An Unexpected Day

[oneshot] An Unexpected Day


Minki was never a tardy student.


And never in his life did he imagine being late. Never did he want to run towards the bus stop. Never did he want to squeeze himself inside the bus with the other soon-to-be-late students. Never did he want to sprint towards the closing school gates. Never did he want to enter the classroom looking like he had just woken up. Never did he want to catch his breath as he sat down.


And it’s really surprising that he was doing the things never in his life did he picture to happen. All because of a broken alarm clock.


And he was more than happy that the bell started ringing after the second class, meaning it’s already break time. This was the first time he wasn’t able to concentrate to the lesson because he was hungry. He felt so unclean because of sweat. It was uncomfortable. As soon as the teacher got out, he almost flew to the comfort room. Because he was a bit vain, he washed his face, put a bit of powder as soon as it dried and styled his hair. After making sure that he was already presentable, he calmly walked towards the cafeteria to buy something to eat. It’s not everyday that he buys something there because he makes his own sandwich which, according to him, is better because it is healthy and he can monitor the number of calories it contains.


When he was near the counter holding a piece of bread, he instinctively reached for his right pocket for his wallet and surprisingly, it’s not there. He tried reaching it from his right pocket and still, it’s not there. He couldn’t hide the sudden rush of panic as he ran out of the line and settled on an empty table and immediately turned his bag upside down as soon as it’s opened and he felt like dying seeing that his wallet wasn’t one of the mess.


He was sure that he had his wallet with him. He wouldn’t be able to reach the school without it because his bus card was there. Where could it possibly be? He just wished it wasn’t on the bus.


With a broken heart and an empty stomach, he left the cafeteria and walked on the noisy hallway. How could he concentrate on his classes now? It’s not that his wallet had a lot of money in it, he could also ask for another bus card if ever it’s already lost. It’s the wallet that mattered. It was given by a childhood friend from 10 years ago.


He couldn’t remember how that friend looked aside from his foxy eyes. He just knew that he’s an important part of his life, being the only friend he had when he was 5 years old. He was subjected to people’s judging eyes, being a pretty boy and all, and that friend was the only one who actually tried knowing him. They became best friends, but after 2 years, that friend needed to go to Seoul because of his father’s work. And so he gave him a brown wallet, with Minki sewed using pink-colored threads in front. He used the wallet since then, never leaving his pockets except when he cleaned it.


And he felt bad for thinking that he could never hold his wallet anymore.


His train of thoughts were interrupted when his stomach growled, obviously begging for something to occupy it.


“Damn it. Just for today Minki. You can call your lovely Minseok-hyung later so he can treat you to a fancy restaurant. Or at least he can buy you tteokbokki from sidewalk food stalls. It’s your fault your wal—“


He stopped talking to himself when he saw a 1000won bill flew out of the pocket of a tall boy with black hair and blue snickers. Minki didn’t approach the money or the owner just yet. He looked from left to right, even at the back, to see if someone saw the incident too. He didn’t know why he’s so afraid that someone saw it and might see him picking the money. When he was sure it’s safe, he walked casually towards the money and immediately picked it up.


He wanted to keep the money for tons of reasons. 1000won’s enough to live for a day. But on the back of his head he thought about the owner. What if he’d no money left? What if this wasn’t his money and a friend just asked him to keep it? What if he was saving money for his future? Feeling guilty, he ran and searched for the owner of the money, feeling that any moment he’d faint because of hunger and yeah, he just wanted to feel like fainting. When he saw the familiar black hair and blue snickers he ran faster and not-so-accidently bumped the others shoulder, feeling small because the boy’s really tall, and when he was finally able to see the tall boy’s face, he couldn’t deny that the boy’s really handsome too.


Tall and handsome, almost perfect.


The tall boy looked at him as he tried catching his breath. When he was able to do so, he looked straight to the tall boy’s eyes and for a moment he was unable to do anything. He planned to smile a bit and give the money back but he found himself drowned to the tall boy’s pair of dark, foxy orbs. He was taken back to Earth when the tall boy walked past by him.


“Wait! You dropped your 1000won!” Minki said as he held the boy’s arm on impulse.


He was able to get the boy’s attention and when the boy turned around, he presented the money and was quite surprised that the boy didn’t do anything but look, not even at the money but at Minki.


“Isn’t this yours?” Minki asked.


“It’s mine.” He simply said after checking his pockets for it.


“Then here it is.”


When the boy finally moved and was about to get the money from Minki, Minki unconsciously dropped his hand because of the inviting sandwich a passing girl was holding. He was not aware that he looked at the sandwich longingly, looking like he couldn’t remember the last time he’s able to eat. Realizing that his mind travelled too far again, he turned his attention back to the tall boy and apologized.


“Keep the money.” the tall boy said.


Minki, of course, was shocked after he processed what the tall boy said. “N-no! It’s yours. I’m not in need, really!”


“But you look like one a while ago.”


“Not really. I just dropped my wallet somewhere a while ago so—“


“Then keep the money.”


“N-no! How about… I’ll keep the half and I’ll pay you tomorrow. Or later! I’ll call my hyung to fetch me since I don’t have a single cent right now.”


“Then just keep everything and pay me tomorrow? Isn’t that easier?”


“But I can’t keep all of this, really.”


They stood there for a while and Minki was more than happy when he saw the tall boy moving. When the boy took the money, Minki plastered a smile on his face, not knowing that it’d disappear quickly because of the unexpected thing the tall boy did. He was so shock that he thought his eyeballs would just pop out of his face.


The tall boy tore the money in half.


“What the f—“


“Here, you want the half right? Take it.”


Before Minki could utter anything, the bell rang, and the tall boy continued walking to wherever his room was, ignoring the stoned Minki alone. He stood there for a while, moving only when some students hit him because of hurrying. He, too, ran towards his classroom.


He thought his lost wallet would be the only cause of distraction for the day. But now the money on his hands added to it. He was really surprised that the tall boy literally gave him the other half of the money. He was thinking that maybe the boy was really rich that he acted that way. Or maybe he was just annoyed because Minki didn’t accept his offer. Or maybe he’s just plain stupid.


Minki didn’t notice the time flying because he was so distracted. Nothing was added to his bank of knowledge because he wasn’t listening to anything at all. He wasted three hours by just looking at the half-1000won on his hands. He didn’t even hear the bell ringing because he was too occupied. He just realized that he was the only one inside the room when he heard someone knocking on the door. Much to his surprise, it was the tall boy from a while ago.


When the tall boy was sure that Minki noticed him, he invited himself inside the room and approached the lost boy. He was playing with the hem of his yellow sweater vest while walking towards Minki and the boy found it a cute sight. When the tall boy was already in front of him, he stood up and greeted the tall boy politely before he asked why the boy’s there.


“I am sure you thought I am rude or something because of what I did a while ago. I want you to know that I am not annoyed or showing off. I just don’t know what to do when two people are fighting over a thing so I just divided it equally so no one will complain or what, yeah. I am so awkward, aren’t I?” the tall boy said emphasizing on the word fighting.


Minki was surprised yet again upon hearing the boy’s not-so-short explanation. He couldn’t say anything so he just stood there for a while. When the boy in front of him shifted uncomfortably from where he was, Minki then decided to speak. “So you searched for me just to say that?”


“Uhh, yes? Maybe?”


“Maybe? Oh well, thank you. I really did think about what you did. I assumed you’re annoyed or a brat or stupid that’s why you did that. Guess you’re none of it.”


“Uhh, yes. Thank you, too. Oh, I actually wanted to invite you, let’s go eat lunch together!” the tall boy asked showing a bright smile.


Minki thought for a while, he actually wanted to say yes because, one: he’s very hungry, and two: no one could possibly say no when the one who offered gave a smile like the tall boy’s. Even so, Minki’s an awkward boy too, not to mention he was really a shy person, so he declined.


“Don’t reject me twice, please? You can pay for my lunch next time! Come on.”


Minki wasn’t able to speak again because the tall boy literally dragged him towards the cafeteria and as soon as they arrived, he was asked to sit and wait. So he did. It’d be rude if he suddenly disappeared and he was really hungry. The more he thought that he could wait until his brother arrive, the more his stomach was doing exhibitions inside his body. So he let his stomach win for now. And the tall boy was right, he could always pay back.


After 10 minutes, the tall boy came back. He brought the same food for the two of them. Two bottles of iced tea and the sandwich Minki was eyeing on their encounter a while ago.


“Thank you, really.” Minki said while opening the plastic of the sandwich way too fast for his liking. His hands were working without him realizing it. When the hindrance was dispatched, he quickly took a bite of the sandwich. He felt like crying while chewing, not because of self-pity but because of the food. Never did he know that a piece of sandwich could taste that delicious. He cared for nothing at that moment. All that mattered was the sandwich. When nothing was left he felt a bit sad. When he looked up, he saw an amused face. And he mentally slapped himself because he actually forgot that he’s with somebody. “I ate it too fast, didn’t I? Oh God, embarrassing. I’m so sorry!”


“Why are you sorry? It’s okay. Foods are meant to be eaten anyway. Are you still hungry? Here, have mine too!” the tall boy said, offering his half-eaten sandwich to Minki.


“No, no, no! It’s okay! I’m full, really, thank you…” Minki stopped talking because he realized that this part wouldn’t be complete because he didn’t know the tall boy’s name, and yet he ate like a monster in front of him a while ago. “Uhh, you see, I wanna say ‘thank you …-sshi but I don’t know your name so—“


“Oh yes! You might be thinking that I’m a creep because I invited you here and yet I didn’t introduce myself. How rude of me. I’m Minhyun, Hwang Minhyun. From Class 3-A. You? I suppose you’re Choi Minki, right?”


Minki was surprised for the nth time that day. How the heck did this Hwang Minhyun guy knew his name. He was sure he hasn’t told him yet. Not yet. So how? All Minki could do was look at the tall boy suspiciously. What if he’s really a creep? What if he’s a stalker who admires him? Why? Because, well, he knew himself that he’s too pretty for his own good.


Minhyun seemed to notice the doubt on Minki’s face because he hurriedly defended himself. He took something from his bag and laid it on the table. “This is yours, right? I’m sorry because I didn’t return this earlier, I didn’t really open it until after the first break. Then I saw a photo inside and realized it’s you. Then, uhh, uhhh… Don’t worry, I didn’t get anything and here, your wallet.”




“Oh how did I find this? I was late too, a while ago, and while I was running I tripped over this. That’s true!”


“I mean, how did you know that my last name’s Choi? Look, it’s not in here. It’s just, uhh, Minki.”




Minki waited for Minhyun’s answer. After the boy explained what had happened, his slight fear disappeared. Minhyun’s too good and kind-looking to be a stalker anyway. And the boy seemed harmless too. So he just waited for him to answer, making sure that he wasn’t scaring the other. He could see the hesitation in Minhyun’s eyes and he didn’t really want to force the other to tell him what he wanted to know. What’s the big deal with Minhyun knowing his surname? “Minhyun-sshi, if—“


“I gave that to you! Remember, 10 years ago? Busan?”


“You couldn’t… Are you really that friend?” Minki asked, making quotation marks using his fingers upon saying the word ‘that.’


That friend?” Minhyun asked back, imitating Minki’s action.


Minki laughed at Minhyun’s response. He could see the other boy’s confused face making him laugh harder.


“Ya! Why are you laughing?”


“I can’t remember what you look like a while ago, you know! That explained why your foxy eyes looked very familiar! I mean, I worried about the wallet, and I even planned on going to the bus terminal to ask for it because I can’t bear losing it and… really! I just wished for my wallet to come back, never thought my best friend would, too.” Minki said giving the other boy a sincere smile.


“How can I be your best friend when you can’t even remember me? And my name? And—“


“It’s the feeling that counts, Minhyun-sshi! I can’t even think of losing my wallet because I know it was given by someone very special to me.”


“I am, I am special to you?”


“Yes! Of course! Don’t blame me for not remembering everything, look, it’s been 10 years! And we’re way too young when we met and when we parted. At least I remember your foxy eyes!” Minki said obviously proud of his little accomplishment.


“It’s no fair. I can remember everything.” Minhyun said while looking at Minki with those misleading eyes. He looked sad but Minki knew it wasn’t anything serious.


“What? I don’t believe you!”


“Remember when—“


Minhyun wasn’t able to continue what he was about to say because the bell started ringing.


“Such a killjoy, this bell. Really!” Minki exclaimed, too annoyed that the talk with his best friend needed to stop that soon. He was eager to hear everything from his childhood, really. And he blamed his not-so-good memory for forgetting it.


“It’s okay, Minki. Let’s go home together, okay? And there’s a lot of time ahead of us, I suppose.” Minhyun said, tapping the frustrated boy on the back. “Let’s go. Our teachers won’t wait for us.”


“I can’t do anything, can I? Come on!” Minki said thinking that what Minhyun said made sense.


There’s plenty of time ahead of them. No need to rush.






OHAI! I'm alive. :)

Here's Minhyun wearing his school uniform. Hehehehe~


nowplaying 녹는 중 (Be Warmed) - Davichi

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loveghost #1
Chapter 1: Minhyun did not just torn the money into two! lolol XD
Awkward minhyun is awkward<3 and awww guess fate does its work for them, they met again thru the missing-wallet and hungry-to-death Ren~kk thanks for writing this! Minren<3
Chapter 1: I can't believe Minhyun really tore the money into half... I bet Ren's expression is PRICELESS!!! ^^
clarissedee #3
Chapter 1: hailurveyew chaaaaa!!!! hahahahaha!!! MinRen BFF FTW!!! *O* ~ ♥♥♥
Why did it end there? D:
haha but it was very sweet, I enjoyed it a lot. I literally laughed out loud when Minhyun tore the money XD
Thanks for writing it!