on his face fading.


"Yeah, I’m fine.. But was that really necessary?" Junhong asks him, but Yongguk doesn’t really answer. Junhong snaps out of it and collects his books from the floor before getting up. Yongguk tries to help him up once again, but Junhong refuses, pushing him away slightly. He might not be the manliest guy around, but he doesn’t need to be reminded of it all the time. But Yongguk doesn’t give up.


"Mind if I walk you out?" Yongguk asks him, and Junhong raises an eyebrow at him, but hums in approval any way.


They make their way to the main doors of the school in silence, and Junhong really wonders why the guy would want to walk with him, and he's still confused about why Yongguk decided to help him of all people. It doesn't seem like something a guy with his reputation would do. And he’s not sure if it’s really a good idea being on the ‘good side’ of the school’s bad boy.


"Why did you help me? Everyone says you are the bad guy." Junhong finally blurts out, when they are already close to the doors.


"Well clearly I'm not, am I?" Yongguk answers him. "It's only my duty to save cute boys like yourself."


And Junhong stops walking. He looks up at Yongguk, who's looking back, smiling to him like he's never smiled before, white teeth and pink gums showing. And Junhong is about to say something back to him, but he forgets it straight away. Because he thinks it must be the most gorgeous smile he’s ever seen on anyone’s face, and he wishes he could see that smile every day. And he can’t help but smile back to Yongguk, blush reddening his cheeks.


"Well, thanks."


- - -


After that third smile Yongguk's given him, Junhong starts to look around for the guy in the hallways, he doesn't know why, but the guy intrigues him. He feels disappointed if a school day goes by and he doesn't get to see a glimpse of the guy. And it's becoming a small obsession to Junhong. Sometimes he just wanders around the hallways or places where he thinks he might find the guy. He's seen Yongguk smile plenty of times now, he's heard him laugh with his friends and he can't help feeling slightly jealous every time Yongguk smiles that gummy smile of his to them, and not him. He wishes he could be the one Yongguk smiles to, he wishes he knew how to make him smile, but it's not really helping that he doesn't even know the guy, or talk to him much anyway. They say hi to each other every time they run to each other, but usually that's it. Yongguk is always surrounded by people, and Junhong is usually with Jongup, who still wants to turn the other way whenever he sees the guy, or scrunches up his face when Junhong greets the guy with eyes full of excitement.


And a few times Junhong catches Yongguk’s eyes on him. Although it’s usually Junhong who starts it, he just can’t seem to keep his eyes off of the guy. Sometimes when he sees the guy in the hallway, he ends up loitering around somewhere close by. And he usually keeps his eyes on Yongguk, even if the guy is surrounded by his friends, even if Junhong is chatting with Jongup and his other classmates. And Junhong knows that Yongguk is aware of this, he’s pretty sure Yongguk is aware of his habit of trying to find him. Even though Junhong always tries to be discreet, not stare too long, and only do it when he knows ‘no one is looking’. But Yongguk’s caught him a few times, turning his eyes on him quickly, so Junhong hasn’t had enough time to look away. And he curses himself every time it happens, and turns to look away for a while. But when he has the nerve to look back at Yongguk again, he always sees a playful smirk on the guys face, and he knows it’s meant for him.


There’s also one time when Himchan, Yongguk’s best friend, catches Junhong staring at Yongguk for a moment too long. Junhong sees him whispering something to Yongguk, nodding to Junhong’s direction.  But there’s a playful smile on Yongguk’s lips, so Junhong doesn’t turn to look away. He’s not sure if he should have though, because in a moment, Yongguk turns to look right back at him. And then there’s the half-smirk again, but Yongguk also winks at him. He goddamn winks. And Junhong can feel his cheeks heating up as he blushes, and he turns away, leaving the hallway as quick as possible.




The fourth time Yongguk smiles at Junhong, it's unexpected and sort of shy, and it’s nothing like the other smiles Junhong's seen on Yongguk's face.


Junhong is sitting on the brick wall near the school's gates, smoking a cigarette that some of the older guys has given him. It's getting colder, the autumn is coming to an end and the air is getting chillier each day. He hasn't seen Yongguk at school for a while, he thinks the guy must be busy with mid-term exams or other things, he doesn't really know. But he can’t help the feeling that creeps up, when he goes days without seeing him, and he’s not sure what it is. But other than that, Junhong's gotten used to the school, he knows more people and days are passing by rather quickly. And no one's tried to bully him anymore after the hallway incident earlier. He thinks he probably owes it to Yongguk that no one's tried to touch him after that, he thinks he should thank him if he gets a change.


"Don't you know that smoking's bad for your health?" Junhong snaps out of his thoughts as he hears that familiar voice, and he looks up to see Yongguk frowning at him.


"I.. Uh.. I don't usually smoke, I just.." Junhong rambles, but he hops down from the brick wall, dropping the cigarette to the ground immediately.


He's about to step on it to put it out, but Yongguk is faster. He closes the space between them and steps on the cigarette, causing his legs to almost touch Junhong's. And suddenly Yongguk is close, so close, Junhong can almost feel the heat radiating from his body. He's looking down at Yongguk's feet, afraid to lift his gaze. There’s sudden electricity in the air, or maybe it’s the heat, he’s not sure. But Junhong can feel his cheeks getting hotter once again, it seems to be something that always occurs whenever he’s near Yongguk.


"Aren't you cold?" Yongguk asks him with a soft voice.


And it’s only then that Junhong realizes that he’s actually shaking. He doesn't know if it's from the cold or from the sudden closeness, but his body is shivering, his hands shaking.


”I.. Uh..” Junhong starts, but he doesn’t get to finish, because that’s when Yongguk lifts his hands, and takes Junhong’s into his owns. He closes his hands around Junhong’s, covering them up with long, warm fingers. And Junhong immediately lifts his gaze, only to see Yongguk’s full lips smiling slightly to him, shyly, almost like he’s asking permission. And Junhong’s not sure what he wants permission for. He tries to smile back, but he seems to have lost ability to do even that. His legs almost give out under him, when Yongguk suddenly lifts both of their hands to his mouth and blows warm air to them, and if Junhong ever was feeling cold, he immediately forgets what it felt like. Because a sudden warmness fills him, it’s like Yongguk is breathing warm air not only to keep his hands warm, but to keep all of him warm. And it feels nice, it feels.. Ticklish. Junhong thinks he knows now what ‘butterflies’ are.


“I’ve seen you staring at me.” Yongguk takes a break from blowing air to his hands to talk, but he keeps rubbing circles to the backs of Junhong’s hands with his thumbs. It’s soothing.


“Ahh. Yeah, sorry about that.” Junhong says quietly, he’s really not sure where this is going.


“Don’t be sorry. It’s kind of cute actually.” Yongguk smiles, letting go of Junhong’s hands. But he brings his fingers to move away one of the blonde locks on Junhong’s forehead, his fingers traveling across his cheek too, leaving behind a warm trail. Junhong can’t help but lean into the touch, it feels nice, Yongguk’s touch is as soft as he’d remembered. Yongguk hums.


“My friend says that if he’d know you any better, he’d assume you had a crush on me.” Yongguk leans in, whispers to Junhong’s ears. And Junhong swallows thickly, a shiver running through his spine. He doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know how to respond. Because he’s not sure if Yongguk wants any answers, or if he’s simply stating the fact. And Junhong doesn’t really know what his answer would be anyway. And even if he knew, he probably wouldn’t remember it anyway, because Yongguk’s scent surrounds him and he kind of forgets about everything else. He wants to drown in that scent. And he’s so close to falling again. But then Yongguk pulls away slightly, looking him in the eyes.


“Too bad he doesn’t know you so well, hmm?” Yongguk says, softly smiling.


“I..” Junhong tries to find his voice again. He doesn’t want Yongguk to think he’s a complete idiot. “Yeah. It’s too bad really…”


But that’s when someone calls Yongguk’s name, and the moment passes. Junhong sees Himchan with two girls, waving at them, calling for Yongguk to come along. And Yongguk turns to give him an apologetic smile.


“I’ll see you around, Junhong.” he says, before turning to walk towards his friends.


And for a moment Junhong freezes, he blinks a few times and tries to process everything. But then he curses himself for being a coward, he doesn’t want to miss his changes. And he’s not sure where he gets the courage, but he’s pretty sure he won’t regret it.


“Hey, Yongguk!” he yells after him, watching as the guy turns around, lifting an eyebrow at him. “Maybe your friend doesn’t need to know me so well to be right with his assumptions.”


And this time it’s Junhong who winks at Yongguk, whose kind laughter is all that is needed to bring the butterflies and that warm, fuzzy feeling back. Yongguk winks back at him, before raising his hand for a quick wave, and walking to his friends.




The fifth time Yongguk smiles at Junhong, it's a smile that Junhong will never forget.


Junhong's at a party, all the people around him are drinking and dancing and having fun. He's had one beer, but he's not really there to drink, he just came because Jongup wanted to go, and he thought it wouldn't be such a bad idea. And of course he had sort of hoped that if he was lucky, he'd get to see a certain hazelnut-haired boy with a bright smile. But Yongguk was nowhere to be seen. It's still early and the party is just starting, so Junhong keeps his hopes up. He's not sure if Yongguk is the party kind of people, but some of his friends are there, Junhong notices Himchan dancing in the living room with a few girls and he also spots Daehyun and Youngjae amongst a group of people, playing some sort of drinking game in the kitchen. If he was any braver, or if he'd been drinking more, he'd probably go ask one of them if Yongguk was also going to be there, but he doesn't.


Junhong is just hanging around the house, chatting with his classmates and strangers, trying not to lose the sight of his best friend, who's apparently there to hit on some girls.


"We should go dance with them, it looks fun." Jongup points at the people dancing in the living room, excitement visible on his face. Junhong's not sure how many beers his friend has already had, but he's sure it's more than one at this point.


"You can go if you want, I don't really feel like it." he answers, and Jongup's already going, a few of their classmates joining him. Junhong's left alone. He walks around a while, saying hi to some people he knows and accepting another beer someone offers him.


He joins a few people outside when they want to go smoke, but refuses the cigarette someone tries to offer him. He remembers what Yongguk thinks about smoking, and he wants to give a good impression to the guy tonight. And he doesn’t even like cigarettes all too much, so he just chats with the people outside on the veranda, finishing his second beer. It’s quite cold outside, cool wind blowing, and Junhong curses for not wearing a jacket, his hoodie not keeping him warm anymore and he decides to go back inside to look for Jongup.


He opens the door to the living room and finds that more people have joined the party. He eyes the crowd, trying to find Jongup somewhere, but there’s too many people. He decides to go walk around the house looking for him, but there are too many shoes lying around near the door and he ends up tripping on them, almost falling again. But this time, strong arms reach for him and prevent him from falling. And Junhong doesn’t even need to turn around to know who the arms belong to, he would recognize that scent anywhere. Yongguk’s arms are still around his hips, keeping him steady, and Junhong turns slightly in his arms so he can see his face, and the butterflies are back again. So much for a good impression.


Yongguk looks gorgeous, his dark hair spiking up slightly, his full lips look soft, and Junhong’s not sure if there’s a hint of eyeliner in the corner of his eyes. But it looks perfect.


“Hey..” Junhong has to swallow before mouthing to him.


“Hi.” Yongguk whispers back to him, smirk spreading on his lips. “Did you have one too many?”


Yongguk’s trying to be playful, Junhong knows it. But he’s not really in the mood for that, and he frowns at him, pushing Yongguk’s arms away. He thinks getting some fresh air might not be so bad, even though he’s just come back from outside. It might be silly, but he just wants to clear his head, and get away from Yongguk’s scent. So he steps back outside to the veranda.


Gladly the group of people that had been smoking earlier have disappeared back inside, so Junhong doesn’t need to explain himself. He curses the cool air again, and wraps his hoodie tighter around him, taking a few deep breathes and leaning into the railing of the veranda. He’s not really surprised when the door opens again, and Yongguk steps outside to the veranda with him.


“Sorry.” Yongguk says, taking a few steps closer. “I didn’t mean it like that.”


“I know. But I wasn’t planning on making a fool out of myself again.” Junhong nods at him.


“Nah, you never have. I know you have a habit of falling.” Yongguk smiles slightly.


“Yeah, I’m clumsy, I can’t help it.” Junhong scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest. But Yongguk comes closer, there’s a playful smile on his lips again, and Junhong thinks he can see something sparkling in his eyes. And then Yongguk is so close to him again, his scent surrounding Junhong and suddenly it’s not cold anymore.


“I don’t really mind.” Yongguk speaks softly, staring him in the eyes the whole time. “I just need to be around more often to catch you when you fall.”


And Junhong knows there’s more to Yongguk’s words than that. Because the smile on Yongguk’s lips wavers for a moment, like he's trying to decide on something. But then it’s back again, and this time it’s shy, and this time Junhong knows what he’s asking permission for. He’s not sure if Yongguk even needs it, but he smiles back at him, staring him in the eyes.


And Yongguk leans in closer, lifting a hand to caress Junhong’s cheek, cupping it with his fingers before lowering his head to seal their lips together in a soft kiss. And Junhong can’t say it’s unexpected, but yet it is, and he’s sure if he’d not be leaning on the railing, he’d be falling again. Or maybe he is anyway.


Yongguk’s lips move softly against his, and he tries his best to move his lips in rhythm. Junhong’s hands come up to Yongguk’s neck, clinging to him for support, and he lets out a soft moan when Yongguk’s teeth nibble at his lower lip. Yongguk is all but happy about the fact, smiling to Junhong’s lips, before sliding his tongue past parted lips. And Junhong opens his mouth slightly wider, turning his head to give Yongguk more room to explore. And it’s all too good and Yongguk tastes like alcohol and warmth and everything that is Yongguk, and it’s all too much. Junhong pulls away after a while, breathing heavily, his gaze hooded as he looks at Yongguk.


“Did you have one too many?” Junhong speaks when his breathing evens, smiling teasingly to Yongguk.


“Actually, I think I haven’t had enough.” Yongguk laughs and presses another soft kiss to Junhong’s lips.


Junhong smiles into the kiss, and when he feels Yongguk’s lips curving into a smile too, he’s sure he’s fallen. But it’s okay, as long as he can see that smile, as long as he can feel it against his skin, he knows Yongguk will be there to catch him.




* * *

A/N: Wow it’s a bit cheesy, I regret nothing \o/ No but seriously I had a lot of fun writing this, and I really loved the prompt. I hope the person (i still don't know who you areee) who gave it likes this too, and hope you all enjoy reading it! ♥ And million thanks to obsidiansapphire for hosting the fest! Please let me know what you guys think? ^^ YAY. 

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Chapter 1: I like this story so much!
pricomigda #2
Chapter 1: Soo squishy! Loved it!
Chapter 1: "he knows Yongguk will be there to catch him" Heeell yeaah!! I'm dead. It was so amazing, wonderful, so fluffy and sweet omg. Woah I can't handle it.
Chapter 1: "I just need to be aroung more often to catch you when you fall." Nope. I'm done. I can't do this. I can't do cheesy cute things like this. They make me cry. I get too emotional. It's frickin 2:30 in the morning and I'm crying over fictional stories, I'm just gonna go to bed. Nope, bye.
Chapter 1: pleasee sequell Yongguk POV
Chapter 1: ungh this was awesome!! i can just imagine yongguk's pov too! great story, great way to work the prompt. loved every second of it!
Chapter 1: AW ;A;

Chapter 1: it was freaking great...not too long or short,perf lenght,awesome
i'm not really a bangzelo shipper, but skdjhfkjs this fic is all too much. it's so adorable ; u ;
Chapter 1: UNNIE. OMGAH. This is too adorable for words!:) I especially loved the way you wrote Junhong's flurry of thoughts back there--it's as if I can almost feel the urgency, that experience of having butterflies wildly fluttering in my stomach, and just forgetting how to breathe.:3

Although I'd love to see more dialogue from the nosy Himchan and maybe a blunt teasing from the sassy guy himself, you did awesome on your take on the challenge! I super loved how Yongguk and Junhong played around with the concept of 'falling' as well.:3

Good job, good job on this, unnie!:D I'm looking forward to reading more of your works! Woohoo!